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California PACEs Action


How is California Supporting Kids

From The Children's Movement of California, February 2020 Join Children Now for a webinar about how you can use the 2020 California Children's Report Card to support kids in your community. The Report Card grades California on its ability to support better outcomes for kids, from prenatal to age 26. Each grade is based on the state’s progress (or lack thereof) on passing and implementing state-level policies and making investments in the supports and services needed for all kids to reach...

Addressing Homelessness Is High on Governor Newsom’s Agenda []

By Xenia Shih Bion, California Health Care Foundation, March 2, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom made an unconventional move in his second annual State of the State address — he devoted almost the entire speech to California’s housing and homelessness crisis. It is clearly on the minds of many Californians. A recent CHCF and SSRS statewide poll found that more than 8 out of 10 state residents say addressing homelessness is an “extremely important” or “very important” issue. “The problem has...

Sacramento Briefing Explores Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health in Medi-Cal []

By Catherine Teare, California Health Care Foundation, February 28, 2020 Hundreds of providers, administrators, government officials, consumers, and advocates attended a CHCF briefing last week to learn how Medicaid programs can integrate behavioral health services — mental health care and treatment of substance use disorder — and physical health care. The February 18 event in Sacramento shared information about how Medicaid programs outside California approach the integration of physical...

One City Heights School is Doing the Nearly Impossible: Closing the Achievement Gap []

By Will Huntsberry, Voice of San Diego, March 2, 2020 In San Diego, as with the rest of the country, poverty tracks closely with test scores. The social science is clear: Poorer children are not less bright. They lack the same opportunities as their more affluent peers to gain cognitive skills from the moment they are born. The most pressing question in education has always been whether schools can supercharge the learning process enough to compensate for these class inequities. At Edison...

Four California School Districts Ask Voters to Pay for Teacher and Staff Housing []

By Diana Lambert, EdSource, February 28, 2020 In a region with the largest disparity between teacher pay and housing costs in California, a Bay Area school district is the first in the nation to build affordable employee housing funded exclusively through a bond passed by local taxpayers. The Jefferson Union High School District in Daly City recently broke ground on the 122-unit housing project, which will be financed by a $33 million general obligation bond passed by voters in 2018. At the...

Hmong Community Planted Spiritual Roots in Merced Hospital []

By Xenia Shih Bion, California Health Care Foundation, February 27, 2020 Across the country, a growing number of hospitals are offering spiritual care services to patients and families. At some medical centers, patients can request a visit from a chaplain, join a multifaith ceremony in the hospital chapel, or receive a referral to faith-based community organizations. But only one hospital in the US facilitates patient requests for visits from a Hmong shaman, or txiv neeb — a traditional...

Prison Yoga Project Goes Behind Bars to Help Inmates Heal Their Trauma (Inside Edition)

By Inside Edition staff, February 8, 2020 Once a week, yoga teacher Chanda Williams walks through the gates at San Quentin Prison with her yoga mat under her arm to teach a class. She’s an instructor with the Prison Yoga Project, a non-profit organization that brings the ancient practice behind the walls of correctional facilities across the world to help inmates heal their trauma. Williams says it’s her way of trying to help break the cycle of incarceration many prisoners find themselves...

Twenty Years in the Making: CHCF's Funding of Health Care Journalism []

By Steven Birenbaum and Sally Mudd, California Health Care Foundation, February 21, 2020 For-profit journalism has undergone seismic changes to its business model during the last 15 years. The steady stream of advertising revenue that made the industry profitable for so long is now gone. As a direct result, the infrastructure of local and beat journalism has suffered dramatic losses of capacity and quality. This is one of the prime reasons it is essential for philanthropies, for the...

Mark your calendar for March 10 tweet chat on CA ACEs screening!

Hey ACEs Connection communities! Please join us for a boisterous tweet chat about ACEs screening in California on March 10 at 10 am Pacific/ 1 pm Eastern for #SaludTues, hosted by @saludamerica and co-hosted by @CYWSanFrancisco, @acesconnection and @CHCShealth. Get your thumbs ready, and spread the word! What: Tweet chat Who: Salud America, co-hosted by Center for Youth Wellness, ACEs Connection and Center for Health Care Strategies. When: Tuesday, March 10, 10am Pacific/ 1 pm Eastern Why:...

CA ACEs Aware Initiative webinar provides roadmap for ACEs screening

What is the economic toll of ACEs in the State of California? $112.5 billion , said California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris to attendees of a webinar on February 26. That cost, she said, was one clear reason that she and other early adopters of screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences are urging their fellow health care providers in California to join the ACEs Aware Initiative that launched at the beginning of the year. In January, the State of California put screening...

CRI's Search for National Resilience Champions

CRI is the nation’s first Resilience community network and a national leader in the effort to create and support inclusive, equitable and healthy communities who understand, model and promote the common language of safety, connection and love. Contextual community resilience is our emphasis and helping to share that message is our passion. Why did CRI create a national resiliency award? Malcolm Gladwell defined a tipping point as ‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling...

Need 45 Trauma-Informed Practitioners or Clinicians For Study on Using a Brain Regulation Headband-Bellabee Designed To Help Trauma Survivors Regulate Their Brains.

Need 45 Trauma-Informed Practitioners or Clinicians For Study on Using a Brain Regulation Headband-Bellabee Designed To Help Trauma Survivors Regulate Their Brains. All trauma informed practitioners who are suffering with or who work with adults or children suffering with C-PTSD, PTSD, Developmental Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD & Sleep Disorders are welcome to apply to be considered for this study. The deadline to request and submit your application is: March 20, 2020 As a trauma...

Childhood Trauma Linked to Poor Health. Can Parents Find Help in Stanislaus County []

By Chrisanna Mink, The Modesto Bee, February 25, 2020 Aguilar is tall with the lean, athletic physique of a soccer player, casually confident and with a magnetic smile. It’s hard to imagine that a little more than a year ago, the 14-year-old was suffering with ticks that caused his head and neck to jerk to the side, incapacitating headaches and sometimes, body twitches. His body was trying to cope with mental distress after witnessing the frightening event of a gang member threatening to...

New Navigation Center for Transitional Age Youth Approved []

From Patch, February 26, 2020 On Tuesday, February 25, the Board of Supervisors approved the lease for a new 75-bed Navigation Center at 888 Post Street. Mayor London N. Breed and Supervisor Aaron Peskin sponsored the legislation to create the Navigation Center to serve Transitional Age Youth (ages 18-24) experiencing homelessness. 888 Post Street will become the City's first Navigation Center for young people ages 18-24. The Navigation Center model provides low-barrier shelter so young...

Californians Want Better Mental Health Care. Can the State Deliver? []

By Claudia Boyd-Barrett, California Health Report, February 25, 2020 California’s top health priority should be making sure that people who need mental health treatment can get it, over 90 percent of respondents said in a recent poll. More than half of those surveyed by the California Health Care Foundation said their communities do not have enough mental health providers to meet the need. People of color often feel the lack of access more acutely, researchers found, with 75 percent of black...

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