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California PACEs Action

CYW's Provider Training Courses now available online


In response to an overwhelming demand for information about ACEs science, screening tools, and guidance on how to implement ACEs screening, CYW has developed a suite of online courses in order to make our training more accessible to a broader audience. 

Developed by a team of pediatricians, research scientists, public health experts, and clinical quality improvement experts, these courses are the first of four online courses that will aid medical providers/practitioners in understanding and integrating ACEs screening into their own practice, including preparing their sites and providing communication and anticipatory guidance around ACEs. We also believe this training supplements and advances the essential work of the Office of the Surgeon General’s online course, Becoming ACEs Aware in California. It is an honor to stand in alliance with the State of California to recognize and mitigate the effects of ACEs through our continued training advocacy.

CYW’s Learning onDemand suite currently offers two courses: The Science & Foundational Framework of ACEs and Implementing ACEs Screening in Clinical Practice and will soon be adding two additional courses on Electronic Health Record (EHR) integration and patient education (projected to launch in May 2020).

As one of our heroes, Dr. Vincent Felitti once said, “The impact of a successful approach to ACEs might be as great as that of a major vaccine.” We understand that a better, more trauma-informed screening practice can strengthen rapport between the provider and patient, provide a more comprehensive understanding of interpersonal and community-level risk factors that might be impacting a child's health, and give patients the tools to mitigate toxic stress and live healthier lives.

Join us in building a healthier future for children and families. Get the tools and training you need to screen for ACEs by taking an onDemand course today. 

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