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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "ACEs Aware Initiative Webinar"

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1/3 of CA children who need mental health treatment fail to receive it

Olivia Kirkland ·
Thirty-seven percent of California children who need mental health treatment failed to receive it, according to the most recent data available on Madera, Merced, Monterey, and Tulare counties had the lowest rates of all counties with available data, with nearly half of children who need mental health treatment failing to receive it in the previous 12 months. Screening, early identification, and treatment are critical, as untreated mental illness can disrupt children’s...
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2 Webinars from Strategies 2.0

Bonnie Berman ·
Empower Latin American Communities to Prevent Sex Trafficking 10am to 11:30am on 6/13/19 A 90-minute webinar focusing on the scope and overview of sex trafficking of Mexico and Latin America and how it connects to the United States. This webinar will increase awareness of the vulnerabilities Spanish-speaking populations face, increase access to human trafficking victim and survivor services, and highlight resources/tools to educate Mexican and Latin American communities. Weaving in theory...
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2019 Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL) Webinar Series

ACEs Connection presents, "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL)" , an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions. If you are not a current online community manager, please know that ALL are welcome. This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs intiatives. "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities:...
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4CA Network Webinar on 2019 Emerging Policy on Childhood Adversity

Donielle Prince ·
Register and join our next 4CA webinar on March 20
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5 Things to Know as California Starts Screening Children for Toxic Stress []

By Barbara Feder Ostrov, California Healthline, January 7, 2020 Starting this year, routine pediatric visits for millions of California children could involve questions about touchy family topics, such as divorce, unstable housing or a parent who struggles with alcoholism. California now will pay doctors to screen patients for traumatic events known as adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, if the patient is covered by Medi-Cal — the state’s version of Medicaid for low-income families. The...
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8 Myths About Screening For Adverse Childhood Experiences

Laura Shamblin ·
I’d like to take this opportunity to address some of the objections to screening for ACEs that I have come across. It is true that some areas of research are still emerging, such as protocols, but in other ways we are twenty years behind using the information we have to make a positive difference in our patients lives and in training new physicians to be more comfortable addressing social and experiential determinants of health.
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9 Big Questions as California Starts to Screen Kids for Trauma, ACEs []

By Amanda Merck, Salud America!, February 12, 2020 Early childhood adversity like abuse and divorce is a root cause of many of the greatest public health challenges we face today. But doctors don’t even screen children for exposure to adversity. That’s changing in California, thanks to Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and other child advocates. As of Jan. 1, 2020, almost 100,000 physicians in 8,800 clinics will be reimbursed for routinely screening Medi-Cal patients for adverse childhood experiences...
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A Cry for Help Leads to a Ray of Hope

Julie Langston ·
A wonder story of the impact of ACEs and how community services, such as Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT), which was funded through First 5, provided the help one mom needed to break the cycle of ACEs. This story also provides a great overview of ACEs and some initiatives in California that are working to address ACEs and build resilience.
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A Health Problem and An Opportunity: Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences []

Dayna Long ·
By Dayna Long, Medium, May 19, 2020 A consensus of scientific research demonstrates that cumulative adversity, especially when experienced during critical and sensitive periods of development, is a significant contributing factor to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive health challenges facing our nation. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are highly prevalent, experienced in all communities, and are likely to increase during the COVID-19 emergency [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v].
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A Message to California Health Care Providers About COVID-19 and Toxic Stress []

By Nadine Burke Harris and Karen Mark, ACEs Aware, March 30, 2020 Our global community is facing confusing and uncertain times. As the unprecedented novel coronavirus continues to spread, the health and safety of our nearly 40 million Californians is the number-one priority for our state, the Office of the California Surgeon General, and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). This includes the physical, mental, and psychological well-being of all individuals. As the crisis deepens,...
Blog Post

AVA Regional Academies: Building Trauma-Informed, Resilient, and Healthy Communities

Jennifer Hossler ·
Last week, I was fortunate to be a part of a small group of professionals in San Diego to attend the Academy on Violence and Abuse preconference session for the 30 th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. The conference draws over 1,800 professionals in the maltreatment field from around the world each year. The session, titled: Building Trauma Informed, Resilience, and Healthy Communities: Regional, National, and Global Perspectives , had an ambitious...
Blog Post

