Tagged With "Cherokee Point Elementary Youth Leaders"
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ACEs gets a day at the (Sacramento) Capitol!
No matter where you are, be sure to follow the events of the day on twitter: Follow @acestoohigh and #4CAKidsDay17 to get live updates all day.
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Broadening Your Network and Identifying Partners for More Resilient, Healthier Communities
Who should you partner with to create lasting change through resilience in your community? The Building Community Resilience (BCR) initiative aims to address, prevent, and reduce the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and adverse community environments (ACEs) on children’s health and wellbeing ( The “Pair of ACEs” ). An essential element of the successes of BCR’s five test sites around the country has been strategic collaborations. In your work to build resilience, identifying...
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Building Healthy Communi: North Star Goals & Indicators [Calendow.org]
For generations travelers have understood the importance of always knowing the location of the North Star. As the only fixed point in the night sky, the North Star is a constant companion and a sure reference for setting one’s course on a journey. For TCE's Building Healthy Communities Initiative, we too are setting our North Star that will guide our BHC work over the next half of the initiative. Our North Star Goals and Indicators illustrate what success looks like in 2020. Essentially, the...
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Carbajal Helps Local Youth Resolve Conflict Through Accountability and Communication (livewellsd.org)
For youth in underserved San Diego neighborhoods, Francisco Carbajal is a turnaround specialist. He has a gift for diverting at-risk students away from the juvenile justice system and toward a path to educational achievement and community leadership. Francisco manages the Restorative Community Conferencing (RCC) Program at the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) as part of the organization’s celebrated “Avoiding the Pipeline to Prison” Initiative. With strong support from regional law...
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Education Summit
The Attachment & Trauma Network’s 2017 Educating Traumatized Children Summit will feature 18 audio interviews (available as mp3 recordings) exploring the Trauma-Sensitive Schools movement and the latest in understanding the impact of trauma on learning. Teachers, therapists, administrators and parents will all find this series helpful in working with children of trauma. Topics include: Re-Thinking Children’s Behavior...the Seismic Shift
The Importance of Top Administrators’...
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Elevating Community Well-Being for East African Men and Boys in San Diego (livewellsd.org)
In the City Heights neighborhood of San Diego, the second largest home of East African refugees in the U.S., youth workers noticed some troubling trends. “We were seeing young men in their early 20s using drugs, not going to college, ending up in prison,” said Jama Mohamed, Program Coordinator and Making Connections Project Lead at United Women of East Africa Support Team (UWEAST). “We kept having this conversation: ‘What do we need to do?’” The loss of five young men in a string of suicides...
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For ACEsConnection members only -- a "sneak preview" of 'Resilience'!
Resilience , a documentary that looks at the birth of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and how it spawned a movement across the world, will be coming to your personal screen in April, says Lynn Waymer, KPJR Film’s community engagement strategist. The production team is working out the details to make the documentary, which premiered at Sundance Film Festival to sold-out houses, available to ACEsConnection.com members on Sunday, April 10, at 6 pm PT/ 9 pm...
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For ACEsConnection members only -- the official invitation/registration for sneak peek of "Resilience"
(A version of this post was emailed to all ACEsConnection.com members yesterday.) Join us on Sunday, April 10th, for a free sneak peek of Resilience , the critically acclaimed documentary by KPJR Films that chronicles a new movement among pediatricians, therapists, educators and communities who are using cutting-edge brain science to disrupt cycles of violence, addiction and disease. The streaming event will begin at 6 p.m. PT (3 p.m. HAST, 5 p.m. AKDT, 7 p.m. MT, 8 p.m. CT, 9 p.m. ET). For...
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Healing A Mother’s Pain By Forgiving A Killer (kpbs.org)
At 1:30 in the morning in May of 2012, Bevelynn Bravo was woken by a knock on the door. Two detectives had come to tell her that her son was dead. Her 21-year-old son, Jaime Bravo Jr., was stabbed and left to die as he walked out of friend’s house in City Heights. As a volunteer first responder for the San Diego Compassion Project since 2010, Bravo had become accustomed to dealing with tragedy at a crime scene. She offered emotional and administrative support to the families of homicide...
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Hundreds gathered in City Heights last month for the San Diego premier of Resilience -The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope.
The crowd arrived to the aroma of freshly popped popcorn that wafted through the Cherokee Point Elementary School auditorium. With bags of popcorn and plates filled with fresh-cut fruits and vegetables from trays on tables lining the wall, the service providers, policy makers, community advocates, graduate students, teachers and parents settled in for a movie and a panel discussion that brought many to tears. Dr. Dawn Griffin, a professor in Alliant International University departments of...
