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California PACEs Action

Perspectives: A Video Storytelling Project


Join Latinx Physicians Of California in our effort to gather stories, testimonies, poems and more on ACEs, COVID-19 and other important health issues.

If “a picture is worth 1,000 words,” video must be even more meaningful. Additionally, words have more power when they come from a peer sharing a personal anecdote or perspective.

As an ACEs Aware Communications Grantee, LPOC has taken up the charge to document member insights, reactions, recommendations and ideas for coping with and treating toxic stress, ACEs, COVID-19 and more for use on social media, the LPOC website ( and to share with other ACEs grantees and those who are working to improve and solve these issues.  Several can be found below and via the ACEs Aware Grantee portal, but you can also find the entire LPOC video library on our YouTube channel (

With many comfortable creating content using a smartphone or phones, here are some helpful tips here, including suggestions on setup, questions specific to ACEs which can be used interview-style, and more.   For those of you not tech savvy or needing assistance, LPOC is also available to work with you for a small fee.

SO … what’s your story?

  • Do you have an example of why screening for ACEs is/has been important?
  • Do you have words of wisdom when it comes to COVID-19? An inspiring story?
  • Have you implemented trauma-informed health care principles into your practice, and do you have any suggestions for others doing the same thing?

If so, we would love to hear from you!  For more information, please contact LPOC Communications Director Jill Melbye at


Images (2)
  • COVID-19 Dolor y Esperanza by Dra. Consuela Casillas: La Dra. Consuala Casillas habla sobre la pérdida que se siente debido a COVID, la esperanza que trae la vacuna y ¡instando a las personas a vacunarse.
  • COVID-19 Grief and Hope by Dr Connie Casillas: Dr. Connie Casillas discusses COVID-19, the grief it has caused, and the hope surrounding the vaccines.  She urges people to get vaccinated when the opportunity is presented.

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