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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "Orange County Human Relations Campaign"

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2 Webinars from Strategies 2.0

Bonnie Berman ·
Empower Latin American Communities to Prevent Sex Trafficking 10am to 11:30am on 6/13/19 A 90-minute webinar focusing on the scope and overview of sex trafficking of Mexico and Latin America and how it connects to the United States. This webinar will increase awareness of the vulnerabilities Spanish-speaking populations face, increase access to human trafficking victim and survivor services, and highlight resources/tools to educate Mexican and Latin American communities. Weaving in theory...
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2018 "4CA" California Policymaker ACEs Education Day

Donielle Prince ·
The second annual 4CA Policymaker Education Day on May 22, brought together 75 community members across California to visit 81 legislators or their staff members and educate them about ACEs, trauma and resilience.
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2018 Community Stories from across the state

Gail Kennedy ·
Thank you everyone for your help to create community stories highlighting the efforts happening to raise awareness about ACEs from across the state for 4CA’s 2018 Policymaker Education Day ! Attached find a 2018 version of the community stories detailing information about community ACEs initiatives from across the state. Please download and share. And see HERE for a list of CA ACEs Connection communities from across the state.
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2018 Policymaker Education Day on Childhood Adversity - REGISTER NOW!

Afomeia Tesfai ·
The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) invites you to participate in our 2018 Policymaker Education Day on Childhood Adversity. Last year, we had over 100 4CA representatives who participated in the day-long event. Policymaker Education Day is an opportunity to come together as advocates to educate policymakers about childhood adversity, the long-term consequences of childhood adversity on communities, and garner support for 4CA endorsed legislation. Please register...
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37th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium Recap

Charisse Feldman ·
"Speak Out! Confronting the Culture of Child Sexual Abuse and Secrecy" was the theme of Santa Clara County's 37th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium which featured a Keynote conversation with Olympic Gold Medal winning gymnast and current UCLA Assistant Gymnastics Coach Jordyn Wieber. Jordyn, and other athletes and survivors of former USA Gymnastics team doctor and serial child sex abuser Larry Nassar, earlier spoke to a U.S. Senate Subcommittee about a “culture of silence” more...
Blog Post

4CA 2019 Year in Review - CA children’s state policy advances.

Kelly Hardy ·
On behalf of the CA Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) backbone team (Center for Youth Wellness, Children Now and ACEs Connection), we want to give a hearty thank you to the advocates and champions across the state for advancing child-friendly policy and legislation in California in 2019. Here are some examples of what was accomplished this year: More than 730 organizations signed on to the Family Urgent Response System (FURS) budget letter in support of a 24/7 statewide hotline...
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4CA Campaign Statement on ACEs Screening in California

Afomeia Tesfai ·
Please read and share this 4CA statement on ACEs Screening in California.
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4CA Network Webinar on 2019 Emerging Policy on Childhood Adversity

Donielle Prince ·
Register and join our next 4CA webinar on March 20
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4CA Policymaker Education Day is Back!

Donielle Prince ·
We're back!! Join us for Policymaker Education Day 2019 on MAY 1!
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A Guide to Increase Mental Health Services for Students - Project Cal-Well, CA Dept of Education, 2018

Gail Kennedy ·
This guide is created by Project Cal-Well, with input from the Student Mental Health Policy Workgroup, to assist schools and districts to build capacity to better address mental health challenges among students. Learn about Project Cal-Well See Guide attached.
Blog Post

A National Agenda to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences

Christina Bethell ·
What are ACEs and Why Do They Matter? In 2016 1 , nearly half of U.S. children – 34 million kids – had at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) and more than 20 percent experienced two or more. The new brain sciences and science of human development explain how ACEs can have devastating, long-lasting effects on children’s health and wellbeing. These events resonate well beyond the individual child to have far-reaching consequences for families, neighborhoods, and communities. ACEs...
Blog Post

A New Program Helps Foster Kids in Orange County Avoid Homelessness when They Age Out of Public Care []

