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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "Center for Resiliency"

Blog Post

2019 Los Angeles Women's Needs Assessment []

By Downtown Women's Center, February 2020 A report on women experiencing homelessness The 2019 Los Angeles Women’s Needs Assessment is a community-based research project developed in partnership with unsheltered and sheltered women in the City of Los Angeles. Expanding on the legacy of six past projects documenting the demographics, needs, and conditions of homeless and low-income women in downtown Los Angeles, this project includes women from a broader geographic swath of the city. [ Please...
Blog Post

A 'fire of infections' could sweep California evacuation centers. Here's the plan to stop it []

By Ryan Sabalow, The Sacramento Bee, April 29, 2020 The town of Paradise and the surrounding communities had burned to the ground. The victims, many of them poor and with nowhere to go, barely escaped. They were exhausted and scared. Then the norovirus hit as they crammed together in churches and a local fairground. They shared restrooms and slept shoulder-to-shoulder on cots. At the East Ave Church in Chico , some 300 Camp Fire evacuees had it better than some others in Butte County. Only...
Blog Post

Big Ideas - Center for Violence Prevention Research []

From Big Ideas, University of California at Davis, May 2020 Dr. Garen Wintemute is a leading expert on gun violence as well as a practicing emergency medicine physician and the director of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program. He and his colleagues will discuss the latest findings in developing evidence-based, non-partisan solutions to violence that will enable us to build safer communities. Date of event: May 27, 2020 12:00 PM [ Please click here to register .]
Blog Post

ACEs screening in CA — a Q and A with Dr. Dayna Long

Laurie Udesky ·
Last year, the California Department of Health Care Services rolled out its plans for universal screening for trauma among its pediatric and adult Medicaid population. Beginning January 1, 2020, California physicians were able to receive an incentive payment of $29 for each pediatric patient screened for ACEs using the PEARLs ( Pediatrics Adverse Childhood and Resilience Study) tool. Dr. Dayna Long talked with ACEs Connection staff reporter Laurie Udesky about ACEs science, what led to the...
Blog Post

Addressing Childhood Trauma, Center for Learning & Resilience []

By Deb Anderaos and Julia Yarbough, Action News Now, April 15, 2020 Butte County health representatives say they have long realized the need for coordinated mental health services for family and children dealing with trauma. The Camp Fire drove that point home and now the coronavirus crisis. Julia Yarbough recently spoke with the Executive Director of the new Center for Learning and Resilience. It’s a resource to help meet community needs. First of all, thank you for joining us, and tell me...
Blog Post

California healthcare providers adapt ACEs screening from in-person to virtual environment

Laurie Udesky ·
Dr. Amy Shekarchi, a pediatrician based in Los Angeles, CA, was helping to lead the rollout of ACEs screening among 50 health care providers at six clinics affiliated with the L.A. County Department of Health Services when the COVID-19 pandemic hit—days before she was set to launch the effort. “We had trained everybody in doing face-to-face [ACEs screening], and when COVID-19 happened we thought, let’s not throw the screening out. Everybody was ready,” says Shekarchi, who is the pediatric...
Blog Post

Webinar - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention

Julie Langston ·
Date: September 22, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. PST This webinar will discuss the role of ACEs as a contributor to developing problem behaviors during adolescence and adulthood. ACEs occur as a result of trauma, i.e., violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war, and other emotionally harmful experiences. More and more communities are adopting a trauma-informed approach to prevent and treat the impacts of ACEs and the consequential problem behaviors, including substance use/misuse. SUD...
Blog Post

Webinar — Moving to universal ACEs screening: Findings from a CA advisory group on screening children for trauma

Leah Medoff ·
On April 23rd, 2019 from 12:00pm-1:30pm PST the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) , an initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness, will be hosting a webinar to support efforts to screen all children for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and additional adversities. This webinar will summarize the findings of a state advisory group assigned to review tools and protocols for screening children for trauma, and provide an introduction to two tools the advisory group...
Blog Post

Webinars: Family Justice Centers AND Family Environment Instability

Bonnie Berman ·
Family Justice Centers, COVID-19 and HOPE on 4/2 Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 8:30-10 AM PST Join us for a webinar hosted by Alliance President Casey Gwinn and CEO Gael Strack to provide valuable information about COVID-19 and the work of Family Justice Centers and other collaboratives across the country and around the world. Victims of domestic and sexual violence need hope now more than ever. They need services to be available and accessible even if some of those services must be impacted by...
Blog Post

