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Tagged With "African Americans"

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A Guide to Creating “Safe Space” Policies for Early Childhood Programs [CLASP]

Gemma DiMatteo ·
From the Center for Law and Social Policy Early childhood programs play an important role in the lives of young children and their families. But in our current immigration policy climate, families across the country are questioning whether it’s safe to attend or enroll. Providers can take steps to protect families’ safety and privacy by implementing policies that designate their facilities as a safe space from immigration enforcement. This guide explains federal agency guidance related to...
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ACEs Connection Webinar: The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families

Gemma DiMatteo ·
The trauma toll on pediatric immigrants, refugees and their families Date: Friday, December 14, 2018 Time: 10:30-11:30 am Pacific Time/1:30-2:30 Eastern Time Central American asylum seekers, including a Honduran girl, 2, and her mother, are taken into custody near the U.S.-Mexico border in June in McAllen, Texas. John Moore/Getty Images Please register here for this webinar. News accounts say it all: “Families Are Still Being Separated at the Border, Months After ‘Zero Tolerance’ Was...
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Addressing historical and childhood trauma: Why native people across the country are gathering in San Diego in October

Anthony Pico ·
photo/ CCO Children, in what should be the safety of their homes, experience trauma, and it is ruining lives -- and perhaps entire ethnic groups. Childhood trauma actually alters the structure of the brain – a result of consistent toxic stress, which is why it’s so difficult to heal an individual and help them attain a healthy life. Dr. Anthony Pico The science that was the springboard for making those linkages began with a now famous Adverse Childhood Experiences study of over 17,000...
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Breaking the Silence on Early Child Care and Education Costs: A Values-Based Budget for Children, Parents, and Teachers in California

By Elise Gould, Marcy Whitebook, Zane Mokhiber, and Lea J.E. Austin, Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, July 23, 2019. What this report finds: California’s child early care and education (ECE) system is underfunded, and California policymakers have not been willing to acknowledge the true cost of creating a comprehensive ECE system. Proposals for ECE reform have focused primarily on improving access and affordability for families but have ignored the elephant in the room: Early...
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CA to reimburse for only one of three ACEs screeners

Laurie Udesky ·
California health care providers will soon begin to learn how many of the 13.2 million California children and adults in the state’s MediCal program have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). But the state’s proposed decision to reimburse only one of three recommended options for screening children has drawn mixed reactions from pediatricians. “If we have mandated legislation that only looks at one screening tool, it really limits the opportunity to improve that screening...
Blog Post

California Allocates $1 Million to Improve Mental Health of Native American Youth (

While mental health resources for Native American youth are sparse throughout California, the state has taken a modest step to support Albers and his peers by earmarking more than $1 million for Native American youth as part of the first-ever statewide Youth Reinvestment Fund. The fund, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed into the 2018-19 budget, aims to keep vulnerable youth populations out of the criminal justice system by instead supporting more community and health interventions. While there...
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California Looks To Lead Nation In Unraveling Childhood Trauma []

Alicia Doktor ·
Imagine identifying a toxin so potent it could rewire a child’s brain and erode his immune system. A substance that, in high doses, tripled the risk of heart disease and lung cancer and reduced life expectancy by 20 years. And then realizing that tens of millions of American children had been exposed. Dr. @Nadine Burke Harris, California’s newly appointed surgeon general, will tell you this is not a hypothetical scenario. She is a leading voice in a movement trying to transform our...
Blog Post

Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Laurie Udesky ·
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe. That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
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For Low-Income Youth in California, Much is Promised But Little Received with Mental Health Services (

Mental health disorders in childhood and adolescence are extremely common. Studies estimate between 13 and 20 percent of American children experience a mental disorder in a given year. National survey data indicates that one in five children and teens will suffer a mental disorder that severely impairs daily life. Common mental illnesses include anxiety disorder, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Yet research also indicates that many children in need of mental...
Blog Post

From Compassion Fatigue to Healing Centered Engagement: Turning Trauma Informed Values into Action