Bay Area Doctors Target Health Consequences of Childhood Trauma []

By Erin Allday, San Francisco Chronicle, January 5, 2020 A screening tool developed by Bay Area pediatricians to identify adverse childhood experiences, ranging from homelessness and food insecurity to physical and sexual abuse, will now help doctors statewide address trauma affecting patients’ health. The California Department of Health Care Services approved the tool — called PEARLS, for Pediatric ACEs and Related Life-Events Screener — last month. As of Jan. 1, its use is covered by...
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Be Attentive: All Language Matters! Using Trauma Sensitive Language

Bonnie Berman ·
Upcoming Webinar with Relias Learning Date - Thursday, April 20th Time - 2pm EST Duration - 1 hour Simply follow this link to access the webinar. The link is unique to you, so please do not share it with others. If you haven't already, be sure to add this event to your calendar! Save the Date *Note: if you've never attended a WebEx webinar, please join 5-10 minutes before as WebEx will have to install their software on your computer.
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Building Bridges to Resilience in Santa Barbara County

Barbara Finch ·
The full moon was setting and the sun was rising as organizers from KIDS Network, Children & Family Resource Services, Casa Pacifica, and the Department of Behavioral Wellness began setting up the 2019 BRIDGES TO RESILIENCE Conference on October 14 th at the beautiful Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The stately halls and ballrooms were a flurry of activity as staff prepared to receive over 350 community members who work with children, youth and families in Santa Barbara County.
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Building Community Health

Stefanie Demong ·
Dr Sandy Escobar is transforming healthcare in East Palo Alto, one family at a time.
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Building Resilience Through Understanding Substance Use Disorders and Their Impacts on Others

Lisa Frederiksen ·
The reach of substance use disorders in America is far more significant than people think. 21+ million Americans struggle with substance use disorders. Their substance use and addiction-related behaviors impact 100 million more Americans. These are the moms, dads, husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren.... Together, these two groups represents more than one-third of the American population!
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Built Environment Policy Advocacy Fund (BEPAF) Program Overview []

By Prevention Institute, January 2020 The BEPAF Request for Proposals was released on January 8, 2020 and can be accessed in the list of Resources on this page. The BEPAF Informational Webinar for Applicants will be held on January 13, 2020, from 10:00-11:00am. Register at . A recording of the webinar will be posted here on January 14. Please contact for additional information. Built Environment Policy Advocacy Fund (BEPAF)...
Blog Post

CA ACEs Aware Initiative webinar provides roadmap for ACEs screening

Laurie Udesky ·
What is the economic toll of ACEs in the State of California? $112.5 billion , said California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris to attendees of a webinar on February 26. That cost, she said, was one clear reason that she and other early adopters of screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences are urging their fellow health care providers in California to join the ACEs Aware Initiative that launched at the beginning of the year. In January, the State of California put screening...
Blog Post

CA Surgeon General and DHCS Launch ACEs Aware Initiative and Website

Gail Kennedy ·
Join a live webinar with California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Dr. Karen Mark Medical Director, Department of Health Care Services for a Medi-Cal provider introduction to the new ACEs Aware Initiative and the website. The Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in the first public unveiling of the initiative, will host a live webinar to share details of the new ACEs Aware Initiative for Medi-Cal providers...
Blog Post

CA Surgeon General and DHCS Launch ACEs Aware Initiative and Website

Gail Kennedy ·
Curious about California moving forward on ACEs screening, and preventing and mitigating toxic stress in California residents? Beginning January 1, 2020, California will begin reimbursing Medi-Cal providers for their participation in this new statewide effort known as the ACEs Aware Initiative. California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris in partnership with the Department of Health Care Services has launched the ACEs Aware website , which includes: Fact sheets about ACEs Aware , a FAQ...
Blog Post

ACEs | Alcohol's Harm to Others | Secondhand Drinking

Lisa Frederiksen ·
It is likely most readers know someone or they are the someone who has personally experienced alcohol's harm to others | secondhand drinking. The tragedy is we hardly talk about it in ways that can change the lives of those affected -- especially the lives of children. In other words, we hardly talk about it in ways that can prevent, intervene, or treat adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Alcohol’s Harm to Others | Secondhand Drinking and the ACEs Connection One of the 10 ACEs measured in...
Blog Post

