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California PACEs Action

To help homeless students, embed community services into campus life []


By Jennifer Friend and Sean Boulton, EdSource, October 14, 2021

Carla is a high school senior from Newport Harbor High School who plans to attend college.

If you knew Carla two years ago, this would be surprising. During her sophomore year, Carla was struggling in school. Her teacher, who believed her failing grades were related to housing insecurity, referred her to a nonprofit organization working on campus in partnership with the school to serve students experiencing homelessness.

The organization provided tutoring and worked with her teachers to help Carla recover her grades, and by her junior year, she was passing all of her classes. Simultaneously, Carla discovered a love for singing and earned a role in her school’s holiday production. Like many youth experiencing homelessness, she didn’t have a nice outfit for the performance but was able to get one through this partnership.

[Please click here to read more.]

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