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California PACEs Action


Open Solicitation for Native American Community Implementation Pilot Projects.

The Office of Health Equity (OHE) is accepting applications for Implementation Pilot Projects in Native American communities as part of the California Reducing Disparities Project (CRDP). CRDP is designed to help reduce mental health disparities across the state among five multicultural communities. From the current solicitation, we will award up to two implementation grants, which will be in effect over the next five years. The grants will have a rural/tribal focus to bring balance among...

San Jose: New law would make city first to allow “tiny homes” for homeless (

A newly signed law will allow San Jose to become the first California city to create tiny homes for the homeless by bypassing the state’s confining building codes. City housing officials and advocates for the homeless call the new legislation a “game-changer” in the fight to solve one of the Silicon Valley’s most intractable problems. The law, authored by Assemblywoman Nora Campos, D-San Jose, as Assembly Bill 2176 and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on Sept. 27, goes into effect in January and...

Webinar: Understanding the Local Control Funding Formula for Schools [Children Now]

On September 21, over 160 people attended a webinar to help local organizations better understand the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) process. The webinar included key information for local groups about LCFF funding for every school district in the state and advice on how to make an impact in district budget decision-making. To view the webinar go HERE

California Legislature Orders Juvenile Justice Data Overhaul []

Alex Sanchez knows the temptations of joining gangs for young Central American immigrants. He fled to the United States in 1979 as an unaccompanied minor (he was 7, his brother 5) to escape the Salvadoran civil war. Eventually he got involved in gang violence, went to prison and was deported before returning to the United States illegally. He was granted political asylum in 2002 and in 2006 became the executive director of Homies Unidos , a nonprofit violence- and gang-prevention...

New Interactive Maps and Charts on ACEs in California

This page offers county and statewide data, resources and words of wisdom from leaders who are putting the research to work and sharing insights about best practices: Called an Interactive Digital Primer, this page also reveals: A Social Movement, Driven By Communities And Rooted In Medicine. A fast-growing network of community based organizations, medical and social service professionals, and...

Homelessness in California (

The League of California Cities is taking unprecedented steps in response to an alarming increase in the state’s homeless population. Its board of directors approved the formation of a first-ever standing joint task force with the California State Association of Counties. This group of local elected officials and city and county staff is slated to meet for the first time during fall 2016 to discuss policy related to addressing homelessness. League Executive Director Chris McKenzie says that...

The Lessons of California for Juvenile Justice Reform []

Those who equate juvenile justice reform with better institutions should consider the California lesson. For the past 13 years, the state’s youth correctional system operated under court monitoring due to its failure to provide rehabilitative services or a safe environment. The “ Farrell lawsuit ,” brought by the Prison Law Office , cited a list of institutional abuses that have plagued the American juvenile justice system since the 19th century. Rather than places of rehabilitation,...

SF Giants promote "Audrie and Daisy" on Netflix tomorrow (Friday, Sept, 23)

This Friday, September 23 , don’t miss the premiere of a compelling new documentary called Audrie and Daisy on Netflix. To kick-off the upcoming launch, we staged an unconventional but inspiring send-off with the help of the San Francisco Giants this past Sunday . It was our 19th Annual Strike Out Violence Day at AT&T Park, and this year, the Giants hosted the courageous families of Audrie Pott and Daisy Coleman, the two young women who are featured in the new film about two teenagers...

Three California schools awarded $10 million each to 'reimagine high school' []

Three California schools are among 10 nationwide that were awarded $10 million each on Wednesday to “reimagine high school,” as part of a year-long contest backed by an organization headed by Laurene Powell Jobs. All three schools focus heavily on tailoring instruction to individual students, yet each have different goals and serve students in different parts of the state. The Summit Public Schools system plans to open a new campus in Oakland to help students explore career options. Vista...

Health Leaders Invite Innovation to Improve California’s Health []

Health leaders are challenging communities statewide to find creative, innovative ways to improve the health of all Californians. The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced the second annual Innovation Challenge from Let’s Get Healthy California, a statewide collaborative effort to improve the health of every Californian. Innovation Challenge 2.0 encourages community and health advocates across the state to share...

Governor signs historic bill giving farmworkers equality on Overtime (

SACRAMENTO – Farmworkers in the nation’s largest agricultural state will be entitled to the same overtime pay as most other hourly workers under a law that California Gov. Jerry Brown said Monday he had signed. The new law, which will be phased in beginning in 2019, is the first of its kind in the nation to end the 80-year-old practice of applying separate labor rules to agricultural laborers. California employers currently must pay time-and-a half to farmworkers after 10 hours in a day or...

Webinar - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention

Date: September 22, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. PST This webinar will discuss the role of ACEs as a contributor to developing problem behaviors during adolescence and adulthood. ACEs occur as a result of trauma, i.e., violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war, and other emotionally harmful experiences. More and more communities are adopting a trauma-informed approach to prevent and treat the impacts of ACEs and the consequential problem behaviors, including substance use/misuse. SUD...

Treating Young Offenders Like Adults Is Bad Parenting []

Part of the philosophy for creating a separate juvenile-justice system in the United States is the idea that the state can act as a parent, or parens patriae—protector, caretaker, disciplinarian—when a young person fails to respect the rights of others, commits petty or serious crimes, or shirks age-based societal norms by committing so-called status offenses. But parenting is hard. Even for the state. Sometimes the lessons learned with one generation benefit the next. Sometimes cultural...

Riverside County aims to help mentally ill stop cycle of incarceration (

When a national report was issued this summer that showed incarceration has largely replaced hospitalization for the severely mentally ill, the analysis reinforced what many counties across the country had been experiencing, including Riverside County. And according the Riverside County Jail Utilization Study conducted by CA Fwd, mentally ill offenders stayed in Riverside County jails for longer periods of time and were booked more often. The national report and the Riverside County jail...

Counties turn to 'transition specialists' to help students in court schools succeed [Ed Source]

Counties across California are stepping up efforts to ensure that students going to schools in juvenile detention facilities make it back to their communities — and have a fighting chance to succeed in school and life. In addition to help from caseworkers and counselors, many counties are hiring additional support staff, called “transition specialists,” to help students bridge the gap between “court schools,” which they may attend for a few weeks, and an educational placement allowing them...

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