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Harmonium CEO Rosa Ana Lozada “walks the talk” of trauma-informed, resilience-building practices
Harmonium staff pictured (left to right ) Front row: Brian Newcomer, Rosa Ana Lozada, Heidi Echeverria, and Janice Tangback Back row: Amy De Meules, Natalie Kessler, and Justin Campbell There’s almost a Zen-like feeling when you walk into the office of Rosa Ana Lozada, chief executive officer of Harmonium, Inc. The deep red accent wall, large corner windows, and small Japanese fountain send a message that a trauma-informed, resilience-building mindset starts at the top of this...
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Movement-Making in Buncombe County (NC): Opportunity-Based Narrative and Creation Spaces
Mobilizing action can be intimidating. Creating a movement even more so. John Hagel provides the following definition of a movement: “an organized effort mobilizing a large number of independent participants in a grassroots effort to pursue a broad agenda for change.” He indicates that there are two key ingredients in movement making: 1) compelling narratives and 2) fostering creation spaces. In Buncombe County, we are experimenting with both of these notions. Opportunity-based Narrative A...
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New bill to guarantee health care access to transgender foster children (kusi.com)
SAN DIEGO (KUSI) — Transgender foster children would be guaranteed access to health care specific to their unique needs under a bill announced Monday by San Diego Assemblyman Todd Gloria. The Democrat’s bill would amend the list of foster youth rights to include “access to gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming behavioral health services,” such as counseling to cope with gender identity issues or gender confirmation surgery. That list includes such freedoms as accessing the...
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No thanks to heaven for 7-Eleven beer and wine sales (sandiegoreader.com)
A City Heights planning group meeting ended loudly and abruptly Wednesday night (September 7) when the group chairman substitute could not control an angry crowd and shut down the meeting. A member of the mayor's staff and of city councilmember Marti Emerald's staff stood quietly aside shaking hands and greeting friends while people left the meeting. A San Diego police officer who was there to speak as a community liaison was among the first to leave. "Can you believe this? We came here to...
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Paper Tigers Inspires Action
Just moments into watching "Paper Tigers" last August, Angie Dillon Shore and Socorro Shiels found themselves wiping away tears. By the film's conclusion, Angie, a former youth counselor and current Upstream Investments Program Manager, and Socorro, then the Superintendent of Santa Rosa City Schools both felt compelled to take immediate action. What if together, these two women could bring the film to local educators and parents? Could the film change the conversation...
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Parent and Youth Leaders Educate Policymakers on ACEs in Sacramento on July 11th
Twelve parent and youth leaders, reentry and educational leaders, and community organizers represented the region of San Diego in Sacramento on July 11th. Aligning with about 80 other community members and professionals statewide, everyone met with and educated legislative staff on the impact of ACEs, community trauma, community healing and resilience building. Organized by the 4CA steering group led by Center for Youth Wellness, Children Now, and ACEs Connection Network, the ACEs science...
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Rady Children's Behavioral Health Urgent Care in City Heights
Rady Children's Behavioral Health Urgent Care Hours of Operation Walk-in clinic: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday 4305 University Avenue, Suite 150 San Diego, CA 92105 Tel: (858) 966-5484 Fax: (858) 966-5482 Follow up visits by appointment only Closed weekends and Holidays WHO WE SERVE The Behavioral Health Urgent Care serves children, teens and their families struggling with urgent emotional and/or behavioral concerns posing a risk to their safety or the safety of others or creating...
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Resilient San Diego! ~ Saturday, December 9, 2017 from noon to 3:00 pm in Balboa Park!
Please join us! Resilient San Diego! Attached, please find flyers in Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese . Please share with others. Save the date for Saturday, December 9th, from noon to 3:00 pm at Balboa Park! Our San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) is hosting an event celebrating our members in the Recital Hall at Balboa Park. Who: Families ~ Youth ~ Community Partners ~ Professionals What: Celebrate our region's resilience building movement. FOOD. FUN. ACTIVITIES.
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San Diego's stop-and-go progress to becoming a trauma-informed community
It’s a warm spring afternoon and Arturo Soriano is in his old stomping grounds—at Teralta Park, a small urban park atop a sunken freeway in San Diego’s City Heights neighborhood. As a teenage gang member in the 1980s, Soriano roamed the park and the surrounding streets before spending the better part of two decades in prison. Now 40, he has returned with a different mission.