Lynn Eikenberry ·
To pave the way for a truly strengths-based approach to full healing and recovery for both service users and burned out staff, we must educate them on (1) the central role of primal body responses to trauma (past and present), and (2) the early development of adaptive thoughts and behaviors in response to traumatic experience.
Blog Post

Governor Newsom announces Nadine Burke Harris to be CA's first-ever surgeon general

Jane Stevens ·
Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the appointment of Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a national leader in pediatric medicine, to serve as California’s first-ever surgeon general. There is overwhelming consensus in the scientific community around early warning signs and childhood determinants of serious health outcomes. As surgeon general, Dr. Burke Harris will urge policymakers at every level of government and leaders across the state to consider the social determinants of health, especially...
Blog Post

Help public radio with a story: How did separation from your parents as a child impact you?

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Please see the post below from Laura Klivans of KQED: KQED is the National Public Radio affiliate in San Francisco, CA. We’d like to hear from adults (18+) who were separated from their parents when they were children. Perhaps the separation was due to economic reasons, war and conflict, incarceration, foster care, or something else. How did that period of separation impact you in the long-run? How has it impacted your connection to others and how you build relationships? If you're a parent,...
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Mental Health and Resilience Month Part 3: Declutter Your Mind

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Happy Friday! For this week's mental health and resilience tip, I wanted to give resources on ways to declutter your mind. Some of them are more literal (#6 - declutter your workspace), but most of them are figurative ways to help you feel less stressed and more centered. My personal favorite is #5 - breathe. Taking a slow, deep breath actually lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, which signals to your brain that you're calm, which then makes you feel calmer! You can read the list...
Blog Post

New Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire debuts for pediatricians, family practice, internal medicine...but anyone can use it

Susie Wiet ·
There's a new ACEs-resiliency survey in town! It came out of a conversation between two physicians having a conversation on a bus. Here's the story about how it was developed, and how to use it. Pilots were done in a pediatric clinic, internal medicine, addiction treatment center, group therapy, and psychiatric practice. It's now being used in two community clinics.
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Running TIC Resource List

Gemma DiMatteo ·
This is a running list for trauma-informed care websites and resources that aren't downloadable, so you can access them in one place. I will keep this list updated, and you can always find it under the Running TIC Resource List blog category (this will be the only blog in there). If you have any additional resources, please post a comment below with the link, or send me a private message or email at , and I will add it to the list. As always, feel free to reach out to...
Blog Post

OCAP grants announced - Deadline EXTENDED TO DEC 28th

Karen Clemmer ·
The Office of Child Abuse and Prevention ( OCAP ) recently announced a funding opportunity that may align with the work of California based ACEs champions. Please see the details below, the OCAP Grants link, and the attached document for further details. Copied from the website : The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) administers federal grants, contracts, and state programs designed to promote best practices and innovative approaches to child abuse prevention, intervention, and...
Blog Post

Pediatricians Group: Doctors Should Prescribe Play Time For Kids (

A new report is recommending kids do something critical for healthy development – play. The report ‘ The Power of Play ’ from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all pediatricians tell children that playing with parents and peers is a critical part of healthy development, fundamental for learning life skills and reducing stress. Dr. Michael Yogman of Mount Auburn Hospital authored the report which shows playtime has decreased significantly in the past 15 years, while screen time...
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Playtime May Bolster Kids’ Mental Health []

Alicia Doktor ·
“Play has become a four-letter word.” So says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek , a psychologist at Temple University and one of the authors of a new paper about the importance of play in children’s lives. The clinical report , published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends that pediatricians write a “prescription for play” at doctor visits in the first two years of life. Years of research have shown that play is an important part of a child’s development, assisting in cognition, memory, social...
Blog Post

Spanking Is Still Really Common and Still Really Bad for Kids []

Alicia Doktor ·
The good news about spanking is that parents today are less likely to do it to their children than parents in the past. The bad news is that parents today still spank their kids—a lot. “Some estimates are that by the time a child reaches the fifth grade [in the United States], 80 percent of children have been spanked,” says George Holden, a professor of psychology at Southern Methodist University who studies parenting and corporal punishment. Spanking is also widespread worldwide . Perhaps...
Blog Post

The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma is coming!

