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journal article: Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools

Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am . 2012 January

Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools

Sheryl Kataoka, MD, MSHS, Audra Langley, PhD, Marleen Wong, PhD, Shilpa Baweja, MA, and Bradley Stein, MD, PhD

The prevalence of trauma exposure among youth is a major public health concern, with a third of adolescents nationally reporting that they have been in a physical fight in the past twelve months and 9% having been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property.

Studies have documented the broad range of negative sequelae of trauma exposure for youth, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other anxiety problems, depressive symptoms, and dissociation. In addition, decreased IQ and reading ability, lower grade-point average (GPA), more days of school absence, and decreased rates of high school graduation have been associated with exposure to traumatic events.

Evidence suggests that youth exposed to trauma have decreased social competence and increased rates of peer rejection. Therefore, students who have experienced a traumatic event are at increased risk for academic, social, and emotional problems as a result of these experiences.

Schools can be an ideal setting for mental health professionals to intervene with traumatized students, by supporting both their trauma-related psychological problems and their ability to learn in the classroom.

 Click here to read the full article published in HHS Public Access Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools 

Journal:  Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics



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