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California PACEs Action

ACEs Aware

In Case You Missed It: How ACEs Aware Training Can Support Providers and Patients During COVID-19 February Webinar Now Available []

WATCH NOW at 1.0 Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Credit Available* Providers seeking CME/MOC credits* must complete a separate activity evaluation in order to request CME/CE certificate. Those seeking MOC credits must also successfully complete the post-test with a score of 75% and higher. Please follow CME/MOC instructions available on Presenters discuss: How COVID-19 set conditions in motion involving new, acute stressors...

Growing a Trauma-Informed Network of Care in Fresno County [aces]

In this month’s ACEs Aware Spotlight , Artie Padilla, Senior Program Officer for the Neighborhood Development at the Central Valley Community Foundation, discusses his experience of building a trauma-informed network of care team in Fresno County. He also offers guidance and encouragement to organizations just beginning to build their networks of care.

ACEs Aware is Now Hiring! []

ACEs Aware is seeking two candidates to serve as Science/Clinical Advisor s to the ACEs Aware initiative. The advisors will provide and facilitate scientific and clinical expertise, input, and review of initiative activities and work products. This full-time role involves working closely with California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, and requires robust knowledge on ACEs and toxic stress science and research, including the impact of toxic stress on neuro, immune, endocrine, and...

Reminder: February Webinar - "How ACEs Aware Training Can Support Providers and Patients During COVID-19" []

1.0 Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Credit Available* Wednesday, February 24, 2021 Noon - 1 p.m. Register Here Please join us for our next ACEs Aware webinar to learn more about the secondary health effects associated with stress caused by COVID-19. Presenters will share how ACEs Aware training and resources to treat toxic stress can equip providers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively incorporate ACE screening into patient care, and...

ACEs Aware Webinar: Cultural and Racial Differences in Understanding and Responding to Adversity []

CYW WEBINAR Cultural and Racial Differences in Understanding and Responding to Adversity, Trauma, Resilience and Healing Wednesday, February 24th 12:00-1:00pm PT/3:00-4:00 ET The Center for Youth Wellness is excited to announce our third ACEs Aware webinar on February 24 at Noon PT/3pm ET. Gatanya Arnic, CYW's Chief Executive Officer, will discuss how cultural and racial differences can impact ACEs screening and response. Gatanya will lead a discussion of how the biases inherent in the...

Register Now! February Webinar: "How ACEs Aware Training Can Support Providers and Patients During COVID-19" []

1.0 Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Credit Available* Wednesday, February 24, 2021 Noon - 1 p.m. Register Here Please join us for our next ACEs Aware webinar to discuss the secondary health effects associated with stress caused by COVID-19. Presenters will share how ACEs Aware training and resources to treat toxic stress can equip providers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively incorporate ACE screening into patient care, and to better...

Upcoming #SaludTues Tweetchat: "Understanding ACEs and Toxic Stress" []

Our bodies are wired for survival, thanks to our biological stress system. However, without buffering protections, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as neglect and abuse, can lead to a toxic stress response. Fortunately, we know toxic stress is a health condition that is amenable to treatment. To help Californians better understand ACEs and toxic stress, we invite our ACEs Aware community to join us on Twitter on February 9 and use #SaludTues to Tweet about the lifelong consequences...

ACEs Aware Webinar: Network of Care []

This webinar includes a discussion and concrete example of a trauma-informed network of care , a group of interdisciplinary health, education, and human service professionals, community members, and organizations that support adults, children, and families by providing access to evidence-based “buffering” resources and supports that help to prevent, treat, and heal the harmful consequences of toxic stress. Speakers present: Definitions and guidance on key elements of a trauma-informed...

Join the Catalyst Center for our ACEs Aware Regional Provider Trainings! []

From The Catalyst Center, January 27, 2021 Through this training, you will gain insight and tools on ACEs, Toxic Stress, ACE screening, and unique populations experiencing ACEs, to then identify and engage community-based services to provide a warm handoff for patients and their families. Our ACEs Aware provider trainings will begin with the Orange County region on February 22nd, 2021. [ Please click here to register for the Provider Trainings .] We also invite ALL to join our regional...

ACEs Aware in Action: January Newsletter []

ACEs Aware in Action Join the Movement to Screen, Treat, and Heal California patients, health care providers, and communities have weathered many storms over the past year. Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and responding to the symptoms of toxic stress will improve patient health now and in the future, unlocking the potential of an entire generation. Join the movement today to become ACEs Aware. ACEs Aware Announces Grant Awards to Support Trauma-Informed Networks of Care...

California's ACEs Aware Initiative Awards $30.8 Million in Grant Funds to Strengthen Trauma-Informed Networks of Care []

Further expanding the reach and impact of the ACEs Aware initiative , the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in partnership with the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG), today awarded $30.8 million in ACEs Aware grant funds to 35 organizations across California. The grants will help build and strengthen robust networks of care to effectively respond to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress with community-based health and social supports that meet the...


"ACEs Aware Network of Care" Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Noon – 1 p.m. Register for the Webinar This webinar will include a discussion and concrete example of a trauma-informed network of care , a group of interdisciplinary health, education, and human service professionals, community members, and organizations that support adults, children, and families by providing access to evidence-based “buffering” resources and supports that help to prevent, treat, and heal the harmful consequences of...

New ACEs Aware Videos [acesawareorg]

ACEs Aware has recently released a brand new video featuring Dr. Burke Harris explaining the symptoms of toxic stress and encouraging providers to sign up for ACEs Aware's free, two-hour online training. The ACEs Aware video is available in full, half, and no animation versions. Links are included in the attachment with recommendations for each channel, but you are encouraged to post the animation version that best suits your audience. Links to all three versions – and an additional...

Peer-to-Peer-Provider Compassion: Coming to Terms with One’s Own Adversity⁠

One of the ways we are expanding awareness of the ACEs Aware initiative is by hosting Facilitated Peer-to-Peer sessions for Medi-Cal and other providers in Orange County. ⁠ ⁠ These two-hour sessions are perfect for practitioners who want to learn more about action planning and strategic change in trauma-informed care and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on individuals and communities.⁠ ⁠ Join us on Wednesday 2.03.21. ⁠ ⁠ Topic: Provider Compassion: Coming to Terms with...

Network-of-Care: Building a Roadmap Towards Resilience⁠

One of the ways we are expanding awareness of the ACEs Aware initiative is by hosting Facilitated Network-of-Care sessions for Medi-Cal and other providers in Orange County. ⁠ ⁠ These two hour sessions are perfect for practitioners who want to learn more about action planning and strategic change in trauma-informed care and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on individuals and communities.⁠ ⁠ Join us at one of the upcoming events on: Tuesday 01.26.2021 - 10-12 pm PST Tuesday...

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