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California PACEs Action

We're All in This Together - COVID-19 Statement and Resources []


From Children Now,  The Children's Movement of California, March 18, 2020

Children Now is deeply concerned about the severe impact of the novel coronavirus on California’s children and families, especially children of color, families in poverty, families that are undocumented, and kids experiencing or who have experienced trauma.

During this time, we are continuing to keep children and their families at the center of our work. We are diligently monitoring a range of national, state and local updates and changes to guidelines as they are affecting children and families, as well as our diverse partners and government agencies. We are weighing in as appropriate to ensure that kids’ needs are being met, while recognizing the critical role of government and their need to move quickly to address the constantly evolving nature of this pandemic.

As an organization, we are also focused on how children and families, particularly those most vulnerable, will be impacted as we emerge from this health crisis and the effects of the economic recession. It is imperative that as we come out of this crisis, kids are the state’s top priority. We will continue to take a whole-child approach to assessing the path forward with perspectives on child care, preschool, K-12 education, family supports, physical health, mental well-being, and child welfare.

[Please click here to read more and access the resources.]

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