Youth Law Center Webinar Series

Bonnie Berman ·
The Youth Law Center has launched a webinar series to highlight some best practices for parents and resource parents during the Covid-19 crisis. More information is available below. YLC launches QPI resource series "COVID19: The New Normal" We understand that the daily changes and constantly updated information on the COVID-19 crisis can be overwhelming. However panic cannot and should not drive our work off...
Blog Post

Strengthening Families Webinar: Technical Assistance Clinic

Bonnie Berman ·
Join a webinar on Thursday, June 13, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT , to get answers to your questions about Strengthening Families implementation and help answer other people's questions! You can submit questions in advance by emailing cailin.oconnor@cssp. org or typing them in during the webinar. We will also hear from the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds about new resources and opportunities. To register:...
Blog Post

Study: Black Students Face 'Accumulation of Disadvantage' []

By Naaz Modan, Education Dive, October 10, 2019 Dive Brief: A new study from the University of California, Los Angeles' Center for the Transformation of Schools finds a student's quality of life is linked to his or her academic performance. Where they live, access to healthy food, and quality of air and healthcare are among factors that influence academic performance and the schools they attend. Black students in Los Angeles — who are already faced with higher suspension rates, attend...
Blog Post

Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma

Mariel Gingrich ·
This new technical assistance tool from the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) offers a variety of approaches for screening adults and children for adverse childhood experiences and trauma, including examples of screening protocols used at several provider practices that have embraced trauma-informed care.
Blog Post

Suicide: Questions and Where to Ask Them []

By Mary Benjamin, The Mendocino Beacon, January 2, 2019 Editor’s note: Last week, this community suffered a tragedy in which a young person’s life ended. The particular event is too painful for clumsy public treatment, and rightfully outside the norms of American media coverage. But suicide is a terrible and growing problem, especially in rural America, and we relay these resources to anyone who has questions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that rural counties...
Blog Post

The Brain Architects Podcast: COVID-19 Special Edition: Self-Care Isn't Selfish []

By Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, April 29, 2020 In the midst of a global pandemic, pediatricians are serving a unique role. While the coronavirus is generally showing milder effects on babies and children than on adults, there are still health concerns and considerations for infants in need of scheduled vaccinations, and kids who are home all day with parents who may be facing stressful situations. In the second episode of our special COVID-19 series of The Brain...
Blog Post

The Brain Architects Podcast: Toxic Stress: Protecting the Foundation (Episode 2) from Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Bonnie Berman ·
Excessive or prolonged activation of stress response systems in early childhood can have damaging effects on learning, behavior, and health across the lifespan. Such toxic stress can occur when a child experiences strong, frequent, and/or prolonged adversity without adequate adult support. But that's not the whole story. With the right supports, toxic stress doesn't have to lead to bad outcomes. The second episode of the Center's new podcast, The Brain Architects, explores what toxic stress...
Blog Post

The Challenges and Blessings of My Dissociative Disorder

Bonnie Armstrong ·
A remarkable coping mechanism helped me survive parts of my childhood, and I find I need to give a heads-up about it to anyone who treats me in a medical setting. While chatting about it at last year’s ACEs Conference in San Francisco, Dr. Vince Felitti asked me to write an article for The Permanente Journal about my experiences with the medical community, as a person with a childhood-trauma-related, but mostly invisible, mental health disorder. And, of course, who can say “No” to Dr.
Calendar Event

Confidentiality and Information Sharing in FJCs

Blog Post

Thinking About Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Impacts Through a Science-Informed, Early Childhood Lens []

By Jack P. Shonkoff and David R. Williams, Center on the Developing Child, April 27, 2020 The COVID-19 virus is ruthlessly contagious and, at the same time, highly selective. Its capacity to infect is universal, but the consequences of becoming infected are not. While there are exceptions, children are less likely to show symptoms, older adults and those with pre-existing medical conditions are the most susceptible, and communities of color in the United States are experiencing dramatically...
Blog Post

To Help Children Get Mental Health Care, Researchers Call for Overhaul of Medi-Cal []

