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California PACEs Action

Take Action Today – This is a Crisis We Cannot Ignore! []


CA must make kids our top priority in the upcoming State Budget

More than a year into the pandemic, learning loss, isolation, serious mental health issues and lack of preventive health care threatens this entire generation of kids. These outcomes are especially dire for Black and brown children, kids in poverty, students who are English Learners, youth in foster care and children who are in unsafe situations, all of whom face significant systemic barriers to accessing the services and support they need.

Now that the state budget process is underway, you have an opportunity to affect real change.

Please sign this letter urging Governor Newsom to prioritize funding for key supports for kids – across early childhood, health, K-12 education, and child welfare – in his upcoming May Revise budget proposal.

With your support, we can ensure that California makes long overdue investments to improve outcomes for kids and youth, and that starts with making them our top priority.

*Please note that the sign-on letter campaign is only open to organizations, and we cannot sign on individuals. If you are affiliated with an organization and have the authority to do so, we encourage you to sign this letter on its behalf.

2021-03-17 (12)


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  • 2021-03-17 (12)

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