By Theresa Walker, The Orange County Register, December 20, 2019 For three years after he aged out of foster care, at age 18, Christian was homeless. During that time, he was hit by a car and suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was in a coma for six months and his speech and memory were affected. Over most of the last year he’s lived at The Link, a homeless shelter in Santa Ana. This week, Christian, now 22, moved into his own one-bedroom apartment, in Tustin. That change is the result of...
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A Special Opportunity to Invest in Our Communities with Proposition 64 Expenditures

Christina Bethell ·
California’s Proposition 64 (2016 marijuana legalization) presents a special opportunity to invest in community-based substance use education, prevention, and more for children, youth, families, and the communities they live in. There is a critical need to focus these efforts on effective strategies that address the underlying causes and conditions of substance use, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), adverse community environments, toxic stress , trauma and lack of proactive...
Blog Post

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Unveils Bureau of Children’s Justice

Jane Stevens ·
LOS ANGELES On February 12, 2015, Attorney General Kamala D. Harris unveiled the Bureau of Childrens Justice within the California Department of Justice that will work to ensure all of Californias children are on track to meet...
Blog Post

Bad childhood experiences can make us unhealthy []

Jane Stevens ·
Vincent Felitti, a Kaiser Permanente physician in San Diego in the 1990s, had a radical idea. Instead of just asking patients about their symptoms, what would happen if doctors asked them about their childhoods? His hypothesis, built on a hunch informed by experience, was that childhood trauma was connected to poor health later in life. Felitti helped lead an exhaustive study of 17,000 patients that seemed to confirm his theory. That was in 1998. But for years Felitti’s study and his...
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Bay Area Human Rights Training on Immigrant Health

Marissa Abbott ·
HealthRight International's Human Rights Clinic (HRC) will be holding a training for new volunteers on Saturday, June 3, 2017 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at UC Hastings College of Law (198 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102). This training, in particular, will have a special focus on evaluating minors (children and adolescents) as well as adult survivors. T he training will provide clinicians with a background on the experiences of immigrants fleeing abuse (including unaccompanied minors...
Blog Post

Bi-partisan trauma resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives

A bi-partisan resolution “Recognizing the importance and effectiveness of trauma-informed care” ( H. Res. 443 ) was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on July 13 by Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and co-sponsor Danny K. Davis (D-IL). The impetus for the resolution resides with the First Lady of Wisconsin, Tonette Tonette Walker Walker, who has taken a strong leadership role in advancing trauma-informed policy and practice statewide through Fostering Futures and of late with the new...
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Board of State and Community Corrections Awards $96m In Prop 47 Grants

Renee Menart ·
SACRAMENTO (June 13, 2019) – The Board of State and Community Corrections today approved grant awards from a voter initiative that reduces from felonies to misdemeanors certain low-level crimes and directs state savings to programs primarily focused on mental health and substance-use disorder treatment. It is the second round of Proposition 47 funding approved by the Board, to which voters allocated the bulk of the state savings for rehabilitative grants targeting Prop 47-impacted...
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Borderline Task Force Identifies Steps Aimed at Stopping Mass Shootings []

By Kathleen Wilson, Ventura County Star, November 5, 2019 A Ventura County task force formed to prevent mass shootings has identified changes to be made in safety measures and mental health treatment in the wake of the Borderline attack. Possibilities include the opening of outpatient psychiatric centers by both private and public hospitals and a pilot program to streamline the process for seizing guns from people legally barred from having them. Officials also are looking at an awareness...
Blog Post

Breathing ‘A Chore’: California Wildfires Threaten The Health Of Young And Old (

“We are in a situation now where the wildfire season doesn’t really have its normal beginning or end,” said Lori Kobza, spokeswoman for the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. The 629,000 acres burned this year follows large swaths torched last year in Ventura, Santa Barbara, Napa and Sonoma counties, causing dozens of deaths, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Many scientists attribute the more frequent and ferocious fires in the...
Blog Post

Briefs on current adverse childhood experiences in children in selected California cities

