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California PACEs Action

Moving Toward Neuroscience-Based Social Work


Early Registration Now Open!
September 21, 2018
Corning, CA

Super Early Bird rate $129 now through June 30th.  Plus, the first 25 to register using the EarlyEarly discount code get an extra $10 off the Super Early Bird price (a $30 savings over the regular registration fee).

Last year's conference in Southern California was so well received, this year we are offering the event in Northern California!  

The revolution in brain science has important implications for our understanding of human behavior in the context of social and human services.

This year’s conference will bring together prominent experts from across the United States to highlight the relationship of neuroscience research to practical strategies that improve child and family outcomes and share effective ways of integrating neuroscience into social work and family support practice.

Featured speakers include:

  • Tyson V. Barker, PhD
    Postdoctoral Scientist, Stress Neurobiology and Prevention Lab, Prevention Science Institute, University of Oregon
  • Holly C. Matto, PhD
    Associate Professor, College of Health and Human Services Department of Social Work, George Mason University
  • Laurie Ann Ellington, MA, LPC, PCC
    Co-founder and CEO, Zero Point Leadership and co-founder of NeuroLeader University
Visit the conference website to learn more. Register now! 
Seats will sell quickly.

blue button with arrow - register today

Questions? Contact Orrin Banta at (530) 872-3896 Ext. 4 or for more information.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available!  
Please contact Daniel Molina at or (818) 732-5810.

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