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California PACEs Action

CTIPP invites everyone to participate in calls on pressing national issues, starting this Wednesday on climate


The monthly Zoom virtual gathering sponsored by national organization Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP)” will complete this year’s series by tackling some of the most pressing issues this country is facing.  With a focus the role of trauma-informed approaches to help manage solutions to these challenges, the CTIPP-CAN (Community Advocacy Network) meetings for the remainder of the year will address climate this Wednesday followed by policing in October, peer counseling in November, and racial inequality in December.  These calls are held the third Wednesday of every month (2:00-3:30 pm ET) and include an update on federal issues and guidance on how individuals and organizations can take action.

Anyone is welcome to attend, and consistent participation is encouraged.  Contact Dan Press, legal advisor to CTIPP, at, if you are interested in receiving notices of the calls.  CTIPP also welcomes your ideas, comments, and suggestions for topics to be addressed.  In addition, Individuals and organizations can sign up with the Campaign to receive calls to action on federal issues.  You can expect to receive calls to action an average of once a month. 

Here is the lineup for CTIPP-CAN calls for the rest of 2020:

  • September 16—Addressing the Trauma that Climate Change Produces
  • October 21­—What Trauma-Informed Approaches Can Offer Police Reform
  • November18—Peer Counseling to Address Trauma
  • December 16—How Trauma Science Can Help Address Racial Inequity

CTIPP-CAN says the September 16 call “will feature a presentation on the urgent need to build community-based population-level mental wellness and resilience for the civilization-changing event that is climate disruption. The acute traumas and pileups of toxic stresses suffered now and in the future by residents of California impacted by the fires and smoke there, and the residents of Louisiana impacted by Hurricane Laura, are recent examples of how a disrupted global climate system generates widespread psychological and psychosocial problems including, but not limited to ACEs. 

Multiply these events by the millions of adults and youth in the U.S. and abroad that will be continually traumatized and severely stressed as climate disruption activates cascading disruptions to the ecological, social, and economic systems people rely on for food, water, shelter, jobs, incomes, health, safety and other basic needs, and generates more frequent and extreme disasters that destroy communities, forces massive relocations, and impacts society in many other ways. 

Our presenter is Bob Doppelt, Coordinator of the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC), a CTIPP Board member, and author of Transformational Resilience: How Building Human Resilience for Climate Disruption Can Safeguard Society and Increase Wellbeing. After outlining the scope of the problem, Bob will describe the Federal, state, and local policies and enabling community-based infrastructure the ITRC has developed needed to build community-capacity to prevent and heal climate-generated psychological and psychosocial problems. Bob and CTIPP are exploring how the two efforts can work together, something we will seek your input on as we explore that relationship during the call.”

Please find call-in information below:
Meeting ID: 742 183 645
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,742183645# US (New York)
+13017158592,,742183645# US (Germantown)


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