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California PACEs Action


California Legislative Update – Fall 2019

Five of the bills that the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) was tracking this legislative session were signed or incorporated into law! They are: Assembly Bill 741 (Kalra), which requires the Department of Health Care Services to provide trainings for personnel who administer trauma screenings in a pediatric or primary care providing setting for children in Medi-Cal. The substance of this bill was included in the Governor’s May Revise budget, and funded at $50 million...

Spotlight on provides a tool for assessing community needs, setting priorities, tracking progress, preparing grant proposals, and making program and policy decisions. Users easily can find and customize more than 500 data measures of child health and well-being, sorted by topic, region, or demographic group. Data are available for every county, city, school district, and legislative district in California, and many measures include national comparisons. has compiled a...

October is Safe Sleep Awareness Month

The leading cause of death for infants age 1 month to 1 year is Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUIDs). This includes sleep related deaths and SIDS. Here are some facts you can share to make sure the parents you know have the information and resources that can help them make the best parenting decisions when it comes to safe sleep: Babies should always sleep on their backs Babies should be in their own crib, not an adult bed, couch, or car seat Babies should not sleep with others Use firm...

Who Can Afford Rent in California's Many Regions []

By California Housing Partnership, October 2019 The California Housing Partnership has regularly documented the severity of the housing affordability crisis that affects every county in the State. As the crisis has deepened in recent years, more and more families have been affected, leading some State leaders— particularly those from higher cost coastal areas—to consider investing scarce resources to help the “missing middle” afford housing. As planning for a new budget and legislative cycle...

Cities Take Issue With Unsettling Smoke []

By Reggie Ellis, The Sun-Gazette, October 23, 2019 After decades of declines in underage tobacco use, flavored vape juice is fueling a resurgence in teen smoking; forces cities to consider bans as school districts struggle to deal with vaping epidemic. When Sara Morton became an educator 20 years ago, underage cigarette use was at an all-time low. Kids who had grown up watching well-funded anti-smoking commercials on television seemed to have gotten the message. During her first few years as...

'I'm Not OK': First Responders Learn to Embrace Help for Mental Health During Symposium []

By Ema Sasic,, October 22, 2019 When a medical call came in on June 24, 2015, to assist an intoxicated man at a trolley station, San Diego firefighter Ben Vernon thought it would be a routine situation. He had been on this type of call several times in the past, so he was not too worried. Arriving on the scene, however, tensions started to rise between a bystander and several security guards, and a fight broke out. [ Please click here to read more .]

A Landmark Lawsuit Aimed to Fix Special Ed for California's Black Students. It Didn't. []

By Lee Romney, KQED, October 18, 2019 Darryl Lester was at his mom’s place in Tacoma, Washington, when a letter he’d been waiting for arrived in the mail. At 40, he was destitute, in pain and out of work. The letter delivered good news: Lester would be getting disability benefits after blowing out his back in a sheet metal accident. But he crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. Why? Because he couldn’t read it. From first through seventh grades, Lester had attended three public schools in...

California Power Shutoff: How PG&E's Actions Hit the Medically Vulnerable the Hardest []

By Vivian Ho, The Guardian, October 11, 2019 Deanne Mediati learned of northern California’s massive power shutoff when her husband shook her awake at 3.30 in the morning on Wednesday. “Honey, the power is out,” he told her. “You’re not breathing.” Mediati, 59, has hypoxia and requires an oxygen concentrator to breathe when she sleeps. Like everything else running on electricity in 600,000 California homes and businesses this week, her oxygen concentrator stopped working when the country’s...

Wildfire Mental Health Collaborative: Help for Those Recovering From The Devastating Fires of 2017 []

By Sonoma County Gazette, October 22, 2019 As we reach the second anniversary of the 2017 wildfires, the triggers for those impacted have become more visible: reconstruction challenges, the Camp Fires in Butte County or just a windy night are a few examples. Mental health recovery and resiliency are more important than ever. Our community is really starting to see the long-term effects of wildfire trauma and PTSD on the mental health of our employees, neighbors and customers. Prolonged...

How do these pediatricians do ACEs screening? Early adopters tell all.

Last week, three pediatricians — with a combined experience of 15 years integrating ACEs science into their practices — reflected on the urgency they felt several years ago that prompted them to begin screening patients for childhood adversity and resilience when there was practically no guidance at all. Along their journey , they accumulated a list of lessons learned for other pediatricians and family clinics to use. The three pediatricians participated in the ACEs Connection webinar,...

NPPC's Pilot Site Case Studies: Lessons Learned from ACEs Screening Implementation

The Center for Youth Wellness' National Pediatric Practice Community on ACES (NPPC) is a co-designed community committed to collaborative learning. To promote this learning, we have been working with six pilot sites over the last year, representing practices of various sizes and service delivery settings, to implement ACEs screening and intervention. Beyond supporting these practices with the logistics of implementation, the broader goal was to discover and share real-world best practices,...

For Community Health Centers, a Hands-On Guide to Building Partnerships []

By Carlina Hansen, California Health Care Foundation, October 15, 2019 Before joining CHCF, I spent almost 20 years as executive director of the Women’s Community Clinic in San Francisco. In my time there, we forged some valuable partnerships to serve our clients and community, including our merger with another community health center, HealthRIGHT 360. It was during the merger process that I learned first-hand one of the biggest challenges to forging such partnerships — and it wasn’t what I...

New Brief and Webinar: Impact of Underfunding on CA Students and Schools from Children Now

According to a brief released by Children Now, California’s schools have larger class sizes, fewer counselors, stripped-down course offerings, and fewer support services than most others in the country. The impact of this understaffing acutely affects students with greater needs, including those caused by poverty, language barriers, adverse childhood experiences and special needs. If California is serious about ensuring every child has access to a quality education, it must address the...

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