Thomas Ahern ·
Maybe you have heard about this initiative on one of the social networks or you followed the tour last year. If not, The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma is a grassroots partnership between Calo Programs and three leading, national attachment, trauma and adoption nonprofits; The Attachment and Trauma Network (ATN), The American Adoption Congress (AAC) and Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh). The purpose of this collaboration is to increase compassion and...
Blog Post

The Deficit Lens of the 'Achievement Gap' Needs to Be Flipped. Here's How (

For too long, American schools have had a default orientation toward measuring students' abilities and achievement, rather than focusing on the resources-such as engaging learning environments and high-quality, culturally responsive teaching practices-that empower students to learn new concepts and skills. When data reveal students' shortcomings without revealing the shortcomings of the systems intended to serve them, it becomes easier to treat students as deficient and harder to recognize...
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Trauma Informed Principles through a Culturally Specific Lens (pdf)

Alicia Doktor ·
This document attempts to define the core principles of trauma informed work through a culturally specific analysis. The content of this resource is primarily intended for culturally specific, communitybased organizations and seeks to provide practitioners with accessible language to describe the trauma informed/culturally specific overlap of their work. In our experience at Casa de Esperanza, as a national technical assistance provider, we come in contact with many culturally specific...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Training & Coaching E-Newsletter August 2018

Gemma DiMatteo ·
Contents Conferences & Trainings Trauma-Informed Care Two-Day Training, 8/28-29 Communities of Practice Early Childhood Mental Health Conference, 9/13-15 Webinars & Calls CDSS Bridge Program TA Call, 8/28 TIC Training & Coaching Learning Community Call, 9/11 How Boosting Emotional Intelligence Improves Your Ability to Effectively Lead Your ECE Program, 10/3 Resources ACEsConnection Monthly Highlights Staff Recruitment Resources Technical Assistance Contact Information Conferences...
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Whole People Series & Study Guide (

Christine Cissy White ·
There's a fantastic five-part series, Whole People , done by PBS, "spotlighting the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) through personal and community stories. It explores the long-term costs to personal well-being and our society. While much work needs to be done, there are many innovative developments to prevent and treat ACES. We all play a role in becoming a whole people." It's amazing. The five topics covered are as follows: Childhood Trauma Healing Communities A New Response...
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ACEs Aware Grantees By County

Donielle Prince ·
ACEs Connection will begin highlighting ACEs and Resilience initiatives by county. We're starting this effort off by listing the recent ACEs Aware grantees by county.
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CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY: Parental ACEs and Pediatrics: Transforming Well Care []

CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY (CAA) , funded by ACEs Aware, is providing free online training to Medi-Cal providers and others featuring: Practical strategies for integrating trauma-informed health care into your team’s practice that improves patients’ well being and the productivity of your practice. Meet colleagues with experience and success providing trauma-informed health care in their practices. Learn from national and local experts. Talk to other professionals from your region in small...
Blog Post

It's Not Just Adults Who Are Stressed. Kids Are, Too []

By Christina Caron, The New York Times, November 3, 2020 Families are under an extraordinary amount of pressure right now, and the next few months will provide little relief. The trials of 2020 include economic uncertainty , winter dread , an emotionally charged presidential election and a worrying rise in coronavirus cases . Then there’s the disrupted school year , remote learning and few (or no) options for child care . (That’s an abbreviated list.) Experts are understandably concerned...
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Understanding the role of cultural stigma on seeking mental health services

Kristina M Modeste ·
By Dr. Sheila Modir , pediatric psychologist; Baleska Alfaro, licensed marriage and family therapist; and Dr. Ava Casados and Dr. Sarah Ruiz, post-doctoral fellows at CHOC For some people, making an appointment with a mental health provider may be a personal and independent decision. For others, the decision to seek therapy services may be influenced by their culture or community, as each culture has its own understanding, interpretation and beliefs around mental health symptoms. Our own...
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Register for the Family Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic Data Webinar

