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California PACEs Action


Children, Youth, and Families Who Experience Migration-Related Trauma and Family Separation (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Offers information on unaccompanied and separated immigrant youth in the US who have experienced migration-related trauma and family separation. This brief includes information about: who unaccompanied children are and how many are in the US; how traumatic separation affects immigrant children, youth, families, and systems; and what can be done to assist immigrant children, youth, and families who experience traumatic separation. Click here to access this resource.

How 'Mama Brown' changed students' lives by paying for college and so much more: 'It's not about the money' []

By Carolyn Jones and Andrew Reed, EdSource, July 29, 2021 For Gov. Gavin Newsom and anyone else promoting college savings accounts for low-income children, Oral Lee Brown has some advice: “It’s not about the money.” Brown, an Oakland real estate agent now in her 70s, has been promoting the same idea since 1987, when she “adopted” a class of first graders from Brookfield Elementary School in East Oakland, promising to pay their college costs if they stayed in school. [ Please click here to...

The Pandemic Spurred a Domestic Violence Epidemic. It's Not Over Yet. []

By Claudia Boyd-Barrett, California Health Report, July 29, 2021 For Lydia, 40, of southeast Los Angeles County, there was nothing safe about staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Being home meant being stuck with her abusive husband who beat her and tried to control her every move. The abuse predated the pandemic – her three children went to live with a family member in 2018 because of it. But when Lydia’s husband lost his job because of the shutdown, he became angry and bored, and...

Half of California community college students lack money for food. New funding aims to help []

By Isabella Bloom, The Sacramento Bee, July 28, 2021 California community colleges will get $100 million to help homeless and food insecure students as part of a $47.1 billion higher education spending plan that Gov. Gavin Newsom signed on Tuesday. The community college money for students in need would help fund meal donation programs, food pantries, CalFresh enrollment and other nutrition assistance programs. It would also help colleges offer on- and off-campus housing resources. “Student...

California Counties Develop Local Plans as State Youth Prisons Close []

By Jeremy Loudenback, The Imprint, July 22, 2021 Once the nation’s most vast youth prison system, California’s Division of Juvenile Justice stopped admissions this month — with the state’s highest level offenders headed for starkly different settings. Instead of a cell block monitored by guards, Los Angeles County young people will soon be moved to detention camps, where formerly incarcerated men will mentor them alongside local probation officers. El Dorado, Fresno and Sonoma counties are...

Britney Spears, PACEs, and Mental Health | Join us! | PC Reacts Live Zoom Event on Friday, August 6th at Noon PT

PC Reacts is a new series by PACEs Connection in which we look at current events through a trauma-informed and PACEs science lens. In the next episode in this series, we will respectfully and mindfully discuss issues that are adjacent to Britney Spears' public struggle with mental health, human rights, as she fights to end her conservatorship with her father. The emphasis of our conversation will be on positive and adverse childhood experiences and potential trauma experienced for children...

Simone Biles, ACEs and PCEs []

By the HOPE Team, 7/28/21, Like so many people, we spent part of the weekend transfixed by the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Despite COVID, no crowds, and troubles with the Tokyo organizing committee, the athletes dazzled us with their speed, endurance and grace. In particular, Simone Biles seems superhuman – a woman who seems to defy gravity and performs gymnastic feats that had been thought to be impossible. She wears her past on her body and outfit: her collarbone bears...

5 Ways to Create Compelling Messages about Childhood Trauma using Data

When presented strategically, data can help tell an important story about childhood trauma. Berkeley Media Studies Group has written a blog post that details five useful ways to create compelling messages about childhood trauma using data. 1. Identify the goal you want your data to support. 2. Place data regarding childhood trauma disparities within a larger context. 3. Use data selectively. 4. Make values part of the conversation. 5. Use creative comparisons to make PACEs data easy to...

California Family Resource Association COVID-19 FRC Notice of Funding Opportunity

On January 8, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a state budget proposal that included critical supports for Family Resource Centers (FRCs) to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the measure proposed $13 M in General Fund for COVID-19 Related Supports for Child Welfare Services. The proposal builds on $3 M in state funds allocated for FRC response to COVID-19 in 2020 and recognizes the critical role of FRCs to address the needs of vulnerable children and families across the...

ACEs Aware Grantee Spotlight Webinar - June 2021

Hi Community! Incase you missed us during this phenomenal event! On Wednesday June 16, 2021, three ACEs Aware grantees shared their successes promoting ACE screenings, sustainable trauma-informed systems-level changes, and self-care and resilience to health and human services staff during their grant activities. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris listened to each presentation with an opportunity to ask the grantees targeted questions about what they are learning and how their promising practices can...

Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance co-created “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe economic consequences resulting from...

What HOPE Adds []

By Bob Sege, 7/22/21, Summertime offers a chance to pause and reflect. This past year our team has had the good fortune to meet with, teach, and learn from dozens of organizational leaders and well over 10,000 participants from around the country and beyond. HOPE resonates with the values and work of so many other programs, organizations, and frameworks. At the same time, HOPE coalesces many years of research, thinking, and practical experience. What does HOPE...

Upcoming No Cost Trauma Informed Care Workshop

Please see the attached flyer for an upcoming Trauma Informed Care Workshop hosted by Sutter County Children & Families Commission and facilitated by Becky Haas , experienced trainer and internationally recognized for implementing trauma informed care. The workshop will be held virtually and registration is required . The workshop is open to anyone in our community at no cost. Please forward to any others who may be interested. Thanks.

'It's our heritage': How Sacramento residents fight food insecurity through urban farming []

By Alexandra Yoon-Hendricks, The Sacramento Bee, July 22, 2021 Alexandria White’s garden doesn’t look like a traditional garden. The crops aren’t planted in perfect rows in the side yard of her Oak Park home. The tomatoes are tucked between bright sunflowers. Cucumbers grow next to eggplants and peppers. She had to cut back her rosemary bush because it was starting to take over. But White said growing her own food over the last five years or so has been both fulfilling and empowering. She...

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