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California PACEs Action


New law on mental health curriculum goes into effect with start of the new year []

By Carolyn Jones, Photo: Alison Yin/EdSource, EdSource, January 10, 2022 H ealth classes in California high schools will soon cover more than nutrition and exercise. Thanks to a new law that went into effect Jan. 1, students will learn about depression, schizophrenia, mood disorders and other serious mental health conditions. Senate Bill 224 requires all school districts that offer health classes to include mental health as part of the curriculum. The California Department of Education has...

Whole Person Care Pilots Set the Stage for CalAIM []

By Melora Simon, Photo: Salgu Wissmath, California Health Care Foundation, December 9, 2021 Robert Turner had been living in a tent at a campsite in Auburn during the pandemic when a hospital caseworker named Vicki Miller-Routh called out to him from her car one day. The two had connected earlier at Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital after Turner landed in the emergency room, and Miller-Routh helped him get ongoing medical care after discharge. “She said, ‘You know what, Robert? You do not need to...

NCTSN Two Part Series on Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Reactions and Evidence Based Treatments for COVID-19 Related Deaths

A free series of training on child/adolescent traumatic grief in response to experience of COVID-19 related deaths are now available to register. As the US Surgeon General VADM Murthy recently noted, there have been at least 140,000 children in the US who lost a parent or caregiver-- BEFORE the winter surge began. Another subset have lost both parents/caregivers and yet other friends and other family members(grandparents, etc.). These trainings from the SAMHSA/NCTSN Learning Center have free...

Available Now: 2022 California Children’s Report Card []

Please join Children Now for a webinar on Jan. 20 to learn more about the 2022 California Children's Report Card. More information below. The 2022 California Children’s Report Card – the most comprehensive report on children’s health, education, and well-being in our state – is available now. The Report Card grades the State on its ability to support better outcomes for kids, from prenatal to age 26, across 32 key children’s issues. This year’s edition also includes data related to the...

Fresno HOPE Program Director Job Posting

Fresno HOPE - A Pathways Community HUB Program Director Job Summary We are seeking an entrepreneurial, self-starter, collaborator with project management skills, to lead in the building, implementation, certification, and sustaining of the Fresno HOPE – A Pathways Community HUB (PCH) initiative in Fresno County. In this position, you will play a key role in ensuring Fresno County COVID Equity Project work continues and in leading the building and implementation of the Fresno HOPE PCH, an...

De vendedor ambulante a artista criptográfico: Los activos digitales ofrecen nuevas oportunidades a minorías []

By Jacqueline Garcia, Photo: Ben Guan/Cal Matters, Cal Matters, Deciember 8, 2021 J esús Martínez encuentra inspiración en sus recorridos matutinos por su barrio de Eagle Rock en Los Ángeles: un amanecer, un vendedor ambulante o un paisaje. Cuando el artista de 24 años se sienta en casa, se pone a trabajar con una tableta y un lápiz óptico. Martínez, que creció vendiendo flores en las esquinas con sus padres, recientemente se abrió camino en el mundo de los tokens no fungibles, o NFT, que...

Register now for "Building the Movement with Coalitions", presented by the Campaign for Trauma-informed Policy and Practice, the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives, and PACEs Connection

Please register now at this link to reserve your spot. You’re invited to participate in Building the Movement with Coalitions, the first of eight remarkable workshops featured in the series, “ Building a National Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience ”. The first half-day workshop will occur virtually on January 7th from 1-5pm ET/10am-2pm PT. It focuses on the history and future of the movement and building community-owned, trauma-informed, prevention-focused, and healing-centered...

In new report, governors reveal rich variety of approaches to address ACEs

“There is no way that Delaware would have built the connections and gained the understanding that we have without participating in the National Governors Association (NGA) Addressing ACEs Learning Collaborative ,” says Alonna Berry. Berry, Delaware’s statewide trauma-informed care coordinator, said that the impact (of the Collaborative) was “really immeasurable to the progress being made in Delaware.” The 12-page NGA report , released December 9, captures the essence of a variety of...

Unseen and unsafe: Students who have been “deadnamed” explain why a new California law matters []

By Oden Taylor, Photo: Karlos Rene Ayala/Cal Matters, Cal Matters, December 14, 2021 Jami e Marquis can’t count the number of times they’ve been called the wrong name. A junior psychology major at the University of California, Davis, who identifies as non-binary, they changed their name several years ago. But since then they’ve struggled to get that name even on basic educational records, instead of their name assigned at birth that they do not identify with, commonly known as a deadname. “I...

After ‘Truly Appalling’ Death Toll in Nursing Homes, California Rethinks Their Funding []

By Samantha Young, Photo: Gina Ferazzi/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images, California Healthline, December 15, 2021 About 1 in 8 Californians who have died of covid lived in a nursing home. They were among the state’s most frail residents: nearly 9,400 mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles whom Californians entrusted to a nursing home’s care. An additional 56,275 confirmed covid cases among nursing home residents weren’t fatal. “The number of covid infections and deaths that happened...

Los Angeles Leaders Aim to Prevent “Housing Cliff” for 1,100 Aging Out of Foster Care Dec. 31 []

By Sara Tiano, Illustration: Christine Ongjoco, The Imprint, December 7, 2021 A s more than 1,000 young adults in Los Angeles are set to age out of foster care on New Year’s Eve, county leaders are scrambling to find them all stable homes. The youth raised in government care who are set to lose basic needs benefits had been granted a reprieve during the pandemic. They turned 21, but did not have to leave the program known as “extended foster care” that provides housing and other government...

After delays, the first people of Orange County have preserved a piece of their ancestral village []

By Ben Brazil, Photo: Don Leach/Times Community News, Los Angeles Times, December 12, 2021 A few years ago, Adelia Sandoval sat at the foot of an old oak tree and pondered the resilience of her people, the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians. The spiritual leader and her tribe, considered to be the original people of Orange County, had been fighting for years to preserve a small portion of the land surrounding the old oak. The Mother Tree, as she called it, was rooted on the grounds of one of...

State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Announces $2 Million in Grants Available to Community-Based Organizations to Counter Social Isolation Experienced by Students []

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond today announced that California community-based organizations will be able to apply for grants to address the social isolation experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of its ongoing efforts to address the pandemic’s continued impact on students, the California Department of Education (CDE) will award grants of up to $250,000* each to community-based organizations that can demonstrate their ability to partner with...

New Grant Opportunity from Cal OES: 2021-22 Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention (SD) Program Request for Proposal []

Description The purpose of the SD Program is to prevent sexual and domestic violence through primary and secondary prevention efforts, prioritize marginalized/underserved populations within communities, and build the capacity of local organizations. Grant Subaward Performance Period May1, 2022 – April 30, 2024 Submission Deadline Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Available Funding Individual Applicants may request up to $300,000. [ Please click here to view the RFP .]

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