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California PACEs Action

Next "A Better Normal" community discussion series: May 5, 7 and 8, 2020

"COVID-19 hits countries with preexisting conditions harder...USA — Inequality, callousness, racism, selfishness, profit over people." John Darkow, Missourian
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 — Family ACEs (aka domestic violence)
This pandemic gives us an opportunity to shift the focus from the traditional narrative of a violent man, a woman victim, and an abused child to…something else that looks at the family as a whole, at interventions that are inclusive, that are gentle, that nurture and heal, and that have astonishing results.
What does that look like? Are there different interventions for different stages of family troubles? What’s the language we use? Are there things that can be done now by friends, neighbors, loved ones to help troubled families during this time that people are shut in? And what would a system of caring look like that we and others in this movement can put together as the pandemic begins to pass? 
Join James Encinas, social entrepreneur and creator of a batterers intervention program for men and women; Judy Knapp, director of PreventionWORKS in El Dorado County, CA; Nada Yorke, Yorke Consulting in Sequim, WA, who created a batterers intervention program used in several states; and me for a Better Normal community discussion on Tuesday, May 5, to begin laying the groundwork on how to move from managing problems to managing solutions.

May 5, 2020 — (12 pm PT/ 1 pm MT/ 2pm CT/ 3 pm ET)
To register for this Zoom conversation, go to:
Thursday, May 7, 2020  Education Upended, continued.

Please join us for the ongoing discussion of "A Better Normal — Education Upended". We are going to bring our focus back to the future. Using our breakout session format, we will identify the strategies and lessons learned from the past three weeks on regulation, relationships, and family connections that we want to bring into the future of school and ways in which we might do that. Our current capacity is 100 participants, so please join us on time and we will enter people until we reach capacity. These will be recorded and available on the ACEsConnection website. Zoom meeting info below. 

Lara Kain, ACEs In Education community manager for ACEs Connection, will lead the discussion with Emily Read Daniels, M.Ed., MBA, NCC, SEP in training, founder of HERE this NOW.
May 7, 2020 — (12 pm PT/ 1 pm MT/ 2pm CT/ 3 pm ET)
To register for this Zoom conversation, go to:
Friday, May 8, 2020 — How Systems Transformation Can Be a Legacy of Covid-19
Kanwarpal Dhaliwal, associate director of RYSE Youth Center in Richmond, CA, is leading a cross-sector emergency pandemic response community initiative called West Contra Costa Covid Community Care, which puts in practice policy action that helps build the "better normal" right now — a time when the gaps in the social safety net have never been so glaring.

Covid Community Care focuses on the "adverse community experiences" that are always present, and have been exacerbated in a crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid Community Care is a real life model that demonstrates what socially just, community-driven public health policy looks like in action.
May 8, 2020 — (1 pm PT/ 2 pm MT/ 3pm CT/ 4 pm ET)
To register for this Zoom conversation, go to:

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