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California PACEs Action

Update on bills re: childhood adversity in California Legislature

Below is an updated table of bills that address childhood adversity in the Legislature in 2019. The list is not exhaustive, so please email Kelly Hardy with Children Now if you think a bill is missing and/or if you have any questions. Email: . 

Here are key dates for the remainder of the legislative session:

  • July 10 = last day for bills to pass out of policy committees
  • July 12 – August 12 = Summer recess
  • August 30 = last day for fiscal bills to pass out of committee
  • September 13 = last day for bills to pass to Governor’s desk
  • October 13 = Last day for Governor to sign or veto bill

Bill NumberTopicSummaryStatus in Legislature
AB 8 (Chu)Pupil health: mental health professionalsAB 8 would require schools to have one mental health professional for every 600 pupils accessible on campus during school hours. For schools of less than 600 pupils, there would be at least one mental health professional for one or more schools or enter into an agreement with a county agency or community-based organization to provide mental health services to pupils.7/8/2019 – Hearing postponed in Senate Health Committee
AB 166 (Gabriel)Medi-Cal: violence preventive servicesAB 166 would require Medi-Cal to provide coverage for violence preventive services provided by a qualified violence prevention professional for a Medi-Cal beneficiary. It would also establish training and experience criteria for individuals providing violence preventive services.6/24/2019 – Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
AB 302 (Berman)Parking: homeless studentsAB 302 would require a California Community College campus that has parking facilities on campus to grant overnight access to those facilities to any homeless student who is enrolled in coursework, has paid any enrollment fees that have not been waived, and is in good standing with the community college.7/10/2019 – Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
AB 656 (Eduardo Garcia)Office of Healthy and Safe CommunitiesAB 656 would establish the Office of Healthy and Safe Communities under the direction of the California Surgeon General and the Governor, to provide a comprehensive violence prevention strategy.7/9/2019 – Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
AB 734 (Maienschein)Resource families: supportive services pilot programAB 734 would require CDSS to establish a pilot program in up to five counties in order to provide additional supports and services to resource families through coaching and to consult relevant stakeholders and consider stakeholder recommendations regarding certain parameters of the pilot program. It requires participating counties to conduct at least one evaluation regarding the program’s impact and effectiveness.7/9/2019 – Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
AB 741 (Kalra)Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program: trauma screeningAB 741 would require the Department of Health Care Services to provide trainings for personnel who administer trauma screenings in a pediatric or primary care providing setting for children in Medi-Cal.6/5/2019 – Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee – included in May Revise
AB 748 (Gipson)Nonminor dependentsAB 748 would make a number of changes to the criteria that must be met in order for a nonminor who has not yet reached 21 years of age to be eligible for extended foster care benefits.7/9/2019 – Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee
AB 875 (Wicks)Pupil health: in-school support servicesAB 875 would update the Healthy Start Support Services for Children Grant Program, previously administered by CDE and identifies potential funding sources for the program.6/20/2019 – In Senate Education Committee; hearing postponed by committee
AB 887 (Kalra)Office of Health Equity: Surgeon GeneralAB 887 would codify the role of state surgeon general and places the Office of Health Equity, currently located within CDPH, under the surgeon general’s office.6/5/2019 – Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee
AB 901 (Gipson)JuvenilesAB 901 would eliminate truancy and habitually refusing to obey parents as criminal offenses subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court.7/2/2019 – In Senate Education Committee
AB 1004 (McCarty)Developmental screening servicesAB 1004 would require developmental screening services provided under Medi-Cal to comply with the periodicity schedule and the standardized and validated developmental screening tools that are established by the Bright Futures Guidelines.7/9/2019 – In Senate Appropriations Committee
SB 10 (Beall)Mental health services: peer, parent, transition-age, and family support specialist certificationSB 10 would require DHCS to establish a program for certifying peer support specialists. It would require DHCS to amend its Medicaid state plan and to seek any federal waivers or state plan amendments to implement the certification program.7/3/2019 – In Assembly Appropriations Committee
SB 66 (Atkins)Medi-Cal: federally qualified health center and rural health clinic servicesSB 66 would require Medi-Cal reimbursement to a federally qualified health center and a rural health center for two visits on the same day at the same location if after the first visit the patient suffers from illness or injury that requires additional treatment and diagnosis, or if the patient has a medical visit and a mental health or dental visit in the same day.7/3/2019 – In Assembly Appropriations Committee
SB 419 (Skinner)Pupil discipline: suspensions: willful defianceSB 419 would extend the prohibition against suspending a pupil enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 3 for disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of school staff to include grades 4 to 8 permanently, and grades 9 to 12 until January 2025, and applies these prohibitions to charter schools.7/10/2019 – Passed Assembly Education Committee
SB 428 (Pan)Teachers: youth mental health first aidSB 428 would require CDE to identify an evidence-based training program for local educational agencies to use to train classified and certificated school employees having direct contact with pupils in youth mental health first aid.7/5/2019 – Referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee
SB 433 (Monning)Youth development and diversionSB 433 would require CDSS in collaboration with CDPH to establish and oversee a three-year, five-county pilot program for the purpose of advancing a comprehensive, coordinated and expanded approach to youth diversion, with the goal of minimizing youth contact with the juvenile or criminal justice systems.6/5/2019 – Held in Senate Appropriations Committee -- did the budget proposal make it in the final budget?
SB 445 (Portantino)Alcohol and drug treatment: youthSB 445 would establish the Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Substance Use Disorder Treatment. It would require DHCS to convene an expert panel to advise DHCS solely on the development of youth substance use disorder treatment quality standards. It would also require DHCS to adopt regulations to establish quality youth SUD treatment standards.6/18/2019 -- In Assembly Appropriations Committee
ACR 63 (Cooley)Child Abuse Prevention MonthACR 63 acknowledges April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention Month and Encourages Californians to work together to support youth-serving child abuse prevention activities in their communities and schools.In statute

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