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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "Los Angeles and Oakland"

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$2 Million Grant to Help Address Trauma in Oakland Public Schools

Gail Kennedy ·
"The C alif ornia School-B ase d Health Alliance (CSHA) received a $2 million grant July 14 from The San Francisco Foundation to support trauma-informed care in 15 school-based health centers in Oakland Public Schools. The grant will...
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2019 Los Angeles Women's Needs Assessment []

By Downtown Women's Center, February 2020 A report on women experiencing homelessness The 2019 Los Angeles Women’s Needs Assessment is a community-based research project developed in partnership with unsheltered and sheltered women in the City of Los Angeles. Expanding on the legacy of six past projects documenting the demographics, needs, and conditions of homeless and low-income women in downtown Los Angeles, this project includes women from a broader geographic swath of the city. [ Please...
Blog Post

A little hope for a homeless solution: Tiny housing units sprout in the Bay Area (

Nearly two years after a smattering of tiny homes popped up in the Bay Area as a peculiar new way of housing homeless people, the technique is exploding from one end of the region to the other. Nearly 1,000 tiny homes or their close cousins — stackable modular housing units, typically with less than 200 square feet of living space — are being planned in San Francisco, San Jose, Richmond, Berkeley, Oakland and Santa Rosa. Planners say that’s just the beginning. “We’re very excited about...
Blog Post

Back to Our Roots: Catalyzing Community Action for Mental Health and Wellbeing []

Alicia Doktor ·
Mental health is at the heart many of the challenges we face, including trauma and adverse childhood experiences, social isolation, institutionalized bias and discrimination, and ‘diseases of despair’ that manifest in depression, suicide, and substance misuse. Addressing social determinants of health is key to helping communities navigate adversity, heal, and flourish. PI’s new report, Back to Our Roots: Catalyzing Community Action for Mental Health and Wellbeing , illustrates how improving...
Blog Post

Bay Area educators help families in school districts hurt by coronavirus shutdowns []

By Theresa Harrington, EdSource, April 17, 2020 Even before the coronavirus struck, many families in Oakland Unified struggled to get by. But with residents forced to stay home and non-essential businesses closed, circumstances have turned dire. In response, many educators and community members are going far beyond their normal duties in these far-from-normal times. They are helping needy families with food, financial aid and technology through donations and fundraising campaigns. At some...
Blog Post

Being homeless during coronavirus adds hardship for California college student []

By Marisa Martinez, EdSource, April 17, 2020 Mornings for student Cristina Zetino at California State University, Los Angeles are as normal as they can be. Before she packs up her things, she checks in with the family that offers her an occasional place to lay her head for the night. The self-described “couch surfer” alternates between three different homes throughout the week while juggling work and classes. Always in her possession are three bags: “One bag for school, one for clothes and a...
Blog Post

Briefs on current adverse childhood experiences in children in selected California cities

Attached are briefs on current ACEs in children in selected California cities, with comparison with state and county data. They were prepared by the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health, a project of the Child and Adolescent...
Blog Post

Budget realities challenging California school districts’ restorative justice programs [EdSource]

Gail Kennedy ·
By David Washburn, July 1, 2019 Legions of California educators have been trained in recent years in restorative justice, which is no longer considered an obscure alternative to traditional school discipline. Yet even in districts with well-established programs, finding and keeping funding for it remains a challenge. Earlier this year, for example, the Oakland Unified School District board approved a package of austere budget cuts that appeared to have dismantled the district’s program,...
Blog Post

CA Senate unanimously approves ACEs reduction resolution

On August 18, the California Senate unanimously approved  Concurrent Resolution (ACR) No. 155  to encourage statewide policies to reduce children’s exposure to adverse childhood experiences.  As reported on ACEs Too High , the resolution is modeled after a Wisconsin resolution that encourages state policy decision-making to consider the impact of early childhood adversity on the long-term health and well being of its citizens. Since the resolution does not require...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion Julie Kurtz Gives Every Child (and Adult) a Voice

Sylvia Paull ·
Julie Kurtz hasn’t stopped creating ways to build and promote resilience in herself and others who have experienced trauma since she left her family home for college at age 18. Although she experienced four types of adversity during her childhood, the CEO of the Center for Optimal Brain Integration has traveled a complex journey to mitigate those adversities by recognizing her own internal resilience, building skills to buffer her toxic and traumatic stress, uncovering her voice through...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families

