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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "HOPE-informed"

Blog Post

A Trauma-informed, Resiliency-based Community of Practice for Prison Educators

Sheryl Huggins Salomon ·
An article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review titled " How Philanthropy Can Create Public Systems Change " describes how Renewing Communities, a five-year, multifunder initiative aimed increasing education of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students by California’s public colleges and universities, partnered with the NYU McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research in order to address educator burnout through a trauma-informed and resiliency-based community of practice.
Blog Post

AVA Regional Academies: Building Trauma-Informed, Resilient, and Healthy Communities

Jennifer Hossler ·
Last week, I was fortunate to be a part of a small group of professionals in San Diego to attend the Academy on Violence and Abuse preconference session for the 30 th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. The conference draws over 1,800 professionals in the maltreatment field from around the world each year. The session, titled: Building Trauma Informed, Resilience, and Healthy Communities: Regional, National, and Global Perspectives , had an ambitious...
Blog Post

Building Bridges to Resilience in Santa Barbara County

Barbara Finch ·
The full moon was setting and the sun was rising as organizers from KIDS Network, Children & Family Resource Services, Casa Pacifica, and the Department of Behavioral Wellness began setting up the 2019 BRIDGES TO RESILIENCE Conference on October 14 th at the beautiful Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort. The stately halls and ballrooms were a flurry of activity as staff prepared to receive over 350 community members who work with children, youth and families in Santa Barbara County.
Blog Post

An Alternative to Suspension with Trauma-Informed Dynamic Mindfulness: Building Stress Resilience, Emotion Regulation and Empathy

Heidi Brown ·
At the November 2019 Northern California Safe and Healthy Schools Conference at UC Berkeley, Niroga Program Managers Sam Weiss and Fatima Ahmed facilitated a session incorporating the theory and practice of Dynamic Mindfulness (DMind) to a standing room only crowd.
Blog Post

Updates on the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA)'s Endorsed Bills

Gail Yen ·
The 2018 legislative session officially wrapped up on September 30th with Governor Brown taking action on all pieces of legislation that made it to his desk. This year, the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) endorsed three bills that were aligned with 4CA's objectives. We're happy to share that SB 439 (Mitchell & Lara) is officially law! This means that children 11 years old and younger are excluded from prosecution in juvenile court, except when the child is...
Blog Post

Change Package for Advancing Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) in Primary Care Settings

Karen Johnson ·
Are you looking for concrete guidance about how to make your primary care organization more trauma-informed? Earlier this year, to help primary care address the impacts of trauma, the National Council for Behavioral Health, with the support of Kaiser Permanente, launched a three-year initiative, Trauma-Informed Primary Care: Fostering Resilience and Recovery . Over 14 months, seven primary care organizations worked with National Council experts to pilot resources, tools and processes,...
Blog Post

Webinar covered how to build trauma-informed connections via telehealth

Laurie Udesky ·
When Dr. Erika Roshanravan, a family physician with CommuniCare in Woodland, CA, thinks back to her patient visits prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, one way she drew their deep-seated concerns was to ask the reason for the visit and to interject throughout, “Is there anything else?” And it’s asking that question during phone and video visits that has also helped her understand the true reason for her patients’ needs now, she told people who attended an ACEs Aware webinar on April 29 entitled:...
Blog Post

WEBINAR | Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach into Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Mariel Gingrich ·
Join a webinar highlighting how two providers have incorporated trauma-informed care into their substance use disorder treatment practices, shaping the experiences of their patients and staff.
Blog Post

Webinar Series – Putting Trauma-Informed Care into Practice: Lessons from the Field

Mariel Gingrich ·
Health policymakers and practitioners increasingly recognize trauma as an important factor that influences health throughout the lifespan. By incorporating trauma-informed approaches to care into their practice settings, provider organizations can more effectively care for patients and support efforts to improve health outcomes, reduce avoidable hospital utilization, and curb excess costs. This two-part CHCS webinar series will explore innovative strategies for implementing a trauma-informed...
Blog Post

