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California PACEs Action

Policymaker Education Day By the Numbers


Title Photo. Author's Office Visit team, left to right: Marcella Maggio, Dian Black, Donielle Prince, Rosa Alicia Garcia

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By now you have seen ACEs Connection staff writer Laurie Udesky share a day in the life of 4CA advocates on "PE" Day. If not, check out her story here. Now that the planning team has had some time to review all the rich notes taken by the advocate team, as well as the evaluation feedback, we wanted to share a little more about the success of the 2019 4CA Policymaker Education Day. 

71 advocates made it to the Capitol, ready to learn and share! 

75 legislators' offices welcomed advocates and their compelling messages about why Adverse Child Experiences matter. 

About half of the advocates (37 respondents) completed the evaluation, where we learned that the largest number of advocates came from the health sector (35%), followed by education (24%) and early childhood (24%). 

A majority of these advocates (68%) were joining PE Day for the first time. For a little over half (57%), these advocates were addressing the topic of ACEs with legislators for the first time.  

We were happy to see that many advocates planned to "amplify" the message shared on PE Day throughout the year! 


Let us know in the comments which of these activities you have already done locally since PE Day, or plan to do soon! As we learned during training, there were more bills related to trauma in the legislature than in the prior two years of the 4CA campaign. Addressing policymakers in your local community can and will make a similar difference, prioritizing addressing trauma through policy.  Stay tuned for a post on CA ACEs Action next week, with tips for local advocacy on ACEs and Resilience.


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