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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "Children in Emergencies"

Blog Post

5 Things to Know as California Starts Screening Children for Toxic Stress []

By Barbara Feder Ostrov, California Healthline, January 7, 2020 Starting this year, routine pediatric visits for millions of California children could involve questions about touchy family topics, such as divorce, unstable housing or a parent who struggles with alcoholism. California now will pay doctors to screen patients for traumatic events known as adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, if the patient is covered by Medi-Cal — the state’s version of Medicaid for low-income families. The...
Blog Post

A New Program Helps Foster Kids in Orange County Avoid Homelessness when They Age Out of Public Care []

By Theresa Walker, The Orange County Register, December 20, 2019 For three years after he aged out of foster care, at age 18, Christian was homeless. During that time, he was hit by a car and suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was in a coma for six months and his speech and memory were affected. Over most of the last year he’s lived at The Link, a homeless shelter in Santa Ana. This week, Christian, now 22, moved into his own one-bedroom apartment, in Tustin. That change is the result of...
Blog Post

August 29 Children’s Advocacy Institute Hosts Roundtable Discussions

Daniela Guarnizo ·
The Children's Advocates Roundtable , established in 1990, is an affiliation of over 200 statewide and regional children's policy organizations, representing over twenty issue disciplines (e.g., child abuse prevention, child care, education, poverty, housing, juvenile justice). The Roundtable is convened by the Children's Advocacy Institute (CAI), and is committed to providing a setting where statewide and locally-based children's advocates gather with advocates from other children's issue...
Blog Post

Butte County's low-income children suffer in coronavirus pandemic []

By Natalie Hanson, Chico Enterprise-Record, May 11, 2020 It’s not unusual to see Chapman Elementary’s Principal Mike Allen driving through neighborhoods in the Chapman neighborhood, knocking on students’ doors and bringing food, toiletries and other supplies. Since the California shelter-in-place order, Allen said to keep making physical contact with children, he has made home visits to about 20 households. After calling every family, the school is trying to get back in touch with 15-20...
Blog Post

"ACEs Resilience and Recovery" presented at Marin Communications Forum

Donielle Prince ·
First 5 Marin Children and Families Commission featured Jane Stevens in a Marin Communications Forum event on Monday, May 15. Thanks to the hard work of host Michelle Fadelli of First 5 Marin, a full Embassy Suites ballroom of up to 180 Marin County service providers, from a variety of agencies, gathered.
Blog Post

ACEs screening in CA — a Q and A with Dr. Dayna Long

Laurie Udesky ·
Last year, the California Department of Health Care Services rolled out its plans for universal screening for trauma among its pediatric and adult Medicaid population. Beginning January 1, 2020, California physicians were able to receive an incentive payment of $29 for each pediatric patient screened for ACEs using the PEARLs ( Pediatrics Adverse Childhood and Resilience Study) tool. Dr. Dayna Long talked with ACEs Connection staff reporter Laurie Udesky about ACEs science, what led to the...
Blog Post

ACT NOW: Oppose Policies that Separate Children & Families

Gail Yen ·
The Trump Administration has proposed a new rule that could penalize families in their immigration proceedings if they use critical public benefits, such as Medicaid for food-stamps. Nearly half of California's children live in immigrant families , meaning that this rule would do deep harm to families that make up the very fabric of California. It will force families to choose between providing basic needs for their children and keeping their families together. Right now, we have an...
Blog Post

Action Alert! Campaign for restorative discipline in schools deadline TOMORROW!