You Can't Be Trauma-Informed If You Can't See the Trauma

Louise Godbold ·
Trauma-informed care should be like universal precautions – in the same way you wouldn’t clean up a blood spill without wearing gloves, you should always assume that someone has experienced trauma and treat them accordingly. Only it doesn’t happen that way. Once our indignation or any other parts of our wounded selves come into play, that usually goes out of the window unless you have been conditioned to wear a trauma-informed lens. And even then, there will be times we fail. Let me give you...
Blog Post

SIGN ON to Provide Kids in Foster Care with Access to Critical Trauma-Informed Services

Gail Yen ·
The deadline to show your support for the Family Urgent Response System (FURs) is just ONE WEEK away! Please take a couple of minutes to sign on to ensure kids in foster care and their caregivers have the supports and services that are needed to strengthen their bond and create a stable, healing environment. If you're having trouble accessing the link above, copy and paste this URL into your browser:...
Blog Post

State and Federal Support of Trauma-Informed Care: Sustaining the Momentum

Mariel Gingrich ·
Policymakers increasingly recognize the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences on lifelong physical, emotional, and social health and are beginning to support efforts for incorporating trauma-informed care into the health and social service sectors. This new CHCS blog post looks at how proposed state and federal legislative, regulatory, and contracting policies aim to reduce trauma and toxic stress and promote resiliency and trauma-informed practices. It also explores how federal...
Blog Post

San Juan Capistrano Christian PTSD Drug Rehab Trauma Informed Care Launched []

By willian brown, Newswire, February 6, 2020 San Juan Capistrano Christian PTSD drug rehab center PTSD & Trauma Drug Rehab launched trauma informed care services and a special First Responder Drug Rehab Program in Orange County. These services are delivered by licensed counselors and therapists as residential or outpatient treatments. San Juan Capistrano Christian PTSD drug rehab center Christian Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers (CDAT) dba PTSD & Trauma Drug Rehab has launched...
Blog Post

Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma

Mariel Gingrich ·
This new technical assistance tool from the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) offers a variety of approaches for screening adults and children for adverse childhood experiences and trauma, including examples of screening protocols used at several provider practices that have embraced trauma-informed care.
Blog Post

Screening for Childhood Trauma

Stefanie Demong ·
Dr. Ken Epstein has been in the social services sector for nearly four decades and has witnessed firsthand the long-term effects of trauma. As both the son and father of fellow social workers, the work runs in his blood. Now, he’s helping Bay Area health clinics screen for and address childhood trauma through the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative (RBC), led by Center for Care Innovations (CCI) and made possible by Genentech.
Blog Post

Taking Care of Our Patients, Our Teams, and Ourselves: Trauma-Informed Practices to Address Stress Related to COVID-19

Join ACEs Aware Webinar for a webinar on: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Noon – 1 p.m. Register for the webinar Speakers: Edward Machtinger, MD Alicia Lieberman, PhD Brigid McCaw, MD, MPH, MS, FACP The webinar will cover how trauma-informed principles and practices can help providers and their teams sustain high quality care of patients, and take good care of themselves in the face of acute stress resulting from COVID-19. This includes ways to help patients increase buffering and protective...
Blog Post

The Building Blocks of HOPE – Block #2: Environment

Dina Burstein ·
We have been so encouraged to hear how HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) is a natural fit for ACES Connection. Children who grow up in safe, stable and equitable environments are less likely to experience poor mental and physical health as adults. It is crucial to ask caregivers about the types of environments their children are experiencing. Celebrate the positive and work with families to help ensure their child has the opportunity to live, learn and play in safe and...
Blog Post

The Building Blocks of HOPE – Block #3: Engagement

Dina Burstein ·
We have been so encouraged to hear how HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) is resonating with the ACES Connection community. Here we present the third mini-blog in our series on the Building Blocks of HOPE. Children need ample opportunities for productive social engagement. Developing a connection to and sense of belonging in a community, as well as a sense that you matter to your community, describes the essence of the third of the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE . What are some...
Blog Post

The Challenges and Blessings of My Dissociative Disorder

Bonnie Armstrong ·
A remarkable coping mechanism helped me survive parts of my childhood, and I find I need to give a heads-up about it to anyone who treats me in a medical setting. While chatting about it at last year’s ACEs Conference in San Francisco, Dr. Vince Felitti asked me to write an article for The Permanente Journal about my experiences with the medical community, as a person with a childhood-trauma-related, but mostly invisible, mental health disorder. And, of course, who can say “No” to Dr.
Blog Post

TIC, MTSS and everything in between!