By Claudia Boyd-Barrett, California Health Report, October 10, 2019 Should health plans do more to support parents in raising stable families? That’s the recommendation from a coalition of child health researchers who are calling for an overhaul of part of the state’s Medi-Cal program. Medi-Cal is California’s low-income health program that covers 40 percent of children in the state. The recommendations are included in a report, from the First 5 Center for Children’s Policy and a group of...
Blog Post

Trauma Screenings Advisory Group (AB 340) Hosts First Meeting

Gail Yen ·
On Friday, April 20, 2018, the AB 340 Workgroup, otherwise known as the Trauma Screenings Advisory Group, met for the first time to discuss the legislative charge to update, amend, or develop, if appropriate, tools and protocols for screening children for trauma as defined, within the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit in Medi-Cal. Both Children Now and Center for Youth Wellness were appointed members of the Trauma Screenings Advisory Workgroup, and we...
Blog Post

UC Davis, Poverty Research & Policy Summit, April 22, 2016,

Julie Langston ·
The Center for Poverty Research at UC Davis is one of three federally designated centers whose mission is to facilitate non-partisan academic research on poverty in the U.S., disseminate this research, and train the next generation of poverty scholars. Their research agenda includes four themed areas of focus: labor markets and poverty, children and intergenerational transmission of poverty, the non-traditional safety net, and immigration. UC Davis Poverty Research and Policy Summit- Please...
Blog Post

UPDATE: SCOTUS Public Charge Ruling Will Put Immigrant Families and Children at Risk (information below from the Center for the Study of Social Policy)

Bonnie Berman ·
On Tuesday, January 27, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) allowed the Trump administration to enforce the "public charge" rule, denying certain immigrants to gain permanent resident if they're likely to need government assistance to basic needs like food, shelter, and health care. The SCOTUS 5-4 decision on the public charge rule, previously overturned by lower courts, broadens the definition of public charge to an immigrant who receives one or more public benefits for more than 12...
Blog Post

DULCE helps pediatricians in Oakland, CA, prevent toxic stress in newborns

Laurie Udesky ·
On a recent day in early March, Laura Lopez met a former patient of hers in the waiting room of Highland Hospital’s pediatric clinic in Oakland, CA. The patient had forgotten her Medi-Cal card and called Lopez asking for help. But in the brief conversation, Lopez, a family specialist with the DULCE program, learned about some dire changes in the patient’s life. Laura Lopez “Without me even asking, she shared with me that she had separated from her partner, that she needs to apply for food...
Blog Post

For Community Health Centers, a Hands-On Guide to Building Partnerships []

By Carlina Hansen, California Health Care Foundation, October 15, 2019 Before joining CHCF, I spent almost 20 years as executive director of the Women’s Community Clinic in San Francisco. In my time there, we forged some valuable partnerships to serve our clients and community, including our merger with another community health center, HealthRIGHT 360. It was during the merger process that I learned first-hand one of the biggest challenges to forging such partnerships — and it wasn’t what I...
Blog Post

Funding will Boost Support for Human Trafficking Survivors []

By Cassie Dickman,, December 21, 2019 Community Medical Centers is set to receive more than $500,000 in federal funds starting next year to provide services tailored to human trafficking survivors in San Joaquin County. The three-year grant comes from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime and will enable CMC locations throughout the county to establish safe havens, according to a CMC news release. CMC began development on the Safe Haven Project in 2017...
Blog Post

Gold Mine: February 2020: SafeQuest Helps Those Dealing with Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault []

By Susan Hiland, Daily Republic, February 2, 2020 SafeQuest Solano Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Solano County by providing prevention education, advocacy and intervention services to those affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. The organization was founded in 1976. It opened its first shelter a year later for survivors of domestic violence and their children. SafeQuest earned nonprofit status in 1983 under the name Solano Women’s Crisis Center. The...
Blog Post

Launching a Revolution []

By Madeline Drexler, Harvard Public Health, Winter 2020 In 2007, pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris, MPH ’02, set out on an idealistic mission: to deliver quality medical care to one of San Francisco’s poorest and most underserved neighborhoods—Bayview-Hunters Point, in the isolated southeastern corner of the city. Before Burke Harris arrived on the scene, only one pediatrician was serving the neighborhood’s 10,000 children. The community’s plight was starkly apparent in its ZIP code. In 17 of...
Blog Post

