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California PACEs Action

Webinar on Advancing Change to Support Trauma-Informed Initiatives and Build Evidence of Impacts [ASPE, US Depart. of HHS]

Webinar on Advancing Change to Support Trauma-Informed Initiatives and  Build Evidence of Impacts [ASPE, US Depart. of HHS]

Overview of session: This webinar will offer an opportunity to learn about ASPE’s (The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development in health, disability, human services, data, and science) investment in bringing together federal, state, and program leaders and stakeholders, as well as researchers to examine trauma-informed approaches across sectors to assess what they look like in community settings, their impacts, and areas where further information is needed. Products from this study will soon be released that draw on important contributions of those leading this work, including an Issue Brief Advancing Change to Support Trauma-Informed Initiatives and Build Evidence of Impacts, and a Special Topics Paper: Using Logic Models Grounded in Theory of Change to Support Trauma-Informed Initiatives. Subject matter experts, researchers, and those closely tied to the work at a national level will share insights around the key themes:

  • Theme 1: Achieve a common understanding of what it means to be trauma-informed
  • Theme 2: Support a trauma-informed workforce
  • Theme 3: Strengthen measurement and build evidence of impact

 Audience: The target audience includes federal and state leads for projects with trauma as their main focus or one of their foci, or, decision makers and researchers who would benefit from acquiring additional knowledge about trauma-informed approaches and themes that emerged from the research, program scan, expert convening, and issues briefs emerging from this national project. Presenters/Remarks:
Kelly Jedd McKenzie, PhD, Social Science Research Analyst, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families
Pamala Trivedi, PhD, Social Science Research Analyst, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS
Mandy Davis, LCSW, PhD, Associate Professor of Practice, Director, Trauma Informed Oregon, Portland State University School of Social Work
Jennifer Drake-Croft, MSSW, IMH-E®, Director of Early Childhood Well-Being, Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth
Jeff Hild, JD, Policy Director, Redstone Center at the George Washington University School of Public Health
Erin Ingoldsby, PhD, Director, James Bell Associates
Karen B. Cairone, MEd, Project Director, Education Development Center
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I have had something come up , I really wanted to attend will there be a replay of the webinar posted at all?
On Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 12:00:06 AM PST, ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Event Reminder: Webinar on Advancing Change to Support Trauma-Informed Initiatives and Build Evidence of Impacts [ASPE, US Depart. of HHS]
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| Hello, charlena m mcfarland: We're sending you this notification because you are following upcoming Events. Upcoming Calendar Event
| What: Webinar on Advancing Change to Support Trauma-Informed Initiatives and Build Evidence of Impacts [ASPE, US Depart. of HHS] When: 12/11/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Pacific Standard Time) Calendar: Main Calendar Added By: Elizabeth Prewitt, ACEs Connection Staff Community: California ACEs Action | |

Overview of session: This webinar will offer an opportunity to learn about ASPE’s (The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation advises the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development in health, disability, human services, data, and science) investment in bringing together federal, state, and program leaders and stakeholders, as well as researchers to examine trauma-informed approaches across sectors to assess what they look like... View This Calendar Event ACEsConnection To adjust your email notifications for this site, please update your notification settings. To suspend ALL email notifications from this site, click here. |

Gail Kennedy (ACEs Connection Staff) posted:

Charlena- it is scheduled for Dec 11th so you haven't missed it! Be sure to click on the link to register.

Is this event only for currently employed industry employee's? It ask's for Employer info and job position with no option for public interested attendees. 

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