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California PACEs Action

Readiness for Trauma-Informed Health Care and uptake of ACEs Screening


Brigid McCaw, MD, MS, MPH, FACP and Edward Machtinger, MD, will be joined by Nicole Eberhart, PhD, for the presentation November 18, 2024, at Noon PDT, 1 pm MT, 2 pm CT and 3 pm ET.

Continuing our series from the TIHCER Special Section on TIC in The Permanente Journal…

Readiness for Trauma-Informed Health Care and uptake of ACEs Screening: Learnings from the California ACEs Learning and Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC)

We will present evaluation data from CALQIC, a 48 clinic and 16-month learning collaborative, including the assessment tool used to measure clinic readiness.

Nicole Eberhart, PhD Nicole Eberhart, PhD is a Senior Behavioral Scientist at the RAND Corporation and a clinical psychologist. Dr. Eberhart has expertise in health program evaluation, prevention and early intervention, health services and systems, and innovative care models including those that integrate primary and behavioral health care. Dr. Eberhart was the evaluation lead for the California ACEs Learning and Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC) and is the lead for RAND’s evaluation of the UCLA-UCSF ACEs Aware Family Resilience Network (UCAAN).

Edward Machtinger, MD is a Professor of Medicine and the Director of the Women’s HIV Program and the Center to Advance Trauma-informed Health Care at the University of California, San Francisco. In his research, Dr. Machtinger focuses on developing practical models of trauma-informed primary care that can be replicated by clinics around the country. He also studies how the high rates of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder among HIV-positive women can affect successful treatment of both the HIV virus and the whole person living with it. He is particularly interested in the healing power of reducing isolation through various types of group trauma interventions.

Brigid McCaw, MD, MS, MPH, FACP led the implementation of a comprehensive approach for improving screening, identification, and services for intimate partner violence (IPV) at Kaiser Permanente from 2001-2019.  In addition to clinical practice, her career has focused on health effects of IPV; improving the health systems response to family violence; ACE’s prevention, screening, and response; and trauma and resiliency informed care. She is a clinical advisor to the California ACES Aware Initiative. She completed her MD, MS, MPH at UC Berkeley and UCSF, and internal medicine residency at UC Davis.

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  • Nicole Eberhart, PhD

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