Merced College NextUp Center Celebrates Foster Youth Services with Grand Opening []

By Staff, February 5, 2020 Merced College celebrated the grand opening on Wednesday of the NextUp Center to support current and former foster youth under the age of 26. Merced College says it was one of 45 community colleges to receive a NextUp grant from California Community Colleges in the amount of $643,840 to establish the program which offers support and resources including academic and vocational counseling, meal and gas cards, educational supplies, and more.
Blog Post

Moving Equity to the Center - Part 2 (How I was inspired)

This past Friday, December 6, I attended the "Moving Equity to the Center - Part 2" forum in Fresno, CA. The morning began with the usual networking and acquiring of refreshments. The conversations were enlightening and engaging. I was able to meet several individuals who work in the Fresno community, and provided valuable insight to how issues are being confronted and addressed in Fresno County. Once, we sat down we were addressed by Linda Gleason the founding Director of The Children's...
Blog Post

New Navigation Center for Transitional Age Youth Approved []

From Patch, February 26, 2020 On Tuesday, February 25, the Board of Supervisors approved the lease for a new 75-bed Navigation Center at 888 Post Street. Mayor London N. Breed and Supervisor Aaron Peskin sponsored the legislation to create the Navigation Center to serve Transitional Age Youth (ages 18-24) experiencing homelessness. 888 Post Street will become the City's first Navigation Center for young people ages 18-24. The Navigation Center model provides low-barrier shelter so young...
Blog Post

Providing Trauma Informed and Resilience Focused Seminars for Correctional Officers

Phil Schmauss ·
"Excellent course. I can apply the skills learned professionally and personally. The speaker is very passionate about the ACE subject. Thank you for your expertise and encouragement/support." - Law Enforcement Attendee Dave Lockridge, Executive Director of ACE Overcomers: The Center for Resiliency, spent September 5th and 6th training 72 probation/correction officers in Ventura County. The day was spent equipping officers to succeed personally and professionally in a stressful environment.
Blog Post

RESOURCES from Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Bonnie Berman ·
In case you missed them, here are all of the resources that Harvard Center on the Developing Child released in 2019: Infographics: https:// resourcecategory/infographics/ What are ACEs? And how do they relate to toxic stress? What is Epigenetics? And how does it relate to child development? What is executive function? And how does it relate to child development? What we can do about toxic stress: From surviving to coping to resilience Putting science into action:...
Blog Post

Commentary: San Diego's Anti-Domestic Violence Center Replicated Across U.S. []

By Casey Gwinn, The San Diego Union-Tribune, November 14, 2019 In 2002, during my tenure as the San Diego city attorney, we opened the nationally acclaimed San Diego Family Justice Center. For the first time anywhere in America, we brought together 25 agencies under one roof to meet the needs of domestic and sexual violence victims. The results were stunning. During our journey from the very beginning of planning the center through 2008, we saw a 90% drop in domestic violence homicides in...
Blog Post

California Woman is Unable to Get Insurance - So She Took Her Health Into Her Own Hands []

By Yesenia Amaro, Center for Health Journalism, October 24, 2019 A red bandana holds back Judit Garcia’s hair as sweat stains become visible on her pink shirt. Her face and arms are sweaty, and she looks tired. But she’s not giving up. Almost an hour after beginning her workout, the 42-year-old Raisin City resident is still keeping up with all the steps in her Zumba class in the neighboring rural town of Caruthers. It doesn’t help that it’s a very hot evening in the Central Valley, and the...
Blog Post

Center to Help Child Abuse Victims Coming to Downtown Redding []

By David Benda, Record Searchlight, December 12, 2019 Plans for a center that will partner with six Shasta County agencies to help child abuse victims was unveiled Thursday morning in downtown Redding. The Children's Legacy Center will occupy a former real estate office on Shasta Street just as motorists come into downtown off Highway 44. Executive Director Kimberly Johnson said the goal is to have the center open by spring. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

How One Connection at CYW’s ACEs Conference Sparked Awareness into Action

Lori Chelius ·
Origins offers a number of training and consulting services. We developed The Basics as a half-day session to provide the foundation to support trauma-informed and resilience practices across sectors and industries. The session includes an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the neurobiology of toxic stress, the impact of social and historical trauma, and the science of resilience. We have tested The Basics with two cross-sector audiences, in Los Angeles and Phoenix.
Blog Post