ACEs and Childhood Developmental Screening Trainings Ready for FQHC/RHC/IHS-MOA (Medi-Cal)

Karen Clemmer ·
May 8, 2020. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Childhood Developmental Screening Recorded Webinar is now available for viewing on the Medi-Cal Learning Portal . This training provides information regarding billing for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Childhood Developmental Screening when rendered by Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Indian Health Services (IHS)/Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) clinics to participants in the Medi-Cal...
Blog Post

ACEs and Our Day with Dr. Vincent Felitti

Former Member ·
“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” –Oprah Winfrey We think we can speak for all who attended the CA Department of Health Care Services Learning Series on January 17 th when we say we are immensely grateful to Dr. Felitti for sharing with us findings from the original CDC-Kaiser ACE study and inspiring us with his passion and heartfelt commitment to this body of work. Dr. Felitti, who turned 81 years old the next day on January 18 th , was the co-principal investigator on the...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware Grant Application Update []

From ACEs Aware, May 21, 2020 Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your ongoing interest in our ACEs Aware grants process. We have completed the grant application review and scoring process and have selected a group of finalists that will be considered in the final stage of the grant award process. Being a finalist is not a guarantee of funding. The final funding determination, in terms of how many organizations will receive funding and how much, will be determined after the state budget is...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware: On Jan. 1, 2020, Medi-Cal Providers Can Receive Payment for ACEs Screenings

Gail Kennedy ·
ACEs and toxic stress represent a public health crisis that has been, until recently, largely unrecognized by our state’s health care system and society, but there’s hope. Together, we can screen for ACEs, respond with trauma-informed care, and significantly improve physical and mental health across the state. All Medi-Cal providers are encouraged to get trained today . Beginning on January 1, 2020, eligible Medi-Cal providers can receive a $29 payment for conducting qualifying ACEs...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware: Request for Proposal Issued – Applications Due on February 10, 2020 [acesawareorg]

A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued today for the ACEs Aware initiative , California’s effort to screen, treat, and heal the harmful effects of childhood trauma. The RFP supports the work of the Department of Health Care Services and the Office of the California Surgeon General to implement ACEs Aware. Please visit the ACEs Aware Learning & Engagement Opportunities page for further updates. RFP applications are due on Monday, February 10, 2020, and should be sent in Microsoft Word...
Blog Post

ACES Aware Webinar: Dec 13th, 12-1pm PT - Public Comments about soon-to-be-released Request for Proposal

Gail Kennedy ·
The Department of Health Care Services and the California Office of the Surgeon General are hosting a webinar of the Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Advisory Committee’s Provider Education and Engagement Subcommittee. Subcommittee members will discuss a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) released for public comment as part of the ACEs Aware initiative. The draft RFP invites external organizations to apply for grants to support provider training activities, provider engagement activities...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware Webinar: Trauma-informed practices to address stress from COVID-19

Laurie Udesky ·
How can health care providers take care of themselves, their colleagues and their patients during this COVID-19 pandemic? First and foremost is recognizing how the pandemic can stir up trauma from the past, said Dr. Alicia Lieberman, a psychologist specializing in trauma. “COVID19 is reawakening traumatic reminders in many of us and in the families we work with. And that often makes it difficult for parents to protect themselves and their children,” she noted. Lieberman, the director of the...
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ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families

Laurie Udesky ·
ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families You’ll receive tips for health care providers in pediatric settings and beyond When: Friday, Dec. 14, 2018, 10:30-11:30 am Pacific Time/1:30-2:30 Eastern Time Please register here for this webinar. Our speakers include: Dr. Heyman Oo , MD MPH is a primary care pediatrician in Marin County and an Associate Physician/Clinical Instructor for the General Pediatrics Department at Zuckerberg San Francisco...
Blog Post

Adult Health Burden and Costs in California During 2013 Associated with Prior Adverse Childhood Experiences []

