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California PACEs Action

Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Level-1



The Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- Level 1 is a comprehensive understanding of Historical Trauma from a multicultural lens. The training is designed for participants serving, leading, advocating and working with people of color. It is the perfect training for people in a variety of disciplines as well as multicultural families and for anyone with the desire to understand the impact of slavery, genocide and colonization.

The course dives deeply into the following topics:

Part 1: BIPOC Wellness- A multi-cultural approach to understanding Wellness as the balance between physical wellness, psychological wellness, spiritual wellness, familial harmony, harmony within the community, economic harmony. Participants will also begin to understand the importance of serving communities from an indigenous Salutogenic perspective rather than the destructive Pathogentic model.

Part 2: Historical Trauma- An introduction to the invention of Whiteness and the definition of Historical/Intergenerational/Collective trauma and its impact in Native American, African American, Mexican American and Jewish communities. We will also begin to explore the implications of economic destruction, segregation & displacement as well as the loss of cultural identity. This section will focus on cultural dispossession and the impact it has in a community's ability to have a full expression of resilience.

Part 3: Epigenetics- "We are the cumulative expression of our ancestors" In this section we will discover the present day impact of the pain suffered by our ancestors and how we can positively affect change potentially for the next 14 generations. We learn a deep understanding of Dr. Bruce Perry's quote, "Your history of connectedness is a better predictor of your health than your history of adversity."

Part 4: Colonization & Structural Racism- Explore the destruction of colonization as a social process and as the foundation for Structural Racism. Further, we will discuss decolonization as an integral part of the collective healing continuum.

Part 5: Collective Healing & Holistic Healing- In closing, we will discuss steps and methods for the integration of this work into our day to day lives and how to facilitate healing in BIPOC communities from every perspective and sector.

**Level 1 training is a pre-requisite to LEVEL 2 and will be offered on December 6th & 13th, and on February 28th, 2022. The cost for Level 1 alone is $299. The cost for Level 2 is $299. Both Level 1 & Level 2 purchased together is **$550. Please contact healhistoricaltrauma@gmail.comwith questions or visit for more details.

Please register for LEVEL 2 HERE.

Please register for LEVEL 1 on Dec. 6th & 13th HERE.

Please register for LEVEL 1 on Feb 28, 2022 HERE.

Iya Affo is a Culturalist and Historical Trauma Specialist. She is certified to teach Dr. Bruce Perry's Neurosequential Model for Caregiving. Iya earned Western Certification as a Trauma Specialist and is a descendant of a long line of traditional healers from West Africa. Iya is a Certified Trauma & Resilience Life Coach, a Practitioner of Trust-Based Relational Intervention and a Certified Adverse Childhood Experiences Trainer. Additionally, she has completed Certification for the Native American based Fatherhood is Sacred/Motherhood is Sacred parenting program.

Iya has visited more than 25 countries around the world and has resided in Native American, Yoruba, Buddhist, Hindu and Taoist communities in various countries. While on pilgrimage in West African, she lived among Medicine Men and Women to learn the ways of the Shaman and understand the truth about the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. In China, she lived in the Shaolin Temple, the cradle of Zen Buddhism, and immersed herself in Chinese culture. After a spiritual calling to India, Iya sojourned in a Hindu spiritual community and lived a minimal lifestyle while imbuing Hindu customs and ideology. Serving Navajo Nation and the Gila River Indian Community, Iya found a home among the egalitarian, indigenous people of North America.

After living abroad for several years, Iya returned to the United States and in December 2018, Native American elders invited her to Toronto, Canada to participate in forming the first Canadian/American collaboration to heal ACES and Historical Trauma. She debuted her presentation of The Symphony of Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine to Heal ACES and Historical Trauma at the 2018 National ACES Conference in San Francisco, California. In collaboration with Governor Ducey’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family, Iya created and presented the Historical Trauma session at the 5th Annual ACES Summit of Arizona. She has also presented at the Trauma-Informed Resilient Church conference, the Franciscan Renewal Center, the Native American Disability Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, and the Igniting the Warrior Spirit Conference in the Four Corners area. Iya was a storyteller at the 25th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Conference in Phoenix, where she also presented a break-out session on Historical Trauma. Most recently, she presented at the Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention Coalition, appeared at the 31st Annual ATTACh Conference in Phoenix, First Things First's 2021 Summit and for the ACLU's Demand to Learn and Smart Justice's campaigns.

Iya strives to cultivate love and inclusivity. She hopes to facilitate the decolonization and subsequent healing of indigenous people. Iya advocates for the harmonization of Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine to facilitate holistic healing.

Iya is an executive board member on the Arizona ACES Consortium, and serves as the Chair of the Historical Trauma committee. She is an Adjunct Faculty member at the Arizona Trauma Institute\Trauma Institute International and is the founder of Phoenix Rising to Resilience virtual community on the PACES Connection platform. Iya currently works with families in crisis on the Gila River Indian Community and is the founder of Heal Historical Trauma.


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