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California PACEs Action

Updates on the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA)'s Endorsed Bills

The 2018 legislative session officially wrapped up on September 30th with Governor Brown taking action on all pieces of legislation that made it to his desk. This year, the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) endorsed three bills that were aligned with 4CA's objectives. We're happy to share that SB 439 (Mitchell & Lara) is officially law! This means that children 11 years old and younger are excluded from prosecution in juvenile court, except when the child is alleged to have committed murder or rape by force. 

However, we're disappointed that Governor vetoed AB 2043 (Arambula) and AB 2691 (Jones-Sawyer). AB 2043 would have established a county-based, Family Urgent Response System that includes mobile crisis-response services to current and/or former foster youth and their caregivers along with a statewide hotline, available 24-hours/seven days a week, to support the caregiver or youth during a crisis. Read the reasoning behind the Governor's veto for AB 2043 through his veto message here

The other bill, AB 2691, would have established a Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative within the California Department of Education (CDE). It would require CDE to provide information regarding trauma-informed care approach to school districts and charter schools, develop a guide for schools on how to become trauma-informed, and offer training on trauma-informed care approach. Read the reasoning behind the Governor's veto for AB 2691 through his veto message here.  

While both AB 2043 and AB 2691 were vetoed, they were unanimously passed by the California State Legislature. As a result of the great support shown by advocates and policymakers, these two bills may resurface in the Legislature again in 2019. 

We appreciate the organizations who joined us in signing support letters and will be back next year advocating! 

For any questions, please contact Gail Yen: 

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