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California PACEs Action

County Pulse: Financial, domestic problems common among regular pot smokers, study says (Modesto Bee)

Frequent smokers of marijuana tend to earn less, occupy a lower social class than their parents and have more domestic problems than people who don’t use pot, a long-range study concluded. An international research team followed subjects from birth to their late 30s, and measured the outcomes of people who regularly smoked cannabis four or more days a week. The findings were released this week by the UC Davis Health System. Magdalena Cerda, a chief author and epidemiologist with the university’s health system, said the research was not intended to take a side in the current debate over legalization of pot. “But it does show that cannabis was not safe for the long-term users tracked in our study,” Cerda said. The study found downward social mobility and more financial, work-related and relationship problems among heavy users. Those difficulties increased with the numbers of years of smoking marijuana. more

by KEN CARLSON, Modesto Bee, 2016-03-25

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