By Ted R. Miller, Geetha M. Waehrer, Debora L. Oh, et al., Plos One, January 28, 2020 Abstract Objectives To estimate the adult health burden and costs in California during 2013 associated with adults’ prior Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Methods We analyzed five ACEs-linked conditions (asthma, arthritis, COPD, depression, and cardiovascular disease) and three health risk factors (lifetime smoking, heavy drinking, and obesity). We estimated ACEs-associated fractions of disease risk...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

From University of California, San Francisco, University of California Television, May 14, 2020 A special faculty panel discusses the three different initiatives at UCSF aimed at addressing adverse childhood experience that affect peoples well-being throughout their lifespan. Recorded on 02/27/2020. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

Adversity and resiliency: The case for integrating ACEs and Strengthening Families approaches

Jane Stevens ·
Attached is the PowerPoint that was presented by Diane Kellegrew, Jane Stevens and Katie Albright in a webinar April 16. And below is the slide that ID's the presenters.  
Blog Post

Advocacy tools for influencing policy at the national, state, and local levels

The level of policy activity at all levels relating to ACEs-trauma-resilience has increased significantly over the last few years. The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) held its third Policymaker Education Day this year and has created a number of resources (included in this widget) designed to expand legislators’ knowledge of ACEs science and promote approaches to reduce and heal childhood adversity. In addition to California specific information on legislative and...
Blog Post

All hands on deck (from a distance): remote care for traumatized moms and babies

Jonathan Joseph Goldfinger ·
Dear colleague, Coronavirus is forcing providers and allied professionals serving mothers and babies to make unprecedented decisions. Should pregnant women needing care go through our hospital quarantine entrance? Should moms deliver without partners, family or doulas present? Be sent home early before key screenings or jaundice treatment are completed? To make matters worse, our systems aren't ready for basic remote care of mothers and infants now "socially distanced". Prenatal, post-partum...
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Announcing a New Parenting and ACEs Blog from Stress Health, an Initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness

Diana Hembree ·
Research shows that the right kind of support and care can mitigate the impact of toxic stress in children and help them bounce back.
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Archived Webinar: Childhood Adversity – Data to Help Advocate for Change

Olivia Kirkland ·
The recording and slides for the March 29 webinar, Childhood Adversity: Data to Help Advocate for Change , are now available. In this webinar, panelist Marissa Abbott of the California Department of Public Health discussed how to describe the burden of childhood adversity in your community, how to frame your message most effectively, and how to engage and mobilize your community to address the roots and effects of childhood adversity. In addition, panelist Lori Turk-Bicakci of
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As California Moves to Screen Children for Childhood Trauma, Poverty Has To Be Part of the Equation

Jim Hickman ·
In California, we are coming full circle in recognizing the connection between poverty and health.
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Attending the 2018 ACEs Conference? Wondering how to Connect with ACEs Connection at the Conference?

Carey Sipp ·
Looking for your regional community facilitator? Seeking to meet and connect with people who are creating a more peaceful and trauma informed world? Have a book, webinar, conference to share? The ACEs Connection team will be at the 2018 ACEs Conference. We're eager to meet you, hear your ideas, support your work, and to learn and share the latest ACEs and Resilience Sciences. We'll be looking for you in San Francisco to help you Meet your Community Facilitator and others from the ACEs...
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CalEITC 101: Expanded State Tax Credit Puts Cash into the Pockets of California’s Transition-Age Youth

Anna Johnson ·
John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) invites you to partner with us in 2020 to support youth in care with filing taxes and claiming the expanded CalEITC. This webinar will include the California Franchise Tax Board and discuss strategies to help transition-age youth access the CalEITC. Description: In the 2019-2020 budget, the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a cash-back tax credit that puts money back into the pockets of California’s working families and individuals, was...
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California Community Reinvestment Grants Program []

Gail Kennedy ·
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is pleased to announce the release of the California Community Reinvestment Grants (CalCRG) program Draft Grant Solicitation for public review and comment. The Draft Grant Solicitation consists of two sections: 1. The Guidance and Overview section provides an overview of the program, application requirements, application evaluation, and program administration. 2. The Scoring Criteria section provides an outline of the...
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California Community Reinvestment Grants Program Workshop

Christina Bethell ·
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GOBiz) recently announced a series of workshops on the new California Community Reinvestment Grants program. The goal of this new program is to provide grants to community based non-profit organizations and local health departments in order to serve communities disproportionately affected by past drug policies. The structure of the program and input and feedback from attendees will be discussed in order to further develop the...
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California Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative’s “Enhancing the Collective Vision” Slides Are Available and Opportunity to Participate in an Orientation Webinar

