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California PACEs Action

State budget signed []


Hello 4CA friends –

Sending a quick update on the state budget. Please add on if you have more/different information – thanks!

 The short story is that many of the worst cuts that were discussed were NOT enacted in the final budget, which is good news. Some of the items most related to childhood trauma include:

  • The final budget rejects the May Revise proposal to reduce $4.5 million General fund from the Black Infant Health Program.
  • While there will be no cuts to Prop 56 Medi-Cal supplemental provider payments (for things like well-child visits, dentist visits, developmental screenings, and trauma screenings) or provider loan repayment program this year, these payments will be suspended on July 1, 2021 (originally scheduled for 2023) unless certain fiscal conditions exist.
  • The final agreement restores $34.3 million General Fund to implement the extension of pregnancy-only Medi-Cal coverage for up to 12 months after delivery for patients diagnosed with a maternal mental health condition, as approved through the 2019 budget.
  • The budget withdraws the Administration’s January request for $10 million General Fund to develop a cross-sector training program and public awareness campaign for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), but continues screening for ACEs.
  • Schools will receive almost $7 billion in mostly CARES Act federal funds to address learning loss, COVID-19 related costs, special education services, school meals during the summer, and other uses. 
  • The final budget avoided cutting the Family Urgent Response System (FURS), a 24/7 trauma-informed response system for current and former foster youth and their caregivers ($30 million). The budget also allows for FURS implementation to be expedited and for county-based mobile response systems to be temporarily adapted to address circumstances associated with COVID-19.


More information:

Administration’s budget summary

Legislative Analyst’s Office info re: 2020-21 budget

Summary from Children Now

Analysis from CA Budget & Policy Center

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