Attached are briefs on current ACEs in children in selected California cities, with comparison with state and county data. They were prepared by the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health, a project of the Child and Adolescent...
Blog Post

Budget Hearing on Trauma Screening (Assembly Bill 340)

Afomeia Tesfai ·
Our state is leading the way in addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)! This year, California will become the first state to require and pay for ACEs screening for children under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment program, per recommendations from the Trauma Screening Advisory Workgroup created as part of Assembly Bill 340 . The Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services hearing on Monday, February 25th will discuss the recommendations from the AB 340...
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Budget Recommendations for ACEs Screening (AB340) Implementation

Donielle Prince ·
ACEs Screening (AB340) implementation recommendations presented to the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on February 25
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Building Bridges to Resilience in Santa Barbara County

Barbara Finch ·
The full moon was setting and the sun was rising as organizers from KIDS Network, Children & Family Resource Services, Casa Pacifica, and the Department of Behavioral Wellness began setting up the 2019 BRIDGES TO RESILIENCE Conference on October 14 th at the beautiful Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The stately halls and ballrooms were a flurry of activity as staff prepared to receive over 350 community members who work with children, youth and families in Santa Barbara County.
Blog Post

CA Counties Play Key Role in New Coalition on Behavioral Health [The CSAC Bulletin]

Karen Clemmer ·
A new statewide coalition formed to address behavioral health and substance use disorder. California is at a critical juncture in the way it manages behavioral health and substance use disorde r and the impact they can have on other social services . That’s one of the reasons CSAC is joining Behavioral Health Action (BHA). The new coalition is dedicated to raising behavioral health challenges and substance use disorder higher on the public policy priority list. The coalition plans to raise...
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CA Governor's 2020-21 Budget Proposal Summary

Kelly Hardy ·
Governor Newsom proposed his 2020-21 budget on Friday. Here are some highlights from the perspective of support for children and families from Children Now. See attached for the full summary report that summarizes funding related to child welfare, health, K- 12 education, early childhood, emergency preparedness and response, and adverse childhood experiences. The Governor’s budget proposes a number of initiatives, investments, and restructuring to transform the health care system to better...
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Karen Clemmer ·
By Becky Gershon, July 16, 2019 for California Food Bank Association The law will help Californians, especially newly eligible SSI recipients, quickly access & maximize CalFresh benefits. On July 12 th , Governor Newsom signed into law AB 494 – authored by anti-hunger champion Assemblymember Marc Berman. The California Association of Food Banks was a co-sponsor of this legislation, in partnership with the Western Center on Law and Poverty, and the Coalition of California Welfare Rights...
Blog Post

ACEs champion pediatricians talk about life and practice in a COVID-19 world

Laurie Udesky ·
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers everywhere are changing how they care for their patients. I asked a few members of the ACEs in Pediatrics community what they’re doing differently. Dr. R.J Gillespie, pediatrician at The Children’s Clinic in Portland, OR. Dr. R.J. Gillespie Gillespie says that, as much as possible, they’re switching to virtual visits, which allows them “to comfort and reassure our patients face-to-face as much as possible without risking their...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection “Map the Movement” now includes an up-to-date section on laws and resolutions

Photo credit: An updated map of laws and resolutions addressing ACEs science and trauma-informed policies is now available in the “Laws and Resolutions” section of Map the Movement (you can also find "Map the Movement" on the navigation bar on the ACEs Connection home page). The earliest law on the map was passed in the state of Washington in 2011, creating an ACEs science public-private partnership. The data base of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is...
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ACEs Connection's COVID-19 resources for parents, educators & people practicing resilience (all of us)

Christine Cissy White ·
We are in uncertain times. Homelife has changed. School schedules have changed. Our communities are not the same. Work, if we have it, has changed, too. The world is different and we don't know for how long. We don't know what our lives will look like on the other side, either. We are worried about health, housing, security, and our loved ones. We generally have more stress and less support, as we are taking care of our families, ourselves, and each other. It’s a lot, and for those dealing...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families

Laurie Udesky ·
ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families You’ll receive tips for health care providers in pediatric settings and beyond When: Friday, Dec. 14, 2018, 10:30-11:30 am Pacific Time/1:30-2:30 Eastern Time Please register here for this webinar. Our speakers include: Dr. Heyman Oo , MD MPH is a primary care pediatrician in Marin County and an Associate Physician/Clinical Instructor for the General Pediatrics Department at Zuckerberg San Francisco...
Blog Post

ACEs gets a day at the (Sacramento) Capitol!