Laurie Udesky ·
ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families You’ll receive tips for health care providers in pediatric settings and beyond When: Friday, Dec. 14, 2018, 10:30-11:30 am Pacific Time/1:30-2:30 Eastern Time Please register here for this webinar. Our speakers include: Dr. Heyman Oo , MD MPH is a primary care pediatrician in Marin County and an Associate Physician/Clinical Instructor for the General Pediatrics Department at Zuckerberg San Francisco...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champion Series: Dr. Angela Bymaster: This Faith-Based Physician Integrates ACEs Science with Healing Arts

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Angela Bymaster, a family physician at Washington Elementary School in San Jose, CA, operates her clinic in a portable unit on the school property. Because the unit faces students as they are dropped off by their families, she gets to “pick up the kids” before they are sent to the clinic, practicing “upstream medicine.”
Blog Post

ACEs screening in CA — a Q and A with Dr. Dayna Long

Laurie Udesky ·
Last year, the California Department of Health Care Services rolled out its plans for universal screening for trauma among its pediatric and adult Medicaid population. Beginning January 1, 2020, California physicians were able to receive an incentive payment of $29 for each pediatric patient screened for ACEs using the PEARLs ( Pediatrics Adverse Childhood and Resilience Study) tool. Dr. Dayna Long talked with ACEs Connection staff reporter Laurie Udesky about ACEs science, what led to the...
Blog Post

An Alternative to Suspension with Trauma-Informed Dynamic Mindfulness: Building Stress Resilience, Emotion Regulation and Empathy

Heidi Brown ·
At the November 2019 Northern California Safe and Healthy Schools Conference at UC Berkeley, Niroga Program Managers Sam Weiss and Fatima Ahmed facilitated a session incorporating the theory and practice of Dynamic Mindfulness (DMind) to a standing room only crowd.
Blog Post

Analysis: Lack of Beds Keeps Homeless on the Streets Longer []

By Reggie Ellis, The Sun-Gazette, February 5, 2020 Visalia has the highest percentage of homeless people with highest need in the entire country. The Sun-Gazette reported last week that Tulare and Kings County, where most of the homeless population lives in Visalia, had the highest percentage nationwide of unsheltered, chronically homeless people, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress. Nearly one-third of the...
Blog Post

Assembly OK’s Bill to Expand ‘Gravely Disabled’ to Include Mental Illness (

The California Assembly passed AB 1971 Wednesday, legislation which amends the state’s definition of “gravely disabled” to include medical treatment as a basic human need for those suffering from a serious mental illness, just as necessary to well-being as food, clothing or shelter. AB 1971 is sponsored by Los Angeles County, the Steinberg Institute, and the California Psychiatric Association. The bill passed with bipartisan support by a vote of 66-0. The proposal for the change in state law...
Blog Post

Assemblymember Bonta hosts Raising of America's "Wounded Places" screening in Oakland, CA, Dec. 14, 2014

Jane Stevens ·
Assemblymember Rob Bonta sent out this email: As Chair of the Select Committee on the Status of Boys and Men of Color, I invite you to join Chair Assemblymember Reginald Jones-Sawyer and me for a screening and discussion of the moving documentary "Wounded Places" at the Elihu Harris State Building in Oakland on  Monday, December 14th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. " Wounded Places" describes how structural racism has ravaged communities and exposed children and families to multiple adversities...
Blog Post

California Air Quality: Should You Wear a Face Mask for Wildfire Smoke []

By Sarah Mervosh, The New York Times, October 28, 2019 With wildfires raging up and down the state of California on Monday, smoke filled the air in many places, ash fell from the sky, and residents were once again left to wonder whether the very air they were breathing was safe. The largest, the Kincade fire in Sonoma County north of San Francisco, nearly doubled in size in 24 hours and was just 5 percent contained on Monday, prompting volunteers downwind in the Bay Area to scramble to hand...
Blog Post

California Assembly Health Committee OKs ACEs resolution 16-0

The California Assembly Health Committee today approved, by a vote of 16-0, a resolution to encourage statewide policies to reduce children’s exposure to adverse childhood experiences. California took a page from Wisconsin’s playbook with the introduction of legislation ( California Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) No. 155 ) on May 28. It drew upon ideas from Wisconsin’s legislation ( Senate Joint Resolution 59 ), approved by the legislature this early this year. Both...
Blog Post

California Assembly unanimously approves resolution to reduce ACEs

On August 11, the California Assembly unanimously approved  Concurrent Resolution (ACR) No. 155  to encourage statewide policies to reduce children’s exposure to adverse childhood experiences. The resolution passed with bi-partisan support and added 68 members as coauthors (there are 80 members of the Assembly). The  California proposal  encourages state policy decision-making to consider the impact of early childhood adversity on the long-term health and well being...
Blog Post

California bill would fund trauma and mental health services for students []

