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California PACEs Action

County Supervisors Among Experts Advising Governor on Combating Homelessness [CSAC]

Your voice is more powerful than you might imagine. Speak with your local Board of Supervisor member (in 1:1 mtg, during public comments at meetings, etc). Your unique perspective, when shared with your representative(s) has the potential to positively influence public policy. Please consider reaching out and sharing your knowledge with local key leaders. (*Local Board of Supervisors can be found on their county website. Click HERE for find your state level representative).

This article provides insight into how local leader's knowledge and experience can influence statewide public policy. Conversations and experiences leaders have with constituents in their home districts informs their work on statewide issues. See below for an example.

By Farrah McDaid Ting, July 18, 2019, California State Association of Counties 

Governor Gavin Newsom announced a list of key experts to advise him on solutions to combat homelessness, including three county supervisors and several county affiliates.

The new group, which is unnamed but will convene three meetings in the coming months, is co-chaired by Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. Governor Newsom also appointed San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and Riverside County Supervisor V. Manuel Perez to the group. Also included are representatives from the County Welfare Directors Association and the County Behavioral Health Directors Association.

The Governor also announced the future formation of additional sub-working groups on the issue, possibly focused on mental health, street homelessness, and rural homelessness. [Please click here to read the full article.]

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Jane Stevens (ACEs Connection staff) posted:

It's especially important for people who have knowledge about ACEs science to educate their local leaders about how this knowledge can be integrated with nearly every issue they deal with. It's important to provide an ACEs science and trauma-informed lens!

A good start would be to google <ACE Study - homelessness> on the internet.

A key point here would be to do depth interviews of the early life experiences of a hundred or so homeless individuals to get some sense of WHY these individuals became homeless.  Then one might have a meaningful basis for understanding what might be the underlying causal processes that have to be dealt with.  Otherwise it will be all to easy to think homelessness can be solved just by kindly throwing money at the most evident manifestation of the problem.  

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