How One Connection at CYW’s ACEs Conference Sparked Awareness into Action

Lori Chelius ·
Origins offers a number of training and consulting services. We developed The Basics as a half-day session to provide the foundation to support trauma-informed and resilience practices across sectors and industries. The session includes an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, the neurobiology of toxic stress, the impact of social and historical trauma, and the science of resilience. We have tested The Basics with two cross-sector audiences, in Los Angeles and Phoenix.
Blog Post

In Housing Crisis, Rural Californians Need Greater Legal Protections and Access to Legal Aid

Bonnie Berman ·
In a new policy brief from the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research, Zach Newman and Lisa R. Pruitt write that California's legal-aid system should be funded with sensitivity to rural needs in order to deliver adequate legal aid to all Californians, wherever they reside. Key Facts: Rural homelessness in California is rising, sometimes more quickly than its urban equivalent. High rural eviction rates are caused in part by inadequate access to legal assistance in rural communities. New laws...

Re: RESOURCES from Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Lisa Frederiksen ·
Thank you for this, Bonnie!

Re: DULCE helps pediatricians in Oakland, CA, prevent toxic stress in newborns

Sarah Rock, JD ·
DULCE is a great program, and much because our former CA early childhood colleague Patsy Hampton is the director. Thank you Patsy for always bringing integrity and honesty to the work! We miss you here in CA.

Re: The Brain Architects Podcast: Toxic Stress: Protecting the Foundation (Episode 2) from Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Calista Scott ·
Diapers are a basic need, as important as food and a mother's love (I purposefully left out "a home" because I find people often say we first have to get families into a home, before we can do anything else. (please see: babies of In 2019, a story by Belinda Luscombe titled Starting a Diaper Bank came out in TIME . The story is about Joanne Goldblum, a social worker in New Haven, Conn. who founded The Diaper Bank of New Haven to address the desperate need for diapers she...

Re: Providing Trauma Informed and Resilience Focused Seminars for Correctional Officers

Karen Clemmer ·
Thank you for sharing this, Phil! Dave is a passionate ACEs champion and I love seeing him speaking with correctional officers. Not only do they likely encounter folks with ACEs, and experience secondary or vicarious trauma ... frequently those in the "helping professions" have had similar ACEs experiences while they were growing up. Love the participant quote and all the photos! Thanks for sharing, Karen
Blog Post

Anti-Racist Resources from Greater Good []

From Greater Good Magazine, June 3, 2020 Our mission at the Greater Good Science Center is to elevate the human potential for compassion. But that does not mean we deny or dismiss the human potential for violence, particularly toward marginalized or dehumanized groups. or centuries, African Americans and other communities of color have been subject to this physical and structural violence, denied their humanity and often their basic right to exist. That’s why we are gathering Greater Good...
Blog Post

Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit []

From The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, June 2020 NCTSN RESOURCE Resource Description Supports caseworkers, supervisors, and all other levels of the child welfare workforce in implementing trauma-informed knowledge and skills in their daily interactions, professional services and organizational culture. The third edition of the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit (CWTTT) incorporates two foundational trainings, a specialized skills training for supervisors and caseworkers, and a...
Blog Post

COVID-19 Batters A Beloved Bay Area Community Health Care Center []

By Rachel Sheier, California Healthline, June 11, 2020 A small band of volunteers started the Marin City Health and Wellness Center nearly two decades ago with a doctor and a retired social worker making house calls in public housing high-rises. It grew into a beloved community resource and a grassroots experiment in African American health care. “It was truly a one-stop shop,” said Ebony McKinley, a lifelong resident of this tightknit, historically black enclave several miles north of the...
Blog Post

Undocumented workers hit hardest by pandemic, study says. Will California 'do more?' []

By Yesenia Amaro, The Fresno Bee, June 17, 2020 Nearly 360,000 undocumented workers have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic in California, where the job recovery lags behind the rest of the country, a new analysis has found. Researchers with UC Merced’s Community and Labor Center on Tuesday released the policy report. The study shows undocumented workers in California continue to lose their jobs while other population groups see slow job gains nationally. The report was...
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