Elena Costa ·
The California Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative convened more than 65 stakeholders on Friday, July 12, 2019 to assess the current state of collective action around adverse childhood experiences (ACEs); align EfC Initiative goals and project interventions with existing efforts; identify mutually reinforcing activities; and establish a collective agreement on how to strategically promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships, and Environments (SSNR&E), to prevent and reduce child...
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California has Begun Screening for Early Childhood Trauma, But Critics Urge Caution []

By Emily Underwood, Science, January 29, 2020 On 1 January, California became the first U.S. state to screen for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)—early life hardships such as abuse, neglect, and poverty, which can have devastating health consequences in later life. The project is not just a public health initiative, but a vast experiment. State officials aim to cut the health impacts of early life adversity by as much as half within a generation. But critics say the health benefits of...
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California healthcare providers adapt ACEs screening from in-person to virtual environment

Laurie Udesky ·
Dr. Amy Shekarchi, a pediatrician based in Los Angeles, CA, was helping to lead the rollout of ACEs screening among 50 health care providers at six clinics affiliated with the L.A. County Department of Health Services when the COVID-19 pandemic hit—days before she was set to launch the effort. “We had trained everybody in doing face-to-face [ACEs screening], and when COVID-19 happened we thought, let’s not throw the screening out. Everybody was ready,” says Shekarchi, who is the pediatric...
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California Is Giving Doctors Incentives To Ask Patients About Childhood Trauma []

By Sammy Caiola, Capital Public Radio, December 9, 2019 California health officials want children and adults on Medi-Cal to get screened for traumatic childhood events that can cause negative health effects down the line. Now the state has started giving doctors and nurses tools to do the screenings. People who experience adversity early in life have much higher chances of substance abuse, depression, or chronic diseases than their peers, according to national research. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s...
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California is Right to Focus on Adverse Childhood Experiences. Other States Should Follow []

By Chuck Ingoglia (Guest), Cal Matters, February 2, 2020 It’s time to change the conversation in health care. Rather than asking, “What is wrong with this person?” medical professionals might ask, “What happened to this person?” California Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris and an increasing number of practitioners are changing the conversation because they recognize that trauma early in life—child separation, racism, neglect, abuse or poverty, for instance—can manifest itself years later...
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Updated scoring guide for the Whole Child Assessment

Ariane Marie-Mitchell ·
Calculating a Child-ACE score is not necessary for using the Whole Child Assessment to screen and counsel families. However, because we know some providers for different reasons may want to calculate a score, we have simplified and updated the scoring guide at the bottom of the WCA forms and provided scoring instructions. No changes to any questions were made.
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Viruses of Ignorance Discussion

Mai Le ·
From San Mateo County Chinese Health Initiative: Join us on Saturday, May 16th at 1:30 pm PST to discuss infectious disease and stigma against API Americans with a panel of multidisciplinary experts: Alan Wang, media strategist and #JustB Hepatitis B Storyteller, Dr. Russell Jeung, Professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University, and Dr. Bryant Lin, Director of the Center for Asian Health Research and Education at Stanford University. This event is open to all and will...
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VPI Homicide Prevention Webinar on Sept. 19 from 1:00pm-2:30pm

Elena Costa ·
Community of Practice Webinar Series September’s Topic: Homicide Prevention – Part I Using Data to Drive Violence Prevention Program Planning Thursday, September 19, 2019 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (PST) Please join us for the next VPI Community of Practice webinar on Thursday, September 19, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (PST) to learn more about available data sources on homicide rates and mechanism as well as a local level example of how data can be used to guide violence prevention program...
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Webinar - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention

Julie Langston ·
Date: September 22, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. PST This webinar will discuss the role of ACEs as a contributor to developing problem behaviors during adolescence and adulthood. ACEs occur as a result of trauma, i.e., violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war, and other emotionally harmful experiences. More and more communities are adopting a trauma-informed approach to prevent and treat the impacts of ACEs and the consequential problem behaviors, including substance use/misuse. SUD...
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