Jane Stevens ·
CALIFORNIA schools will once again be able to offer mental health programs for students in kindergarten and grades one to three who are struggling with anxiety and other trauma or stress related symptoms, if a bill introduced in the legislature earlier this week passes. AB 1644 was introduced by Assemblymember Rob Bonta (D-Oakland) and is co-sponsored by Children Now, a statewide youth advocacy organization headquartered in Oakland, and by state Attorney General Kamala Harris. “The...
Blog Post

California, Climate Change and the Trauma of the Last Decade []

By Deborah Netburn, Los Angeles Times, December 26, 2019 The wildfires were more destructive. The drought was the longest on record. And the storms, when they finally came, unleashed more water than our dams could contain. To live in California over the last decade has meant enduring a steady procession of weather-related disasters, each one seemingly worse than the last. Five of the 10 largest fires in state record books have occurred since 2010. So has California’s third driest year since...
Blog Post

Use-of-Force Incidents Against Homeless People Are Up, LAPD Reports []

By Leila Miller, Los Angeles Times, January 21, 2020 More than one out of three times that a Los Angeles police officer used force in recent months involved a person experiencing homelessness, according to a new LAPD report. During the third quarter of 2019, officers used force on homeless people 217 times, a 26% increase from the same period in 2018 when that number was 172. LAPD homeless coordinator Cmdr. Donald Graham pointed to the city’s growing homeless population and an uptick in...
Blog Post

Vinnie Pompei wants you to know that we're all biased, and we can work with that []

Alicia Doktor ·
Vincent “Vinnie” Pompei is director of the Youth Well-Being Project of the Human Rights Campaign, a national civil rights organization, and the chair of Time to Thrive, an annual national conference about LGBT student inclusion. He spent more than 10 years as a middle school teacher and high school counselor in the Paramount and Val Verde unified school districts in Southern California. Pompei is also a past president of the California Association of School Counselors. On Oct. 5 at the...
Blog Post

Walk With Us: Building Community Power and Connection for Health Equity []

By Aditi Vaidya, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 20, 2019 While many think of the Bay Area of California as the center of big tech and wealth, my memories of Oakland take me back to its Port truck drivers. Working an average of 11 hours a day, waiting in long lines at the Port of Oakland to pick up their loads, truck drivers in the Bay Area were isolated—living in the rigs they decorated with photos of their children and families. You can guess all of the reasons this is...
Blog Post

Want to get certified in Echo's new trauma-informed nonviolent parenting curriculum?

Louise Godbold ·
Want to get certified in Echo's new trauma-informed nonviolent parenting curriculum? For the last 18 years, Echo has been providing sliding-scale parenting classes in Los Angeles. The 10-class series includes the latest science on the brain and childhood trauma and gives parents many tools for creating the kind of safe, stable nurturing relationship we all want with our children and underpins healthy development. Classes are available in English and Spanish. This fall, Echo will be offering...
Blog Post

'We're Petrified': Immigrants Afraid to Seek Medical Care for Coronavirus []

By Miriam Jordan, The New York Times, March 18, 2020 LOS ANGELES — The coronavirus was not on the agenda when a legal-aid group two months ago invited farmworkers who toil in the date groves, lemon orchards and vineyards of California’s Coachella Valley to an information session about immigration issues. But when Luz Gallegos and her team showed up over the weekend, they were cornered by people who peppered them with questions about the virus. On Monday, public health authorities announced...
Blog Post

Webinar covered how to build trauma-informed connections via telehealth

Laurie Udesky ·
When Dr. Erika Roshanravan, a family physician with CommuniCare in Woodland, CA, thinks back to her patient visits prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, one way she drew their deep-seated concerns was to ask the reason for the visit and to interject throughout, “Is there anything else?” And it’s asking that question during phone and video visits that has also helped her understand the true reason for her patients’ needs now, she told people who attended an ACEs Aware webinar on April 29 entitled:...
Blog Post

Webinar Oct. 17 — Integrating ACEs science in pediatrics: Early adopters share lessons from the field

Laurie Udesky ·
An ACEs Connection webinar co-sponsored with 4 CA In 2017, California became the first state in the country to pass a law supporting universal screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the 5.3 million children in the state’s Medicaid program. As clinicians around California await the state’s announcement of what this new policy will entail, many are wondering what it takes to integrate ACEs science in a pediatric practice. Meet Drs. Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, R.J. Gillespie and...
Blog Post

Webinar Oct. 17 — Integrating ACEs science in pediatrics: Early adopters share lessons from the field

