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California PACEs Action

Tell State Leaders: Do More for California's Babies

Check out this exciting opportunity to support babies and strengthen families! Please join hundreds of other organizations in signing on to this letter urging our state leaders to fund critical home visiting supports for babies and families living in poverty. 

Children’s earliest brain development is the foundation for their lifelong health and success. Yet too often families, especially those who are struggling to make ends meet, don’t have the support they need during the stressful time of pregnancy and the baby’s earliest days. By matching new and expectant parents with trained professionals, home visiting programs provide ongoing, individualized support during pregnancy and through a child’s first years of life. Home visiting is proven to boost both parents and children by increasing healthy births, fostering positive parenting practices, reducing child maltreatment, and increasing family self-sufficiency.

Over the next couple of weeks, state leaders will make critical decisions on state budget investments around voluntary evidence-based home visiting for families in poverty.  Join local First 5's and other early childhood leaders in urging state policymakers to invest more in California babies and their families!

The deadline to sign on is May 30! If you’d like to sign on, follow these two easy steps:

1)   Fill out this form on behalf of your organization, or simply respond “yes” to this email and;

2)   Send your organization’s logo in PDF, JPG, GIF or PNG format to

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.  We really appreciate you taking a moment to help us with this important work for our youngest kids!


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