Kristina M Modeste ·
The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention (CDSS/OCAP)’s, Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative invites your participation in the “Family Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic Data Webinar” on Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM. The purpose of this webinar is to share findings from wave 1 of the Family Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic...
Blog Post

Upcoming 6/9 Webinar and New Report and Brief: Community Strategies to Address California’s Digital Divide and Its Impact on Children and Families

Natalie Audage ·
PACEs Connection and the Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative, a project of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) have developed two new resources, “Community Strategies to Address California’s Digital Divide and Its Impact on Children and Families” Report and the “Digital Divide Brief: Community Strategies to Address California’s Digital Divide and Its Impact on Children and Families”
Blog Post

We're renewing PACEs Connection's popular "Historical Trauma in America" series!

Due to its popularity, PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup is continuing the “Historical Trauma in America Series”. This event examines historical trauma in the United States and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series, which began in July 2021, highlights several regions within the United States and outlines how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the sociopolitical landscape of today...
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How to Talk With Kids About Tragedies & Other Traumatic News Events

Patty Franco ·
By: David Schonfeld, MD, FAAP After any disaster or crisis, families struggle with what they should say to children and how to help them cope. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages parents, teachers, child care providers, and others who work closely with children to filter information about the event and present it in a way that their child can understand, adjust to and handle in a healthy way. Where to start No matter what age or developmental stage your child is, you can...
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Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Resources for Educators

Patty Franco ·
This list of lessons, articles, books and videos for educators can be used by schools and districts looking to celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month during May. These resources were compiled by Michael Tapia, a retired principal from Ventura USD.
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Promote Positive Experiences through Community Service Learning []

Laura Gallant ·
By Laura Gallant, 5/18/23, May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage month, a time to celebrate, honor and recognize the many cultures, histories, and contributions of the AAPI community. AAPI cultural recognitions and expressions have the power to connect children and families to positive childhood experiences. AAPI Heritage month reminds us all that HOPE is not one-size-fits-all framework in part because children and families...
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Patty Franco ·
Featuring New Documentary Films from INDEPENDENT LENS, POV, and AMERICAN MASTERS, THE 36th HISPANIC HERITAGE AWARDS, the Premiere of Three-Part Series BECOMING FRIDA KAHLO, New Episodes of ROSIE’S RULES and ALMA’S WAY from PBS KIDS, and A Collection of Streaming Content Spotlighting Hispanic Stories ARLINGTON, VA; September 7, 2023 -- PBS will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a slate of new programs, specials and digital content as part of its ongoing commitment to spotlighting the...
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Patty Franco ·
Register Here Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 9:00am - 3:30pm PST Children's Institute in partnership with the UCLA Pritzker Center brings you the 2023 Trauma-Informed Care Conference. This year's Trauma-Informed Care Conference will focus on creating a culture of wellness & prevention for children, families & community. We are particularly excited about a discussion with California's Surgeon General, Diana Ramos, MD, and UCLA Professor of Psychiatry, Eraka Bath, MD, moderated by LAist...
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Supporting Indigenous Resilience and Knowledge through Culture-Based Programs and Policies

Patty Franco ·
October 17, 202312:00 PM1:00 PM PDT The impact of historical trauma on Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities is widespread and ongoing. Each community has diverse and distinct histories, cultures, traditions, and strengths, but they face many shared challenges stemming from colonization. The response, as noted by Dr. Clayton Small of Native P.R.I.D.E and many other Native leaders,...
Blog Post

February Collective Care Through the CRC & PACEs Movement: The Way Forward for Civil & Human Rights is Trauma-Informed

Nationally recognized days of awareness remind us of important civil and human rights movements led by Black and African-American communities and social justice advocates. February puts leadership, education, access, justice, policy, and governance under the spotlight. Through a PACEs science lens, this month is an opportunity to consider trauma-informed transformation through a PACEs science lens as the way forward.
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