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California PACEs Action

Resource list -- Experts & speakers

It's Not About Food, Drugs or Alcohol, It's About ACES! Get A FREE Audible Version Today!

Hello My PACESconnection Colleagues! I published the print, ebook, and Kindle versions of my book It's Not About Food, Drugs or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD over a year ago. However, getting the audiobook version done has been much more challenging than I anticipated. The great news is I didn't give up, and I got it done (with my voice narrating it), and it's now available on Audible, Amazon Music, and iTunes! The Audible version includes a 70-page PDF with all of the images from...

Save the Life of Your Child

Some of my colleagues and I have developed a process and program called, "Design Thinking Suicide Prevention," that we have been presenting at mental health conferences . The reason for it is that we have discovered that certain words scare too many people who don't have to deal with mental issues in their family (although that number is becoming smaller and smaller). In fact, just the word "mental" causes people to run for the hills unless it directly affects them or a family member. Design...

Save the date! National ACEs Conference, Oct. 15-17, San Francisco, CA

The Center for Youth Wellness and ACEs Connection are hosting the third biennial ACEs Conference Oct. 15-17, 2018, at the Hyatt Embarcadero in San Francisco, CA. The first day is devoted to a pediatric symposium. The main conference will take place Oct. 16-17. Our theme, “Action to Access”, will draw a line from the call to action established by previous conferences to the problem of access — how different individuals and communities are able to obtain and use the information, resources, and...

My hopes for a trauma-informed California

Every evening, I try to engage my daughter in reflection, gratitude, and hope. I try to practice the same, but tonight, I felt the need to share with you all. Today I had the opportunity to attend the Toward a Trauma-Informed Northern California Summit 2018 – it was an incredible experience. We were welcomed with a moving, informative, and engaging keynote speaker, Dr. Isaiah B. Pickens , who laid the foundation for what would be a day of growth, reflection, connection, and peer support. He...

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