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California PACEs Action

Prevention--Teaching people how to build healthy families


Building healthy families is key to reducing ACEs.  A friend of mine recently referred her grandchild and his pregnant wife to a Bringing Baby Home class, because she noticed that the wife had a background of abuse and at times had difficulty functioning.  What the grandmother noticed with this couple was a change in the family dynamics following taking a Bringing Baby Home class. The couple learned how to get along, the father is more engaged in parenting, and the baby thriving.  This is really starting at the root of the problem.   

 20 years ago, Drs. John and Julie Gottman worked with new parents and discovered that 67% of couples reported a decline in relationship satisfaction after bringing their new baby home. To help these couples, they developed and conducted research on the Bringing Baby Home Program—a workshop for parents to learn how to maintain intimacy, manage conflict, and use positive co-parenting methods.

Since then, this evidence-based and research based program has helped thousands of new parents increase their relationship satisfaction all over the world. The research showed a decrease in postpartum depression, increased involvement of the father and improved functioning of the infant/toddler.  Recently, BBH is now updated to include ACEs science. Family Resource Centers and hospitals are using this program.  All expecting and new parents can benefit enormously from integrating components from this workshop into on-going programs that support their families.

Join the thousands of people around the world who are leading these classes.  We invite you to attend our Bringing Baby Home Educator Training on November 8 – 9, 2018 in Santa Ana, CA  where you will gain all the skills and tools needed to teach your own Bringing Baby Home workshop to new parents in your community.

CEU’s are available.  Contact or 916-995-6846. 


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