Gail Yen ·
The Children’s Movement is helping to promote restorative justice practices in schools by eliminating suspensions or expulsions for “willful defiance” through Senate Bill 607 authored by Senator Nancy Skinner . You can view the letter at this link here , and sign on before the deadline tomorrow, Wednesday 2/21, at 5pm. Five years ago, California schools issued an astounding 709,702 suspensions, nearly half for “defiance/disruption,” a catch-all category used to justify disciplinary action...
Blog Post

ACTION NEEDED: Oppose Adjusting the Federal Poverty Line

Gail Yen ·
A proposed rule change to the Official Poverty Measure by the Trump Administration will negatively impact millions of children and families in our state, where, according to 2016 California Poverty Measure estimates, 21.3 percent of California's children live in poverty. If approved, the change would affect children and families' eligibility for federal programs that provide health care, nutrition and basic assistance, effectively reducing or eliminating their access to these needed...
Blog Post

Addressing Childhood Trauma, Center for Learning & Resilience []

By Deb Anderaos and Julia Yarbough, Action News Now, April 15, 2020 Butte County health representatives say they have long realized the need for coordinated mental health services for family and children dealing with trauma. The Camp Fire drove that point home and now the coronavirus crisis. Julia Yarbough recently spoke with the Executive Director of the new Center for Learning and Resilience. It’s a resource to help meet community needs. First of all, thank you for joining us, and tell me...
Blog Post

Children’s mental health a cause for concern in report on California youth policies

Bonnie Berman ·
According to the 2020 California Children’s Report Card California from Children Now, California is doing a better job serving children in some areas like health insurance, discipline, and absenteeism. However, CA received an 'F' grade for its school mental health services.
Blog Post

California Ends Practice of Billing Parents for Kids in Detention []

Alicia Doktor ·
Gov. Jerry Brown of California signed into law on Wednesday a sweeping package of criminal justice reform bills including a ban on the practice of billing parents for their children’s incarceration, which had been prevalent statewide for decades and was the subject of a Marshall Project investigation earlier this year. The new law — introduced by two Democratic state senators from the Los Angeles area, Holly Mitchell and Ricardo Lara, and approved by the legislature on Sept. 6 — prohibits...
Blog Post

California Ends Practice of Billing Parents for Kids in Detention []

Alicia Doktor ·
Gov. Jerry Brown of California signed into law on Wednesday a sweeping package of criminal justice reform bills including a ban on the practice of billing parents for their children’s incarceration, which had been prevalent statewide for decades and was the subject of a Marshall Project investigation earlier this year. The new law — introduced by two Democratic state senators from the Los Angeles area, Holly Mitchell and Ricardo Lara, and approved by the legislature on Sept. 6 — prohibits...
Blog Post

California has Begun Screening for Early Childhood Trauma, But Critics Urge Caution []

By Emily Underwood, Science, January 29, 2020 On 1 January, California became the first U.S. state to screen for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)—early life hardships such as abuse, neglect, and poverty, which can have devastating health consequences in later life. The project is not just a public health initiative, but a vast experiment. State officials aim to cut the health impacts of early life adversity by as much as half within a generation. But critics say the health benefits of...
Blog Post

Volunteer 'Cuddlers' Offer Comfort to Newborn Babies at Valley Children's Hospital []

By Kristen Mitchell,, September 15, 2019 Not every newborn gets to go home from the hospital right away. Those needing extra care at Valley Children’s Hospital also get extra love from cuddlers through a volunteer program. Their job is to hold and cuddle with newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit when their parents can’t be there. One of the roughly 70 cuddlers is Donna Garcia. She snuggles with babies twice a week. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

We're All in This Together - COVID-19 Statement and Resources []

From Children Now, The Children's Movement of California, March 18, 2020 Children Now is deeply concerned about the severe impact of the novel coronavirus on California’s children and families, especially children of color, families in poverty, families that are undocumented, and kids experiencing or who have experienced trauma. During this time, we are continuing to keep children and their families at the center of our work. We are diligently monitoring a range of national, state and local...
Blog Post

WEBINAR: Preventing Child Neglect by Building Protective Factors on 2/14

Bonnie Berman ·
Join Strengthening Families for a webinar on Thursday, February 14, 12-1pm. Explore ways that it is "Everyone's Responsibility" to help prevent child neglect and how building protective factors at all levels of the social ecology can be an effective strategy to prevent child neglect. The session will include segments from one of the training sequences from the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds' new four-part training, "Let's Talk About . . . Preventing Child...
Blog Post

