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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "democratic debates"

Blog Post

Toxic stress: the other health crisis politicians should be talking about []

Jim Hickman ·
By Jim Hickman,, June 21, 2019 A t nearly 50,000 deaths each year, the opioid epidemic is shaping up to be the central public health issue of the 2020 presidential election. From President Trump on the right with a declaration of national emergency to Sen. Elizabeth Warren on the left with a 10-year, $100 billion plan to fight addiction, the candidates are racing to outdo each other on one of the few issues that transcends our polarized politics. But there’s another burgeoning...
Blog Post

California takes a step toward banning spanking!

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
The California Democratic Committee pass resolution to ban spanking this August, 2019! Ending Physical/Corporal Punishment of Children RESOLUTION NUMBER 19-05.112 WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence that spanking is harmful to children and families as it increases aggression and violence long term, impacts normal brain development, and is ineffective in teaching responsibility and self-control, and the rationale for spanking is the same that was accepted for men hitting women in recent...

Re: California takes a step toward banning spanking!

Sue Hannibal ·
Get ready for the parental rights argument, "don't tell me how to raise my kids, I was spanked and I turned out all right.." A spanking is not the same as being beaten with a belt, a tree branch or other objects. Then there's the misinterpretation of the Biblical proverb 13:24 about sparing the rod. The message that has to get out is simple: discipline is teaching, and even animal trainers don't hit their animals, they connect, establish trust, guide, praise and reward with love. Through...
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