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California PACEs Action

Living a Heart-Centered Life


As we step into the holiday season, let’s commit to each other to do it wholeheartedly. What does this mean? Often our minds are off and running and it’s only when we bring ourselves back to the present moment that we experience life as it’s really happening. This is when we realize that what is important is right in front of us! This is the point when our minds and our hearts connect.

When we live from a heart-centered place it fosters equanimity and peace within that extends outward, positively impacting others in our circle. The payoff from daily practice is huge in life satisfaction, health, and well-being. For some reason living the good life has become synonymous with doing what’s easy and living a life without discomfort. This isn’t always possible. If it were, we wouldn’t grow to be the best humans we can be in our lifetime. Some amount of struggle and stress is necessary. This cultivates resilience within us and strengthens our internal fortitude. Think about it, having a purpose that is meaningful to us helps us get out of bed each morning with enthusiasm. The fact is, we are all unique beings and it is up to us to celebrate ourselves and one another, every day, by sharing the gifts and talents we have. This puts us on a direct path to flourishing.

How many times do you flop onto the couch at night, exhausted, and wonder where the day went. Everyone strives for progress. This requires our attention and focus despite distractions coming to us through our environment. Our screens provide access to 24/7 information that our brains aren’t designed to handle. This bombardment of content easily diverts us away from what’s most important. In fact, our happiness levels are directly related to the amount of screen time each day. The more time we spend looking at our screens, the less happy we are. Self awareness and practicing the power of presence helps us overcome the temptations that lead us away from our goals. So often we get caught up in the busyness and distraction of our days that we need to take a breather to focus on what we have, right in front of us.  Indulging in micro-moments of joy throughout each day slows down the frenetic pace and provides overall calmness. This translates into a feeling of control in our lives that empowers us to make things happen and it increases our productivity.

As we close out the year and look toward a new one, make it a daily habit to set aside time to do something that gives you pleasure and savor the moment. Be in the moment with your friends and family. Create special moments each day that result in the memories that piece together the fabric of life. The act of savoring these small moments helps us store up strength within us so we can call upon these reserves in times of trouble.

So celebrate -- unabashedly! I celebrate life in every fiber of my being as a way of life. I celebrate those I love. I celebrate the time I had with Jesse. I celebrate doing things for myself. I celebrate my morning coffee, collecting eggs from my chickens, and doing my farm chores. I even celebrate getting to know seemingly strangers, listening to their stories and how they came to be who they are and realizing we have more in common than differences. In a world that has been socially distanced and cloaked in uncertainty during the pandemic, we must focus on being there for each other. We’re all the same in the want and need to love and be loved, and this fundamental need for connection has never been more poignant than right now.

One simple gift that you can give this season is a smile and a wave. It’s been proven that a smile inspires feelings of hopefulness and delight in the giver and the receiver. Smiling is reflected in the recipient's brain and releases neurochemicals that make them feel good, even if they don’t smile back! I started an early morning regime of walking on my street. I would wave to cars passing by and the gesture wasn’t always reciprocated. After a while however, the drivers began to initiate the wave and it became a pleasant interaction. Humans are meant to connect with each other. One of the biggest issues of our time is loneliness and isolation which can negatively impact our mental well-being. Want to give a gift to the world? This is it! Plus it’s easy and free. Think about that the next time you’re out shopping or running errands where you will encounter people and see the effect of your smile. Remember, giving this gift benefits you as well.

Another way we can celebrate each moment is to be present. Almost all of us have a cell phone, laptop, and TV, all designed to engage our mind. This diverts our attention culminating in chunks of time taken away from our own children, our own social life, and more meaningful parts of our own existence.  Almost every time I go out to dinner I see a parent(s) with a couple of kids sitting around a table looking at their devices. I feel this tremendous urge to remind them of the precious gift they have right in front of them and that they should relish in that physical connection because it is here, today.

Before the pandemic, loneliness impacted over 50% of Americans. Research showed how this feeling of isolation had short and long term damaging effects physically, mentally, and emotionally. Imagine how many are continually suffering through the social distancing measures. With your family, think of someone who might be lonely and create a plan to connect with them. This is called compassion-in-action. The absolute miracle of this is that all the ‘Nurturing Healing Love’ you give out, you get back.

Be present, put your phones down, smile and wave. Connect with those around you in small, simple ways which will create a powerful ripple effect. This is part of our collective purpose, to be there for each other and to give and receive love. In fact, this is the meaning of this holiday and if we can do this together, we’ve made the world a safe, more peaceful and loving place.

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