Whole-Family Wellness for Early Childhood: A New Model for Medi-Cal Delivery and Financing []

The California Children’s Trust and First 5 Center for Children’s Policy just announced the publication of their vision for a new approach for California to conceptualize, deliver, and fund a system of care—grounded in family wellness—for Medi-Cal eligible infants and toddlers. Whole-Family Wellness for Early Childhood: A New Model for Medi-Cal Delivery and Financing was developed by The California Children’s Trust and the First 5 Center for Children's Policy. The primary authors are Ken...
Blog Post

Young children are hardest to count but have most at stake in 2020 census []

By Kim Goll, The Daily Californian, May 8, 2020 Today in California, there are an estimated 210,000 children younger than 6 hiding in plain sight — they weren’t counted in the last U.S. census. As a result, communities in our state missed out on a decade’s worth of crucial funding for programs to support them, including those that provide basic necessities such as food, shelter and health care. The census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution and determines how billions of dollars of federal...
Blog Post

Show Your Support!: Friday, April 24 is Children's Memorial Flag Day

Amanda Guajardo ·
Now more than ever, the safety and security of our nation's children is paramount. The Children's Memorial Flag was created in honor of National Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month. Flown on the fourth Friday in April — on April 24 this year — the Children’s Memorial Flag honors each lost child and serves as a symbol for the protection of children and young people from all forms of violence. The flag raises public awareness about the continuing problem of violence against children.
Blog Post

Simple & Fun Yoga Lesson Plan

Jessie Wetmore ·
I wanted to share an outline of my Yoga Lesson Plan that I do with my preschool class. It is easy and fun to do with any age group, especially on a rainy or cold day. If you are not familiar with yoga or yoga poses, there are millions of videos, tutorials, and charts that are available online. Preparation Move all furniture out of the way to create a large open space Implement some type of yoga mat or defined space for each child (carpet squares as yoga mats) Turn off or dim the lights Play...
Blog Post

Strategies to Stabilize and Sustain Youth Behavioral Health During COVID-19 []

By Claudia Page, California Children's Trust, April 10, 2020 The nation’s health care system is in the midst of unprecedented transformation as it responds to the COVID-19 crisis. The crisis provides an opportunity to rethink care for the state’s most vulnerable children and youth who receive behavioral health services through Medi-Cal and the health and human services safety net. In this brief, California Children's Trust outlines three specific and immediate actions counties are taking to...
Blog Post

Schools Fail to Identify Thousands of Homeless Children, State Audit Finds []

By Carolyn Jones, Ed Source, November 27, 2019 California schools undercounted their homeless students by at least 37 percent in 2017-18, according to a recent state audit. The state failed to provide those students with transportation, counseling, connections to social services and other benefits they’re entitled to under state and federal law. The audit, conducted by the office of State Auditor Elaine Howle, found that schools and districts reported only 270,000 homeless children, although...
Blog Post

The Lost Children of Los Angeles County: Foster Care Reform Moves Steadily Through Growing Pains []

From Pasadena Now, March 9, 2020 As upwards of 18,000 children now move through the LA County Foster Care system, it has long meant that those young people may continually bounce from home to home, with an ever-dwindling number of care providers among the County’s 88 cities. But now the State is almost three years into implementing a new system with one simple goal—to move foster children into “forever families,” or long-term homes, more swiftly. The lofty aim requires a massive budget, a...
Calendar Event

Children's Advocates Roundtable

Calendar Event

How is California Supporting Kids?

Calendar Event

How is California Supporting Kids?