Laurie Udesky ·
An ACEs Connection webinar co-sponsored with 4 CA In 2017, California became the first state in the country to pass a law supporting universal screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the 5.3 million children in the state’s Medicaid program. As clinicians around California await the state’s announcement of what this new policy will entail, many are wondering what it takes to integrate ACEs science in a pediatric practice. Meet Drs. Deirdre Bernard-Pearl, R.J. Gillespie and...
Blog Post

Webinar readies doctors for universal ACEs screening in Ca and beyond

Laurie Udesky ·
Editor’s note: Governor Gavin Newsom set aside federal funds and funds through Proposition 56 that will reimburse health care providers for screening patients in the Medi-Cal program for trauma beginning July 1 using the CPT code 96160. Notably the Department of Health Care Services recommended in March that only California providers using the PEARLS tool to screen pediatric patients will be reimbursed. ACEs Connection has made repeated public records requests for public comments submitted...
Blog Post

Who Knows Why California Crime By Youth Is Plummeting? []

By Mike Males, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, October 23, 2019 The good news: California’s arrests of youths plunged another 17% in 2018 to the lowest levels ever recorded. The bad news: An arrested youth’s odds of being formally sentenced by a juvenile or adult court (rather than receiving informal sanctions) and of being incarcerated are rising rapidly. What underlies these trends? The crime and violence plummet is phenomenal. In 2018, 84 Californians under age 18 were arrested for...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Why this financial coach integrates ACEs-based training

Sylvia Paull ·
In foreground, Dr. Donielle Prince (l) and Saundra Davis (r) ____________________________ Saundra Davis, a financial coach and consultant who trains other coaches on building resilience among the working poor, knew she had met her partner in helping people deal with their “money disorders” when she first met Dr. Donielle Prince in Sacramento at a black women’s gathering in 2015. Dr. Prince works with ACEs Connection as its San Francisco Bay Area regional community facilitator. She also...
Blog Post

Workshop in Oakland, CA: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Health and Mental Health Consequences

Jane Stevens ·
Drs.   Vincent Felitti and John Preston will do a presentation about ACEs from 1-5 pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016, at Kaiser Center Auditorium, 300 Lakeside Drive, 2nd floor, in Oakland, CA. The course is sponsored by the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Mental Health Training Program. This is the course description: [The workshop organizers say that this workshop is not limited to licensed professionals, but anyone who is interested. Seats are limited, and...
Calendar Event

2019 Civic Leadership Forum

Blog Post

Six Bay Area counties extend coronavirus school closures to May 4 []

By Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle, March 25, 2020 Officials in six Bay Area counties announced they will shutter all schools until May 4, extending coronavirus closures for what will be at least a seven-week stretch. The coordinated decision aligns the closure schedule for hundreds of schools and nearly 1 million students in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. The decision follows an announcement by Los Angeles Unified last week to close...
Blog Post

Social distance puts squeeze on multigenerational homes []

By Otis R. Taylor Jr., San Francisco Chronicle, April 10, 2020 Gerardo Peña can’t pay this month’s $2,700 rent for Right-Way Shoe Repair on College Avenue in Oakland, a store he’s owned for 16 years. He also can’t pay the $2,300 he owes for Shoe Clinic, the sister repair shop less than 2 miles away on Piedmont Avenue. He’s owned that store for seven years. “I know he’s stressed out,” Leslie Peña said about her father. “I think everybody is.” [ Please click here to read more .]
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State Audit Finds Education Money Not Serving High-Needs Students, Calls for Changes in Funding Law []

By John Fensterwald, EdSource, November 6, 2019 In its first detailed examination of former Gov. Jerry Brown’s landmark school funding law, the California State Auditor sharply criticized the Legislature and State Board of Education for failing to ensure that billions of dollars have been spent on low-income children and other students targeted for additional state money. “In general, we determined that the State’s approach” to the Local Control Funding Formula “has not ensured that funding...
Blog Post

State board’s next challenge: how to measure school climate, the heartbeat of a school (

Busloads of high school students and parents from organizations statewide have trekked to State Board of Education meetings for two years, clamoring for changes they believe will improve school climate. In moving testimony, students described schools where they feel disconnected, misunderstood and often under-challenged. “If you are serious about closing the achievement gap, and bringing equity to our most vulnerable students, don’t continue to neglect school climate,” Armon Matthews, a...
Blog Post

State Dropping Ball in Dealing With Childhood Trauma, New Report Says []

Jane Stevens ·
The lowest of 31 grades issued in the  2016 California Children's Report Card released on Wednesday was for dealing with the effects of childhood trauma. In Children Now's biennial assessment of the status of California kids, researchers gave the state a "D-" for how it deals with childhood trauma. The report contends that children who experience traumatic problems such as abuse, neglect and witnessing violence at home can suffer serious long-term consequences, including health...
Blog Post

