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California PACEs Action


Budget Hearing on Trauma Screening (Assembly Bill 340)

Our state is leading the way in addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)! This year, California will become the first state to require and pay for ACEs screening for children under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program, per recommendations from the Trauma Screening Advisory Workgroup created as part of Assembly Bill 340 . The Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services hearing on Monday, February 25th will discuss the recommendations from the AB 340...

Toxic Stress Is The Hidden Public Health Crisis California's New Surgeon General Wants To Solve []

Our brains grows so much in the first few years of life that any trauma we experience during that time can affect our health forever. California's new, first-ever surgeon general, Dr. @Nadine Burke Harris, has made the link between childhood adversity and long-term health the focus of her work. She was sworn in by Gov. Gavin Newsom last week and calls her new role a "dream job." [For more on this story by PRISKA NEELY, go to ...

California Must Address a Statewide Latino Physician Shortage []

Despite California’s leadership in expanding health coverage to a record number of Californians, we have a crisis that hardly anyone is addressing: Our state still fails to provide the quality—and quantity—of care needed by our largest ethnic group. According to research from the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Initiative, Latinos represent over 40 percent of California’s population but make up less than 12 percent of graduating physicians from the state’s medical schools. At the current...

Webinar featuring Laura Porter on Self-Healing Communities Model to be held Feb. 28

Please join ACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) for a free 60-minute webinar on Thursday, Feb. 28 starting noon PT/3:00 pm ET that features the Self-Healing Communities Model (SHCM) presented by Interface, Inc. co-founder, Laura Porter. The webinar is the second in a series on state-to-state best practices; the first webinar was on Alaska’s new statute directing state policy to incorporate principles of brain development. Self-Healing Community...

California Community Reinvestment Grants Program []

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is pleased to announce the release of the California Community Reinvestment Grants (CalCRG) program Draft Grant Solicitation for public review and comment. The Draft Grant Solicitation consists of two sections: 1. The Guidance and Overview section provides an overview of the program, application requirements, application evaluation, and program administration. 2. The Scoring Criteria section provides an outline of the...

Highlights and Resources from the February 7, 2019 Strategies 2.0 Sierra Regional Learning Community: Promoting Resilience using a Trauma-Informed Approach, Emphasizing Partnerships with Behavioral Health Systems.

Growing knowledge and networks for professionals working with families The third Sierra Learning Community in the four-part Building Resiliency Series focused on: Promoting Resilience using a Trauma-Informed Approach, Emphasizing P artnerships with Behavioral Health Systems. Together we explored successful approaches to support the behavioral health needs of children and families living in rural communities. View the recording of the event by clicking here: 2.7.19 Sierra Learning Community...

Strategies 2.0 Vehicles for Change Webinar Series

This four-part webinar series provides a comprehensive, deeper dive into the themes, messages, and frameworks presented in Family Resource Center Vehicles for Change Vol 1 and 2 . The series will focus on the elements that make FRCs unique platforms for strengthening families and communities and highlight organizations whose work exemplifies the topics. Each webinar will give examples and provide concrete tools and resources to enhance understanding, learning, and application. Family...

WEBINAR: Preventing Child Neglect by Building Protective Factors on 2/14

Join Strengthening Families for a webinar on Thursday, February 14, 12-1pm. Explore ways that it is "Everyone's Responsibility" to help prevent child neglect and how building protective factors at all levels of the social ecology can be an effective strategy to prevent child neglect. The session will include segments from one of the training sequences from the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds' new four-part training, "Let's Talk About . . . Preventing Child...

Strategies 2.0 Capitol Regional Learning Community 2019 kick-off

Please join the 2019 kick-off session of the Strategies 2.0 Capitol Regional Learning Community on March 7. The Capitol Learning Community will discuss the State funding opportunities and align them with local priorities at the first meeting in the new year. The meeting will also provide training and evaluation of the Community Resilience Toolkit which was launched late last year. Please see the attachment for more information. Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 Time: 12PM to 2:30PM Location:...

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