Calendar Event

The Connection between Asthma and Toxic Stress

Blog Post

To Help Children Get Mental Health Care, Researchers Call for Overhaul of Medi-Cal []

By Claudia Boyd-Barrett, California Health Report, October 10, 2019 Should health plans do more to support parents in raising stable families? That’s the recommendation from a coalition of child health researchers who are calling for an overhaul of part of the state’s Medi-Cal program. Medi-Cal is California’s low-income health program that covers 40 percent of children in the state. The recommendations are included in a report, from the First 5 Center for Children’s Policy and a group of...
Blog Post

Trauma Screenings Advisory Group (AB 340) Hosts First Meeting

Gail Yen ·
On Friday, April 20, 2018, the AB 340 Workgroup, otherwise known as the Trauma Screenings Advisory Group, met for the first time to discuss the legislative charge to update, amend, or develop, if appropriate, tools and protocols for screening children for trauma as defined, within the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit in Medi-Cal. Both Children Now and Center for Youth Wellness were appointed members of the Trauma Screenings Advisory Workgroup, and we...
Blog Post

Trump's Food Stamp Cuts Threaten Children's Potential []

By Kim Newell, San Francisco Chronicle, December 17, 2019 As a pediatrician, I know that one of the most powerful tools for ensuring the health of my patients and of all our nation’s children is nutritious food. As such, school lunch in particular is vital, not only to their health but also to their learning capacity. The Trump administration has recently proposed changes to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Nearly a million students may lose automatic eligibility for...
Blog Post

Dozens of Cabins for Homeless Women and Children Proposed Next to North Sacramento School []

By Theresa Clift, The Sacramento Bee, December 5, 2019 A long-vacant dirt lot across from Garden Valley Elementary School in the Northgate neighborhood of north Sacramento could soon become the site of 49 cabins sheltering homeless women and children. Councilman Jeff Harris wants the City Council to consider the project as one potential site for shelters as Sacramento continues to search for ways to address its increasing homeless population. The development, on city-owned land at Northgate...
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post

FOCUS Program Aids Children Exposed to Trauma []

By Special to The Enterprise, The Enterprise, October 25, 2019 Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig and Yolo County Superintendent of Schools Garth Lewis announced the launching of FOCUS, a notification system designed to decrease the negative impacts on children who are exposed to violence and trauma. The goal of the FOCUS program is for children to succeed to the best of their ability, regardless of the environment in which they live. Under FOCUS, law enforcement officers and other...
Blog Post

From Awareness to Action, with Voices of Lived Experience: Wisconsin’s Collective Impact Initiative

Anndee Hochman ·
Perhaps it wasn’t the optimum time to update the network’s vision and values statements: a virtual meeting held in the midst of a global pandemic. But a record number of people—51, compared to the typical 30—tuned in for the May 1 Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health (OCMH) Collective Impact Council, and they gave the new values statement, which highlights inclusivity and collaboration, an enthusiastic thumbs-up. At the virtual table were members from key state departments—Children...
Blog Post

Let's work together to ensure everyone is counted! []

Kelly Hardy ·
By The Children's Movement of California, April 28, 2020 By now, every single household across the country should have received multiple mailers with instructions on how to fill out the 2020 Census. Many community organizations are grappling with how to engage members and families as on-the-ground, door-to-door outreach and engagement strategies -- that have proven to be effective in the past – have been halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic at least until the end of May. Phone calls, text...
Blog Post

Love in the time of Coronavirus: HOPE-informed thoughts for parents

Bob Sege ·
reposted from This has been quite a week, and we are now facing major disruptions in our own family lives. There is no doubt that the events of this winter and spring will be memorable for children. In that spirit, here are a few ideas to help make those memories (at least somewhat) happy. Addressing Children’s Fears Parents can do a lot to answer children’s fears. Here are the facts as we know them: although COVID-19 is certainly frightening, it is very...
Blog Post

Love in the TIme of Coronavirus: Inequities and Supporting Children

Bob Sege ·
This blog is re-posted from Link there for associated resources, and for the other blogs in the series. Having safe, stable, and equitable environments to live, learn and play forms the second of the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE. Children need homes where they feel safe and secure and have their basic needs met. Children thrive in an environment that encourages curiosity and provides opportunities for learning to play and interact with other children. Today’s blog...
Blog Post