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San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) Meeting - Friday, May 4th: Networking at Noon and Meeting from (networking) Noon to (meeting) 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Mission: Promoting trauma-informed services in the San Diego region through collaboration, advocacy, and education. From a computer, click here to join WebEx meeting https://sdcountyca.webex.com/sdcountyca/j.php?MTID=m95c3987d95077cb3af9237e1e0df711f Meeting number (access code): 801 593 622 Meeting password: Trauma1! Join by phone only, call 240-454-0887 US Toll , Meeting number (access code): 801 593 622, Enter (#) when asked for an attendee ID. I. Introductions (Name and Organization) a.
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San Diego Youth Voice leaders educate European delegation about ACEs science
City Heights youth leaders from Youth Voice met with women leaders from eight countries who visited the San Diego Diplomacy Council on their tour of the United States to learn about and promote citizen safety, economic opportunity, social justice and environmental sustainability. The members of the European delegation came from Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Jessica and Lizette, Youth Voice leaders, shared their expertise on the...
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Schools to take on 'emotional learning' (sandiegouniontribune.com)
At Cherokee Point Elementary School, first-grade teacher Hagit Patolai roams her classroom to asses student progress on a “fact versus opinion” writing assignment. She crouches down to read over the shoulder of a boy, asking him to point to the words (beautiful and cool) that indicate his illustrated story about a rainbow is based on his opinions. Why are people’s opinions important, she asks. It’s a question that gets at more than the lesson at hand. Patolai keeps detailed records on the...
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Schools to take on 'emotional learning' [SanDiegoUnionTribune.com]
t Cherokee Point Elementary School, first-grade teacher Hagit Patolai roams her classroom to asses student progress on a “fact versus opinion” writing assignment. She crouches down to read over the shoulder of a boy, asking him to point to the words (beautiful and cool) that indicate his illustrated story about a rainbow is based on his opinions. Why are people’s opinions important, she asks. It’s a question that gets at more than the lesson at hand. Patolai keeps detailed records on the...
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Someone San Diego Should Know: Educator’s emphasis is learning students’ needs (sandiegouniontribune.com)
The increase in hate- and discrimination-motivated incidents in the United States has a major impact on children and their learning journey. These traumatic incidents are the leading factors in childhood trauma, because they pose a threat to the child’s life or bodily integrity. Childhood trauma is also identified as one of the barriers to high academic achievement and success for students. Yet, this issue has largely been ignored by our education system. Godwin Higa is trying to change...
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Strengthening Community Trust Sypmposium - Family & Youth Support Partner Initiative
The Diversity Development Center invites you to attend the first in a series of Strengthening Community Trust Symposiums to take place at Marina Village Conference Center Building A, 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 92109 on July 18th and 19th, 2018. FAMILY & YOUTH SUPPORT PARTNER MODEL A Family and Youth Support Partner is an individual, with lived experiences in the respective system(s), who is trained and hired to help other families as a paraprofessional. We believe trust is the...
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Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services
In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.
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"Youth Empowerment" transforming lives in City Heights
Here's a great article about a grassroots effort in Teralta Park in City Heights started by Arturo and Gabby Soriano called Youth Empowerment. Instead of dodging bullets on the street, they’re dodging paintball pellets in a park. Instead...
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California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
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Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager
Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: One-Pager
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Game Night Youth Coalition (SAY SD)
SAY San Diego invites you to join us for a virtual escape room game night! Unwind and have fun while you learn more about how you can get involved, have your voice heard, and be around other rising leaders in Southeastern SD. The first 100 youth to RSVP before March 31st get a large pizza delivered to their house for FREE! YOUTH COALITION April 5th, 2021 @ 5:30 PM via Zoom Scan or click the QR Code & RSVP by March 31st Open tinyurl.com/SESDGameNight This project is partially funded by...
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Local Organizations Join Together To Build HOPE and Resiliency in San Diego’s Children
April is National Month of Hope. While hope is something we all need right now as we surpass one year of the COVID pandemic, HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) means something different in our work as ACEs Aware grantees. The YMCA of San Diego County , San Diego State University Social Policy Institute , San Diego Accountable Community for Health (SDACH) and American Academy of Pediatrics – California Chapter 3 are combining efforts as ACEs Aware grantees to work with...
Iddo Gelle
Jocelyn Bobadilla
Andrea Cortez
Stephanie Kohler
Audrey Hokoda
Arthur Soriano
Nancy Serna
Anabel Barajas
maria Rodriguez