Donielle Prince ·
No matter where you are, be sure to follow the events of the day on twitter: Follow @acestoohigh and #4CAKidsDay17 to get live updates all day.
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ACEs in Public Policy

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Did you know that California is currently considering 4 pieces of legislation that seek to address trauma and childhood adversity? ACE's Connection members recently (July 2017) participated in a P olicy Maker education Day on Childhood Adversity . Jessica Hackwell, Karen Clemmer, Carla Denner, Nick Dalton, and two youth from Sonoma County partnered with the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) to ensure our policymakers understand the terms "adversity," "trauma," and...
Blog Post

ACT NOW: Oppose Policies that Separate Children & Families

Gail Yen ·
The Trump Administration has proposed a new rule that could penalize families in their immigration proceedings if they use critical public benefits, such as Medicaid for food-stamps. Nearly half of California's children live in immigrant families , meaning that this rule would do deep harm to families that make up the very fabric of California. It will force families to choose between providing basic needs for their children and keeping their families together. Right now, we have an...
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Action Alert! Campaign for restorative discipline in schools deadline TOMORROW!

Gail Yen ·
The Children’s Movement is helping to promote restorative justice practices in schools by eliminating suspensions or expulsions for “willful defiance” through Senate Bill 607 authored by Senator Nancy Skinner . You can view the letter at this link here , and sign on before the deadline tomorrow, Wednesday 2/21, at 5pm. Five years ago, California schools issued an astounding 709,702 suspensions, nearly half for “defiance/disruption,” a catch-all category used to justify disciplinary action...
Blog Post

Adult Courts Degrade Health of Juveniles, Their Families, California Study Finds []

Samantha Sangenito ·
A wide-ranging study of youth incarceration in California outlines what it calls the debilitating effects on the health of teens, their families and society when youthful offenders are tried and sentenced as adults. “ Juvenile Injustice ,” from Human Impact Partners , concludes that laws designed to try youth in adult courts not only fail to curtail recidivism but are so inherently flawed and biased that the entire approach must be scrapped. Researchers found that youth tried in adult courts...
Blog Post

Adversity and resiliency: The case for integrating ACEs and Strengthening Families approaches

Jane Stevens ·
Attached is the PowerPoint that was presented by Diane Kellegrew, Jane Stevens and Katie Albright in a webinar April 16. And below is the slide that ID's the presenters.  
Blog Post

Advocacy tools for influencing policy at the national, state, and local levels

The level of policy activity at all levels relating to ACEs-trauma-resilience has increased significantly over the last few years. The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) held its third Policymaker Education Day this year and has created a number of resources (included in this widget) designed to expand legislators’ knowledge of ACEs science and promote approaches to reduce and heal childhood adversity. In addition to California specific information on legislative and...
Blog Post

Aiming to Help Homeless, UCLA Residents Practice ‘Street Psychiatry’ (

New programs begun in the last two years at UCLA include a resident-faculty group focused on community psychiatry, as well as health-system and community mentorships. There are also new clinical electives for psychiatry residents at the Los Angeles County Jail and the county’s Office of Diversion and Reentry . The Diversion office was created by the L.A. County Board of Supervisors in 2015 to develop and implement alternatives to the criminal justice system for people with mental illness and...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Allen Nishikawa: ACEs Storyteller Helps People Develop Their Resilience