Former Member ·
Join us! Offered April 9th or May 7th in Sacramento California! Addressing Social and Emotional Learning by using research-based, behavior-focused strategies for staff, students & families, building resilience in our schools and communities. Anxiety and depression in students is running rampant. Workplace stress for educators and staff as well as rising litigation costs for schools are also top concerns for communities across the country. How can we reduce tension and improve how staff,...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Care as a Universal Precaution: Beyond the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire []

By Nicole Racine, Teresa Killam, and Sheri Madigan, JAMA Pediatrics, November 4, 2019 Experiences of childhood adversity are common, with more than 50% of adults reporting having experienced at least 1 adversity as children and more than 6% exposed to 4 or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). There is currently a controversial debate in the medical field as to whether the ACEs questionnaire, which asks about abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction before age 18 years, should be...
Blog Post

Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services

Briana S. Zweifler ·
In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.
Blog Post

Do You Have a Story to Tell? Speak at the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference

Florence Connally ·
Beyond Consequences is excited to announce that our Call for Proposals for the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference has been extended. If you have a great story to share about your experience in working with students who’ve had adverse childhood experiences, we would love to hear from you! Here are some examples of sessions that fit in at our nationally recognized conference: Administrative/School-Wide Track • Mindfulness Instead of Suspension • Special Education Law & Advocacy •...
Blog Post

During COVID-19, how does a trauma-informed school pivot to distance learning?

Laurie Udesky ·
Antioch Middle School seventh-grader Alyssia Garcia was accustomed to scanning the cafeteria during lunch for kids who might need her assistance. “I’d look for kids who looked sad, kids who were sitting alone, kids who looked angry,” says Garcia, a peer advocate at her school. Alyssia Garcia When she’d spot students sitting alone or looking sad, she’d approach them and ease into conversation. “If it’s a sad person, I’ll try to cheer them up or ask them what the problem is,” she says. “If...
Blog Post

Echo Conference Spotlight: Mental Health of Undocumented Students

Louise Godbold ·
Echo's conference this year is packed with great workshops for teachers, parents and anyone who works with children and their families. In addition to the not-to-be-missed keynotes (such as Susan Craig ), we are proud to present: Jose Ivan Arreola-Torres Workshop Spotlight: Holistic Healing for Immigrant & Undocumented Youth In this important workshop, Jose Ivan Arreola-Torres will talk about an often overlooked aspect of student mental health - the mental and emotional...
Blog Post

Four Core Priorities for Trauma-Informed Distance Learning []

Mai Le ·
By Kara Newhouse Apr 6 Trauma-informed teaching cannot be simplified to cookie-cutter practices. Take this example: a teacher worked with a student to develop a silent signal that he could use when he needed extra breaks during class. Hearing how well it worked, another teacher tried to apply the signal without first building a relationship with the student. It bombed. With the second teacher, the signal became “an angry ear tug instead of a trauma-informed ear tug,” said Alex Shevrin Venet...
Blog Post

FREE Webinar - Measuring Trauma-Informed Care

John Engel ·
The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) is hosting a FREE webinar for leaders in health, trauma, and trauma-informed care (TIC) to preview the new Online ARTIC , a cutting-edge online tool for measuring TIC. Register today here . The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale is one of the only validated measures of TIC. It measures professional and para-professional attitudes toward TIC, has been used globally by over 200 entities, and administered to 25,000 respondents. First...
Blog Post

Love in the time of Coronavirus: HOPE-informed thoughts for parents

Bob Sege ·
reposted from This has been quite a week, and we are now facing major disruptions in our own family lives. There is no doubt that the events of this winter and spring will be memorable for children. In that spirit, here are a few ideas to help make those memories (at least somewhat) happy. Addressing Children’s Fears Parents can do a lot to answer children’s fears. Here are the facts as we know them: although COVID-19 is certainly frightening, it is very...
Blog Post

