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California PACEs Action


Governor Newsom proposes dismantling California’s death row []

By Jakob Rodgers, Photo: Robert So/Pexels, The Mercury News, January 31, 2022 California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who three years ago placed a moratorium on executions, is moving to dismantle the United States’ largest death row by moving all condemned inmates to other prisons within two years. The goal is to turn the section at San Quentin State Prison into a “positive, healing environment.” Newsom said Monday it’s an outgrowth of his opposition to what he believes is a deeply flawed system, one...

California ready to launch $3 billion, multiyear transition to community schools []

By John Fensterwald, Photo: Allison Shelley/Eduimages, EdSource, January 31, 2022 I n coming weeks, California will embark on a massive undertaking to convert several thousand schools in low-income neighborhoods into centers of community life and providers of vital services for families as well as students. Known as community schools, they will be established over the next seven years. New York and Maryland are among states that are investing in community schools, but California’s $3 billion...

Updated Links: ACEs Aware in Action January Newsletter []

ACEs Aware in Action January 2022 Looking Back: 2021 Year in Review As we reflect on 2021, we would like to thank you for joining the movement to make our State of CAre ACEs Aware. From raising awareness for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress to supporting practice change and growing trauma-informed networks of care, 2021 was a productive year for the ACEs Aware initiative. We have invested a total of $45 million in grant funds to communities across the state, and Medi-Cal...

After a decade of the Affordable Care Act, UCLA CHPR researchers find coverage and health care access disparities persist []

By Eliza Torralba, Photo: Unsplash, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, January 31, 2022 In 2020, more than 2.5 million California children, adolescents, and adults (ages 0–64) still have no health insurance coverage, as detailed in a new study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research (CHPR) , The State of Health Insurance in California: Findings From the 2019 and 2020 California Health Interview Surveys . With California’s revived attempts to achieve universal healthcare coverage...

Who Stands to Gain from Changes in School Enrollment Funding? []

By Julien Lafortune and Joseph Herrera, Public Policy Institute of California, January 31, 2022 Amid concerns over growing absenteeism since schools reopened this fall , the state legislature is considering a change in how schools are funded. Currently, California is one of seven states that fund schools using average daily attendance (ADA), meaning that districts do not receive funding for students on days they are absent. Critics contend that attendance-based funding penalizes schools...

Con políticas pro pandémicas sin vigencia, los trabajadores esenciales se enfrentan sin protección a ómicron []

By Alejandro Lazo, Photo: Pablo Unzueta/Cal Matters, Cal Matters, January 21, 2022 Los trabajadores esenciales, como Brittannie Gulley la cajera del supermercado, están una vez más en la primera línea de otra oleada de COVID-19. Solo que esta vez, están en el trabajo sin las políticas iniciales destinadas a protegerlos. A medida que se desarrollaba la pandemia, California canalizó beneficios de emergencia por desempleo y aprovechó un superávit presupuestario para ayudar a los trabajadores a...

Black youth face rising rates of depression, anxiety, suicide []

By Carolyn Jones, Photo: Alison Yin/EdSource, EdSource, January 25, 2022 N early everyone has experienced a degree of anxiety or depression due to the pandemic. But for young Black people also confronting persistent racism and ever-widening inequities, the current moment has led to an acute crisis in mental health. The suicide rate among Black youth, which for years trailed that of Asian and white students, has doubled since 2014 is now twice the statewide average, far exceeding all other...

California Lawmaker Adding to Growing Calls for an End to ‘Three Strikes’ Laws for Teens []

By Kelly Davis, Photo: Adriana Heldiz, The Imprint, January 10, 2022 D’Andre Brooks landed his first strike at 16. It was 2002, and friends he was with at a San Diego trolley station decided to rob two people. Brooks said he didn’t participate. But according to court records, prosecutors argued that simply by being there, he’d aided in the robbery. At the time, the offer of probation and a single strike in exchange for a guilty plea seemed like his best option — the teenager just wanted to...

Did you know you can connect with PACEs Connection on Social Media?

Want to keep up with PACEs news and science when you're not on our site? Connect with us on social media to stay up to date on trauma-informed and resilience-building practices! We will be sharing articles, resources, and upcoming events. Check us out across all of our social media platforms: PACEs Connection on LinkedIn PACEs Connection on YouTube PACEs Connection on Twitter PACEs Connection on Instagram PACEs Connection on Facebook If you're ever looking for quick access to any of our...

Great News a 50% Discount Off Conference Registration for 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference

I am sharing great news! Collaboration is a benefit for many stakeholders. In 2022, we have confirmed support for the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference, as of yesterday, from the following: The Annie E. Casey Foundation First 5 California Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving Nurturing Fathers Program The support allows giving a LIMITED amount of discounts for NEW registrations. FFCA will discount 50% off in-person attendees, going from $299 early to $149.50. We will also give a 35%...

Redwood Forest in California Is Returned to Native Tribes []

By Isabella Grullón Paz, Photo: Max Forster/Save the Redwoods League via Associated Press, The New York Times, January 26, 2022 Tucked away in Northern California’s Mendocino County, the 523 acres of rugged forest is studded with the ghostlike stumps of ancient redwoods harvested during a logging boom that did away with over 90 percent of the species on the West Coast. But about 200 acres are still dense with old-growth redwoods that were spared from logging. The land was the hunting,...

San Jose is first U.S. city to mandate gun owners carry insurance and pay a fee []

By Maggie Angst, Photo: Unsplash, The Mercury News, January 26, 2022 San Jose firearm owners will soon be subject to new gun control laws that no U.S. citizen has faced before — that is, if the divisive regulations hold up in court. In two separate votes, the San Jose City Council on Tuesday night passed a first-of-its-kind ordinance requiring residents who own a gun to carry liability insurance and pay an annual fee aimed at reducing gun violence. Proponents like Mayor Sam Liccardo...

Hannah Institute Summit 2022 Launches []

The Hanna Institute Summit is an immersive, multi-day, fully virtual conference focused on learning and sharing new and proven approaches to trauma-informed care. In 2022, the Summit will focus on community violence and will offer a profound opportunity for deep learning, evolution and healing within our collective communities. We invite you to hear from leaders and activists in the field, and lean in to meaningful - at times, uncomfortable - learning to unearth legacies and practices that...

Black History Month 2K22- NEW Trainings!

In Honor of Black History Month 2k22 Please Enjoy the Following NEW Trainings: Facilitating a Full Expression of Resilience: BIPOC are resilient. In learning how trauma is formed and passed from one generation to the next in our communities, we will understand how to facilitate a full expression of resilience in vulnerable communities. This course takes a deep dive into the reality of flight or fight mode and how many people enduring oppression, discrimination and hate live with a constant...

Newsom Proposes Health Coverage for Last Remaining Group of Uninsured Californians []

By Heather Tirado Gilligan, California Health Care Foundation, January 24, 2022 Governor Gavin Newsom wants to make California the first state to remove immigration status as a barrier to eligibility for Medicaid (called Medi-Cal in California), making health insurance accessible to all undocumented residents with low incomes. In his proposed state budget released on January 10, Newsom included Medi-Cal coverage for an estimated 700,000 undocumented, uninsured adults (PDF) with low incomes...

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