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California PACEs Action

Blog Posts - CA Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA)

Save the date! National ACEs Conference, Oct. 15-17, San Francisco, CA

The Center for Youth Wellness and ACEs Connection are hosting the third biennial ACEs Conference Oct. 15-17, 2018, at the Hyatt Embarcadero in San Francisco, CA. The first day is devoted to a pediatric symposium. The main conference will take place Oct. 16-17. Our theme, “Action to Access”, will draw a line from the call to action established by previous conferences to the problem of access — how different individuals and communities are able to obtain and use the information, resources, and...

AB-2691 Pupil health: pupil and school staff trauma: Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative

Being a proponent of trauma-informed care and incorporating ACEs science, I was so excited to learn today that there is an assembly bill in California (AB-2691) addressing both of these! "This bill would establish within the State Department of Education the Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative to address the impact of adverse childhood experiences on the educational outcomes of California pupils. The bill would require the department to take specified actions, on or before December 31, 2019,...

Webinar announcement— The State of Childhood Adversity Legislation: Lessons from a National Scan of State Policies and Legislator Experience

The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) in collaboration with ACEs Connection is hosting a three-part webinar learning series for advocates and policymakers interested in addressing childhood adversity through public policy. Advocates across the country are asking how best to address childhood adversity at the local, state and national levels and support the right policies to advance these efforts. Momentum is growing across the country to do just that. In this learning...

Trauma Screenings Advisory Group (AB 340) Hosts First Meeting

On Friday, April 20, 2018, the AB 340 Workgroup, otherwise known as the Trauma Screenings Advisory Group, met for the first time to discuss the legislative charge to update, amend, or develop, if appropriate, tools and protocols for screening children for trauma as defined, within the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit in Medi-Cal. Both Children Now and Center for Youth Wellness were appointed members of the Trauma Screenings Advisory Workgroup, and we...

Overview of State Level Efforts to Address Childhood Adversity and Highlights from Oregon, Tennessee, and Wisconsin Webinar Recording and Resources Uploaded!

California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) and ACEs Connection Network hosted the first webinar of a three-part learning series called, " State Policy Approaches to Addressing Childhood Adversity on January 10th. We had over 190 participants! The recorded webinar, presentation slides and resources are now available on our website. Please share this resource with your colleagues. We are in the process of planning the second webinar that will discuss state legislation...

Key Childhood Trauma Bills Become Law in California

On October 15th, Governor Jerry Brown wrapped up the first year of a two-year legislative session by signing some bills and vetoing others. Three of those signed bills had been supported by 150 individuals from all around the state on Policymaker Education Day in July, as part of the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity ( 4CA ): AB 340 (Arambula): Creates a statewide advisory body to review how trauma is detected in children as early as possible. Specifically, it brings...

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