Love in the TIme of Coronavirus: Inequities and Supporting Children

Bob Sege ·
This blog is re-posted from Link there for associated resources, and for the other blogs in the series. Having safe, stable, and equitable environments to live, learn and play forms the second of the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE. Children need homes where they feel safe and secure and have their basic needs met. Children thrive in an environment that encourages curiosity and provides opportunities for learning to play and interact with other children. Today’s blog...
Blog Post

Harmonium CEO Rosa Ana Lozada “walks the talk” of trauma-informed, resilience-building practices

Jennifer Hossler ·
Harmonium staff pictured (left to right ) Front row: Brian Newcomer, Rosa Ana Lozada, Heidi Echeverria, and Janice Tangback Back row: Amy De Meules, Natalie Kessler, and Justin Campbell There’s almost a Zen-like feeling when you walk into the office of Rosa Ana Lozada, chief executive officer of Harmonium, Inc. The deep red accent wall, large corner windows, and small Japanese fountain send a message that a trauma-informed, resilience-building mindset starts at the top of this...
Blog Post

May 22nd is Trauma Informed Awareness Day in California!

Gail Yen ·
California is one step closer to becoming a trauma-informed state. ACR 235 authored by Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula of Fresno designates May 22nd, 2018 as Trauma-Informed Awareness Day to highlight the impact of trauma and the importance of prevention and community resilience through trauma-informed care. Additionally, May 22nd is Policymaker Education Day hosted by the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) where stakeholders from all across California come to...
Blog Post

Measuring Trauma-Informed Care: A 3-Part Series. FREE DOWNLOAD

Steve Brown, Psy.D. ·
Measuring Trauma-Informed Care: Overview of Series Federal, state, and local governing bodies are increasingly mandating trauma-informed care (TIC), requiring organizations, schools, and service systems to demonstrate they are advancing TIC in their settings. Yet, organizations and schools have little guidance about how to do so. For example, the Family First Services Prevention Act requires Qualified Residential Training Programs (QRTPs) to demonstrate effective use of a TIC framework, but...
Blog Post

My hopes for a trauma-informed California

Domenica Benitez ·
Every evening, I try to engage my daughter in reflection, gratitude, and hope. I try to practice the same, but tonight, I felt the need to share with you all. Today I had the opportunity to attend the Toward a Trauma-Informed Northern California Summit 2018 – it was an incredible experience. We were welcomed with a moving, informative, and engaging keynote speaker, Dr. Isaiah B. Pickens , who laid the foundation for what would be a day of growth, reflection, connection, and peer support. He...
Blog Post

Nominate a Trauma-Informed Care Champion: #TICchampion

Mariel Gingrich ·
Becoming a trauma-informed organization requires clear communication about the transformation process, and support from staff at all levels of an organization. Often these efforts are spearheaded by “trauma-informed care champions”— individuals committed to raising awareness regarding the health effects of trauma and toxic stress and improving care for people who have experienced trauma. This week, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) invites you to recognize people around you who...
Blog Post

Opinion: All Doctors Should Practice Trauma-Informed Care []

By Bob Erlenbusch and Drew Factor, California Health Report, November 21, 2019 “Adverse childhood experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today,” Dr. Robert Block, former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has been widely quoted as saying. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, conducted in the 1990’s by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Kaiser Permanente, adverse childhood experiences are common,...
Blog Post

Policymaker Education Day Registration STILL OPEN!

Gail Yen ·
Registration is still OPEN for another week to the second annual Policymaker Education Day hosted by the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) in Sacramento on May 22nd! Don't miss this opportunity to be able to share your thoughts and expertise with your Assemblymember or Senator on how to address childhood adversity in your communities. Guest speakers include Assemblymember Dr. Arambula of Fresno County, Ted Lempert of Children Now and Sarah Pauter of Phenomenal...
Blog Post

Policymaker Education Day, Year 2!