Sylvia Paull ·
Sonoma County ACEs Connection members Allen Nishikawa and Lena Hoffman at California Policymaker Education Day, 2018 Allen Nishikawa, a sansei, or third-generation Japanese American, majored in political science and American history at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he participated in antiwar (Vietnam) marches. But it was his experience as a military brat — moving from school to school across the U.S. and even to Japan as a child — that shaped his own childhood experiences and...
Blog Post

'An invisible crisis': Toxic stress is helping to shorten life spans in many Kern County communities [

Jane Stevens ·
People who live in Oildale, Kern River Valley and Taft — three impoverished, majority-white communities — have the highest premature death rates across Kern County, dying four to 17 years sooner than those in other parts of Bakersfield. Residents in those three communities have an average life expectancy of between 68 and 72 years old — roughly eight to 10 years less than the national average, according to data analyzed by the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Center for Human Needs. It’s...
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An opportunity to shape the Children's Bill of Rights in California

Donielle Prince ·
The ACEs/Resilient Sacramento community is ideal for providing insightful feedback about the needs of California's children!
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Announcing a New Parenting and ACEs Blog from Stress Health, an Initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness

Diana Hembree ·
Research shows that the right kind of support and care can mitigate the impact of toxic stress in children and help them bounce back.
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As California Moves to Screen Children for Childhood Trauma, Poverty Has To Be Part of the Equation

Jim Hickman ·
In California, we are coming full circle in recognizing the connection between poverty and health.
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Assembly OK’s Bill to Expand ‘Gravely Disabled’ to Include Mental Illness (

The California Assembly passed AB 1971 Wednesday, legislation which amends the state’s definition of “gravely disabled” to include medical treatment as a basic human need for those suffering from a serious mental illness, just as necessary to well-being as food, clothing or shelter. AB 1971 is sponsored by Los Angeles County, the Steinberg Institute, and the California Psychiatric Association. The bill passed with bipartisan support by a vote of 66-0. The proposal for the change in state law...
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Assisted suicide: New California law to take effect June 9 (

Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images California's Legislature ended its special session on health care, meaning the state's assisted suicide will go into effect on June 9th. Under the law , signed by Gov. Brown in October , a patient who has been diagnosed as having six months or less to live can request that his doctor prescribe life-ending medication. The patient must make two oral requests at least 15 days apart, along with a written request witnessed by at least two people, one of whom...
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Cal WORKs Training Academy: Compassion Fatigue

Carolyn Curtis ·
Front-line and case workers for the TANF program (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) are at high risk for compassion fatigue. They hear approximately 30 stories of trauma, abuse and hardship each day. Complaints from workers vary from “How many stories of torture will have to I hear.” “It feels like I am spitting at a forest fire.” “After 12 years in the field, I am now on blood pressure medication.” This year the Cal WORKs Training Academy featured a workshop on compassion fatigue...
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CalFresh food benefits available to seniors and individuals with disabilities receiving SSI/SSP beginning June 1 [Porterville Recorder]

Karen Clemmer ·
The CalFresh food program in Tulare County and statewide is expanding to serve qualifying individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) benefits beginning June 1 . There is no change or reduction to SSI/SSP benefits. “A tremendous change in legislation means we can now provide CalFresh benefits to SSI recipients for the first time ,” states Vienna Barnes, deputy director, Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA), TulareWORKs. “The...
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California ACR 140: Positive Parenting Awareness Month, Jan 2020

Randall Ahn ·
Child advocates across the State of California are working on the passage of Assembly Concurrent Resolution 140 (ACR 140) authored by Assembly Member Mark Stone (D-Monterey Bay). The initiative seeks to designate January 2020 as Positive Parenting Awareness Month across the state and build upon the county-level proclamations that have spread from Santa Cruz County where it was conceived and launched 8 years ago. Positive parenting is a known remedy for the public health problem of child...
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California Child Trauma Advocates Eye Policy Impact

Jane Stevens ·
Jeremy Loudenback from the Chronicle of Social Change posted a story about last week's California Policy Convening on Childhood Adversity that the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW) hosted in San Diego. Here's the beginning: Last...
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