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California PACEs Action

Showing Up for BIPOC Youth as an Adult Ally [RYSE Center]


Sharing this insightful post from the RYSE Center Facebook page. I have transcribed the text below. Please check out the original post to see these points as a series of images.

  • Provide emotional support-- do not censor their righteous rage, anger and grief, or insist they should feel something they don't.
  • Bear witness and be present. If you cannot do this find adults who can.
  • Actively affirm our young people. Be the first one to say or do something that shows young people we love them, we got them, we see them.
  • Listen and be ready to take their lead-- support their leadership and ask them what they need. Meet these needs, even if you are uncomfortable. If you cannot do this, find the adults who can.
  • Ensure their safety-- be the buffer between young people and the agents or agencies that threaten or try to contain their emotions, needs, and connections during this time.
  • Show them love and compassion, not shame or judgment--  we are all learning and mistakes may be made. Affirm their showing up and taking leadership as acts of courage. Make space for celebration and joy. Young people have worked tirelessly to pass multiple progressive and justice-centered initiatives. We must celebrate every win, even the small ones.
  • Offer the support, guidance, and resources they ask for, including relational, political, and material support.
  • Continue to hold each other in mutual support and accountability, especially because our systems won't, and so that we can all dream and build the systems that will.

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