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California PACEs Action


Kidsdata Needs Your Input!

The Kidsdata team is devoted to providing the evidence you need to improve children's health and well being. How can we better support your work? What would make the site more useful to you? Now’s your chance to tell us ! Please share your thoughts in a brief survey . In about 10 minutes, you can help shape the future of Kidsdata. The survey will close September 1 . After completing the survey, you can enter a drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards. You will also have the...

Exclusive: More kids will be searched for weapons at LAUSD schools this year []

Expect more diligent searches at schools this fall as LA Unified officials push principals to meet their daily requirement of metal detector scans of students and random searches of lockers for knives, guns, or drugs. An internal report revealed that some schools are still not doing the mandatory searches of students that the district requires, so district officials said they will put renewed urgency on the practice — which is strongly opposed by many community groups and charter schools.

An Agenda for the Future: Mapping the Terrain of California Education []

Meeting 33 June 22-23, 2017 Sacramento, California Changes at the federal level and an upcoming California election are shaping the social, economic, and political context in which K-12 districts operate. The California Collaborative on District Reform convened for a two-day meeting to step back, reflect, and take stock of the road ahead. Meeting participants listened to research-based presentations that helped to illustrate the postsecondary world that schools are preparing students for,...

Kamala Harris Went to Prison So Others Won’t Have To []

Democratic up-and-comer Kamala Harris visited just about every corner of California during her successful 2016 campaign to take over Barbara Boxer’s seat in the US Senate, and she’s kept it up somewhat since taking office. But on a recent, sweltering July afternoon, I accompanied Harris to a place where no senator has set foot for at least a decade. The Central California Women’s Facility, which houses nearly 3,000 inmates, is tucked amid the farmlands of Chowchilla, about three hours from...

Youth Of Merced Use The Power Of Writing To Illuminate The Human Cost Of Incarceration…& Other Urgent Issues []

Earlier this month, an innovative youth program called We’Ced Youth Media, located in Merced, California, co-hosted an event called #SchoolsnotPrisons Merced. The event’s stated purpose was “to educate the Merced community about the impact of the school-to-prison pipeline and mass incarceration.” A portion of the event included poetry that expressed the pain of incarceration, both for the one who is locked-up, and for those who lose a family member to jail or prison. What is particularly...

Briefing in Support of ACEs Legislation - WATCH LIVE (Today!)

MARC Advisor Wendy Ellis is moderating a Congressional Briefing today on the need to address childhood trauma. Co-hosts: Building Community Resilience, Rep. Danny Davis (IL-7), and the Congressional Foster Care Youth Caucus. Where and When: Wednesday, July 26, 10:30-11:30am (Eastern) HVC 200, Congressional Visitor's Center Watch a livestream of the briefing here . Read Wendy's original post on main ACEs Connection site here: ...

Childhood trauma a crucial public health issue []

Preventing childhood trauma should be one of the top goals of California policymakers, a coalition of child advocates say. About 150 of the advocates came to Sacramento last week to educate legislators about the devastating effects of adverse childhood experiences. The goal was to help legislators create policies that will better protect kids. Adverse childhood experiences, known as ACEs, are experiences that are so harmful to children’s developing brains that they affect their lives decades...

ITRC 2018 California Conference: Preparing People for Climate Change in California

To See the Conference Agenda, List of All-Star Speakers, and To Register Click Here Why Should Californians Attend This Unique Conference ? From high levels of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), to job and financial struggles, racism and other forms of inequity and injustice, traumatic stress is epidemic today. Climate change will aggravate all of these existing adversities, and add many new ones as well. Yet, California is leading the U.S. in finding innovative new ways to address...

Our View: Confronting Kern's long-running fight against toxic stress []

We've long known that there's something cyclical about poverty, chronic drug abuse and other life-defeating circumstances. We in Kern County hear descriptors like "Appalachia of the West" and shrug, often chalking up the conditions that create cultures of pervasive hopelessness to laziness or ignorance or Darwinian selection. The widespread perception about these ills, particularly common in the poverty-wracked Kern County communities of the Kern River Valley, Oildale and Taft, is that...

Gov. Brown's climate change deal was a lesson in compromise that should be studied in the White House (

One particular message to the agriculture industry was simple: You want Gov. Jerry Brown to be a friend or an enemy the rest of his term? To business leaders: This legislation provides tax and regulatory breaks that you've long sought. Grab them now or forget it. To agriculture and business: You don't like this cap-and-trade program? Wait until you see what replaces it if it's not extended. Brown's hardball messages, his willingness to compromise and personal dealings with lawmakers were...

Settlement Reached On Kaiser Permanente’s Repeated Mental Health Care Deficiencies []

California insurance regulators announced Tuesday that they have reached a settlement with Kaiser Permanente to address its repeated failures to provide patients with timely access to mental health services. Under the agreement — the result of two years of negotiations between the state Department of Managed Health Care and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan — Kaiser has agreed to hire an outside consultant for three years to help it address the access problems and improve oversight of its...

'An invisible crisis': Toxic stress is helping to shorten life spans in many Kern County communities [

People who live in Oildale, Kern River Valley and Taft — three impoverished, majority-white communities — have the highest premature death rates across Kern County, dying four to 17 years sooner than those in other parts of Bakersfield. Residents in those three communities have an average life expectancy of between 68 and 72 years old — roughly eight to 10 years less than the national average, according to data analyzed by the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Center for Human Needs. It’s...

Parent and Youth Leaders Educate Policymakers on ACEs in Sacramento on July 11th

Twelve parent and youth leaders, reentry and educational leaders, and community organizers represented the region of San Diego in Sacramento on July 11th. Aligning with about 80 other community members and professionals statewide, everyone met with and educated legislative staff on the impact of ACEs, community trauma, community healing and resilience building. Organized by the 4CA steering group led by Center for Youth Wellness, Children Now, and ACEs Connection Network, the ACEs science...

Bi-partisan trauma resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives

A bi-partisan resolution “Recognizing the importance and effectiveness of trauma-informed care” ( H. Res. 443 ) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on July 13 by Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and co-sponsor Danny K. Davis (D-IL). The impetus for the resolution resides with the First Lady of Wisconsin, Tonette Tonette Walker Walker, who has taken a strong leadership role in advancing trauma-informed policy and practice statewide through Fostering Futures and of late with the new...

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