Luchando Contra el Virus: Trinka, Juan, y Pueblito Trabajan Juntos

Chandra Ghosh Ippen ·
The English version launched on April 19, 2020, under the title Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka, Sam, and Littletown Work Together. It is a free resource developed in collaboration with the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and Piplo Productions . The Spanish version is now available. Please help us to help the story reach families who may benefit from it. Este cuento fue creado para ayudar a los niños pequeños y a sus familias a hablar acerca de sus experiencias y sentimientos...
Blog Post

Medi-Cal Healthier California for All []

By Alex Briscoe, California Children's Trust, January 23, 2020 Since mid 2018, with your guidance and support, we have raised awareness and achieved a consensus about the need to address the escalating youth mental health crisis in California. In over 100 presentations across the state, we have made clear our position that solutions to this crisis must be centered on equity and justice and a reimagining of how we fund, define, deliver, and measure the social and emotional health of children...
Blog Post

Michael Pritchard came to visit us in Lake County

Joanie Lane ·
Michael Pritchard came to visit us in Lake County on December 8, 2018 for two shows about 90 minutes each. The 2 pm show was directed to children, parents and teachers. Most who showed up didn’t know what to expect, they knew he is a comedian and that he talks to kids about bullying, but they weren’t really sure what they were going to get from him. What Michael gave was his heart. While he sat and made funny noises stemming from his Star Wars character voice overs, children laughed, and...
Blog Post

Millions Unclaimed: Behind California's Troubled Mental Health Care Funding System []

By Claudia Boyd-Barrett, The Chronicle of Social Change, October 9, 2019 Alex Briscoe didn’t know much about how local governments pay for mental health care when he joined Alameda County’s Health Care Services Agency in 2004. But he knew there was a problem. Briscoe had come from a job at Children’s Hospital Oakland where he saw kids routinely turn up in the emergency room in serious psychological distress. These children had nowhere else to go. There was no support system to help kids...
Blog Post

Months After Promising an Audit, L.A. Police Fail to Explain Why 4,000 Child Abuse Reports Weren't Investigated []

By Sara Tiano, The Chronicle of Social Change, January 10, 2020 Nearly three months after the Los Angeles Police Department vowed to find out why the department had not investigated 4,000 reported cases of child abuse, an in-depth audit of the cases is still not ready to deliver to county child welfare officials. The department has canceled a scheduled presentation of the audit’s findings Monday, Jan. 13, before the Los Angeles County Commission for Children and Families citing the need to...
Blog Post

NEW: 2018-19 California County Scorecard of Children's Well-Being

Gail Yen ·
Children Now is pleased to announce that we've just released our new 2018-19 California County Scorecard of Children's Well-Being! The latest edition is an interactive tool that provides a comprehensive snapshot of how children are faring in each of the 58 counties, over time, and by race and ethnicity. The tool's indicators cut across four domains of education, early childhood, child welfare and health. This updated edition of the Scorecard features significant enhancements including heat...
Blog Post

NEW BRIEF! Screening for Trauma Birth to 5

Gail Yen ·
In light of the Governor's recent budget proposal to invest $45 million into trauma screenings, Children Now wrote a new brief, Screening Kids for Trauma Birth to 5. It highlights the importance of screening for trauma and provides recommendations for the state of California and providers to prevent and treat childhood trauma. If you have any questions, please reach out to Lishaun Francis:
Blog Post

Over half of California Children with a Special Health Care Need has one or more ACEs

Lori Turk ·
More than one million children in California have a special health care need. These children have chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions that require more than routine health and related services. Sixty-one percent of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) have had one more adverse experience. Understanding the factors that impact these children and their families is crucial to lifelong health and wellness. , a program of the Lucile Packard...
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