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California PACEs Action

The Resilient Beginnings Network Is Taking Grant Applications - Due Date September 18th

Dear ACEs Connection community,
The Center for Care Innovations invites all interested SF Bay Area safety net organizations to apply to the Resilient Beginnings Network, a three-year learning community it is creating in partnership with Genentech Charitable Givings. 
The program is dedicated to advancing pediatric care  that is trauma- and resilience-informed with the goal of helping 100,000 young children in the Bay Area and their caregivers obtain the support they need to be well and thrive.

The program will support the participation of approximately 15 San Francisco Bay Area safety net organizations over the course of three years to:

  • Establish or deepen a trauma-informed and healing-centered clinic and organizational environment, including improved support for staff well-being.
  • Promote resilience pillars of wellness, and protective factors among young children and their families that can lower the risk of developing physical and mental illnesses linked to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
  • Test, implement, and spread clinical practices to prevent and heal trauma and early childhood adversity.
  • Build and strengthen community relationships so that referrals and coordination efforts meet community, patient, and family needs.

This program is well-suited for organizations with a strong pediatric focus who are committed to trauma- and resilience-informed care, interested in applying an equity and racial justice lens, and willing to both teach and learn from their peers. 

What We’ll Provide

Selected organizations will receive a range of technical assistance support and $120,000 in grant funding. Grant dollars can be used to offset staff time spent participating in this program and leading change efforts at your organization, travel costs to attend the program’s in-person convenings and site visits (when appropriate and safe), and other associated costs.

CCI will offer technical assistance that may include, but is not limited to:

  • Virtual and in-person learning sessions to explore best practices with experts and peers 
  • Coaching with trauma-informed experts 
  • Site visits to exemplar organizations with mature trauma-informed practices 
  • An online community with peer and expert-generated tools and resources 
  • Support with defining metrics to measure and evaluate your organization’s progress
  • Connecting grantees to technical expertise and other safety net clinics leading efforts at their organizations.

Program Timeline

The Resilient Beginnings Network will run from November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2023.  

Key dates:

  • Informational Webinar: Monday, August 24, 2020 at 12-1:00pm – Register here!
  • Application Deadline: Friday, September 18, 2020 at 5pm
  • Cohort Announced: By Monday, October 19, 2020
  • Program Start: November 1, 2020
  • Virtual Program Kickoff Meeting: November 2020, date TBD
  • Program End: October 31, 2023


San Francisco Bay Area-based organizations that provide comprehensive primary care services to underserved pediatric populations — children from birth to 5 years old and their caregivers who are uninsured or enrolled in Medicaid — are eligible to apply. The Bay Area includes the following nine counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma. Organizations do not have to be headquartered in one of these Bay Area counties, but they must operate at least one site in them to be eligible. Qualifying organizations include:

  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and FQHC Look-Alikes.
  • Community clinics, rural health clinics, and free clinics.
  • Ambulatory care clinics owned and operated by public hospitals.
  • Indian Health Services Clinics.
  • Pediatric or family practices caring for majority underserved patients (uninsured and Medicaid).

Organizations will be selected with the goal of achieving diversity in terms of geography, organization size, patient population, and experience addressing early childhood adversity and trauma. 

Bay Area organizations that have participated in past training programs and grant opportunities aimed at screening children and adults for ACEs —  such as the Resilient Beginnings CollaborativeCalifornia ACEs Learning and Quality Improvement Collaborative (CALQIC), and ACEs Aware — are encouraged to apply to RBN. 

Regional clinic consortia and statewide clinic associations are not eligible to apply.

Learn More

The program will support the participation of approximately 15 San Francisco Bay Area safety net organizations over the course of three years to:

  • Establish or deepen a trauma-informed and healing-centered clinic and organizational environment, including improved support for staff well-being.
  • Promote resilience pillars of wellness, and protective factors among young children and their families.

You can find a copy of our Request for Applications (RFA) below. Please spread the word!

For any other questions, please contact:

Alexis Wielunski
Program Manager


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