Gail Yen ·
The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) is hosting its second annual Policymaker Education Day in Sacramento on May 22nd, 2018 with guest speaker Assemblyman Dr. Joaquin Arambula! Policymaker Education Day is an opportunity for advocates from all over California to come and educate their policymakers about childhood adversity, the long-term consequences of childhood adversity on communities, and what they can do to help. Please register by April 30 at
Blog Post

Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE

Laurie Udesky ·
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Blog Post

[Repost] Building Trauma-Informed Connections via Telehealth During COVID-19 []

By ACEs Aware, April 21, 2020 The physician speakers will share opportunities and guidance for providing trauma-informed care via telehealth as well as resources providers can offer to patients to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 related stress on physical and mental health. This is particularly critical for patients who have experienced, or who are currently experiencing, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) or other adversities. Futures Without Violence will share resources providers...
Blog Post

Resilience: The Biology of Hope & The Science of Stress []

By KQED, October 1, 2019 Researchers have recently discovered a dangerous biological syndrome caused by abuse and neglect during childhood. As the new documentary Resilience reveals, toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time, and early death. While the broader impacts of poverty worsen the risk, no segment of society is immune. Resilience, however, also chronicles the dawn of...
Blog Post

RESOURCE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Information and Resources for Immigrant Communities

California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (CRLAF) and the Sacramento FUEL Network for Immigrants have prepared an informational flyer (attached) to support immigrant communities in the Central Valley as families navigate the immense uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Topics covered include legal, healthcare, employment, housing, food assistance, census, and other areas of concern, specifically as they relate to immigrants or immigration status. Please help distribute this...
Blog Post

RESPITE Conference - Registration is OPEN!

Renae Dupuis ·
RESPITE Conference: Building a Trauma-Informed Community Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM Granada Heights Friends Church – La Mirada 11818 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638 About the Conference: Learn more about the impacts of trauma through an informative and interactive day of training with education , resources , and tools that will equip you and your environment to serve the most vulnerable among us. The day will include main sessions, tailored breakouts, and...
Blog Post

Counting on Community Symposium 2019 Highlights

Danielle Anderson ·
We are excited that this year the Children’s Mental Health Summit partnered with First 5 Humboldt’s ACEs/Resilience Project, the 0 to 8 Mental Health Collaborative and the Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council to bring such an amazing opportunity to our community. The collaboration involved in planning this event demonstrates the richness of partnerships present in Humboldt County. Our collective goal was to provide knowledge, strategies and networking opportunities to practitioners,...
Blog Post

#CHCSchat: Getting Started with Trauma-Informed Care

Gabe Salazar ·
This Tweet Chat by the Center for Health Care Strategies will focus on ways health care organizations can get started on becoming trauma-informed. Join us!
Blog Post

Child Care Bridge Program with Trauma-Informed Training

Jennifer Rexroad ·
More foster and relative homes are needed across the country. One barrier is child care access. A new bill seeks to solve this problem by providing a child care bridge program with a trauma informed training component.
Blog Post

Child Care Bridge Program with Trauma-Informed Training

Jennifer Rexroad ·
More foster and relative homes are needed across the country. One barrier is child care access. A new bill seeks to solve this problem by providing a child care bridge program with a trauma informed training component.
Blog Post

How to Be Your Own Emergency First Responder! (3 minute read)

Julie Kurtz · How to Be Your Own Emergency First Responder! (3 minute read)
Blog Post

Information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prevention []

From California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, May 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19) is serious respiratory disease that continues to impact communities worldwide, and has officially been named a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Below, we’ve included a number of resources that can slow the rate of transmission, and support our Members as they serve survivors and advance prevention in their communities. Most importantly, programs should monitor and follow the guidance of your...

Re: You Can't Be Trauma-Informed If You Can't See the Trauma

Jessie Graham ·
I love this post! I just had an online event with folks from Australia, Ohio and Maine and I was surprised that not everyone had taken the ACES Survey. I am looking forward to helping others self assess so they can have the perspective needed to relate with those who have had trauma!

Re: Opinion: All Doctors Should Practice Trauma-Informed Care []

Rosanne Gephart ·
All health care providers should practice trauma informed care.
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