Study: Black Students Face 'Accumulation of Disadvantage' []

By Naaz Modan, Education Dive, October 10, 2019 Dive Brief: A new study from the University of California, Los Angeles' Center for the Transformation of Schools finds a student's quality of life is linked to his or her academic performance. Where they live, access to healthy food, and quality of air and healthcare are among factors that influence academic performance and the schools they attend. Black students in Los Angeles — who are already faced with higher suspension rates, attend...
Blog Post

Save the Date! Building Human Resilience for Climate Change in California Conference January 24-25, 2018

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Wednesday-Thursday, January 24-25, 2018 The California Endowment's Oakland Conference Center Registration Opens July 1, 2017 Flyer attached Why Attend This Conference? Trauma and toxic stress affect many people today in the California. The acute disasters and chronic stresses generated by climate change can aggravate many of these ongoing adversities, and create altogether new ones as well. The result can be rising mental health problems including severe anxiety, depression, PTSD, and...
Blog Post

SB 1152 is law! Dignity in Discharge Law: What You Need to Know

Amelia Barile Simon ·
California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) CPEHN was proud to sponsor Senate Bill (SB) 1152 in 2017-2018. Thank you to author Senator Ed Hernandez and to all of our community partners who helped lobby for this bill. CPEHN stands committed to seeing a successful implementation of the law surrounding this important issue. Read below to find out more about the changes we will see this year. Beginning January 1, 2019, all hospitals in California must develop a plan for safely discharging...
Blog Post

Screening for Childhood Trauma

Stefanie Demong ·
Dr. Ken Epstein has been in the social services sector for nearly four decades and has witnessed firsthand the long-term effects of trauma. As both the son and father of fellow social workers, the work runs in his blood. Now, he’s helping Bay Area health clinics screen for and address childhood trauma through the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative (RBC), led by Center for Care Innovations (CCI) and made possible by Genentech.
Blog Post

Survivors’ guilt: The North Bay fires spared homes, but owners wonder ‘why mine?’

Karen Clemmer ·
SANTA ROSA The Gibson and Vella families have been best friends for decades, raising their children together in the Coffey Park neighborhood, carpooling to soccer games, vacationing together and attending their children's weddings. Today, one family has a home. The other doesn't. As the smoke is clearing from Santa Rosa, Napa and the other communities in Wine Country, the reality of what was lost is coming into focus. And the ones who lost nothing are grappling with why they were spared.
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System of positive rewards to reduce student discipline takes off in California []

Alicia Doktor ·
Ten-year-old Ja’Vonie Morris sat in her school principal’s office on a recent day — not for the misbehavior that got her in so much trouble back in 3rd grade, but to show off her accomplishments under a schoolwide strategy that used positive reinforcement to help her turn things around. Before Mission Elementary, a school in Antioch about 35 miles northeast of Oakland, put the rigorous system in place, Ja’Vonie explained, “I would yell. I would kick stuff. I would walk out of the classroom...
Blog Post

T2's third "Rage, Reflection & Restoration Circle" on March 15

Jane Stevens ·
Trauma Transformed's third "Rage, Reflection & Restoration Healing Circle" event will take place in Oakland, CA, on March 15. Information embedded below, and a PDF is attached for download. Trauma Transformed supports the the San Francisco Bay Area Trauma Informed Systems of Care Initiative, which focuses on centralizing and building a regional trauma-informed Bay Area system of care and improving the ways we understand, respond to and heal trauma.
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The Lost Children of Los Angeles County: Foster Care Reform Moves Steadily Through Growing Pains []

From Pasadena Now, March 9, 2020 As upwards of 18,000 children now move through the LA County Foster Care system, it has long meant that those young people may continually bounce from home to home, with an ever-dwindling number of care providers among the County’s 88 cities. But now the State is almost three years into implementing a new system with one simple goal—to move foster children into “forever families,” or long-term homes, more swiftly. The lofty aim requires a massive budget, a...
Blog Post

The Problems With California’s Broken Bail System Are Vividly Illustrated As A 26-Year-Old Pregnant Mother Is Bailed Out Of An LA Jail For Mother’s Day (

Since its inception in May 2017, the #FreeBlackMamas program has spread to an impressive number of cities across the nation. According to program organizers, in slightly more than one year, over 14,000 people have donated to bring nearly 200 mothers home to their families and communities in the cities of Oakland, Los Angeles, St. Petersburg, Montgomery, Memphis, Durham, Atlanta, Houston, New York City, Little Rock, Charlottesville, Charlotte, Kinston, Birmingham, Baltimore, Philadelphia, St.
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