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California PACEs Action

Echo Conference March 11-12, 2020: And Still We Rise! — Early Bird Pricing Ends Friday


EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS FRIDAY, FEB 28!  $90 /individuals; $150/ professionals*

*Professionals are those attending on behalf of their organization, and Individuals are those attending of their own accord.*

The Echo conference, which is being held in Los Angeles next month, is known for shining a light on new developments in the trauma field, and this year, our "And Still We Rise" conference will be no different.

Only the difference this year is that we will be doing something revolutionary in our field —  providing information on trauma and resilience DIRECTLY TO SURVIVORS

Historically, the conference audience has been service providers and — as any trauma survivor will tell you — it is imperative that our services, systems, and institutions become more trauma-informed. Yet, how is it empowering for trauma survivors if we invest in sharing information — information that explains our reactions and the trajectory of our lives, is key to our recovery, and is essential for building resilience and post-traumatic growth — with those who seek to support us rather than sharing it directly with trauma survivors? It should not be an either/or proposition, and yet even the words 'trauma-informed care' place the emphasis on educating the carer, not the person being cared for.

Of course, many service providers are also survivors and embracing this dual identity allows us to celebrate the wisdom and insight being a survivor affords us.

The other unique aspect of our conference is that all the presenters will be #MeToo silence breakers and activists. 


This is a conference put on by trauma survivors for trauma survivors.


Our goal? To celebrate resilience and inspire all trauma survivors to embrace their power and voice.

Find out more about our presenters and workshops here.



Images (1)
  • EchoConference_Program

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