Tagged With "Celebrate Juneteenth with Dauphin"
Blog Post
7 New Communities Join ACEs Connection / August 2020
7 number of new communities have joined the ACEs Connection. Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities . ACEs in Nursing Science Join us as we explore the intersection of ACEs Science and Nursing Science, with a lens on the unique needs of nurses as they integrate ACEs Science into their nursing practices and reflect on their own lived experiences as related to childhood trauma:...
Blog Post
Link to our latest Dauphin County Trauma-Informed Collaborative meeting.
https://psu.zoom.us/rec/play/z-t9C96OMa7_GcXDvniMYARmTLK4_lfkvxatQCqtEt7EuYMI4Y0Rpnd4ntKwFW-sdlyMAOEeVh1iVkrg.Ck3BE2r9j3gbB9CC?autoplay=true&startTime=1617804105000 Hidden faces and Muted voices
Ashley Visco
Tanya Shaw
Darrel Reinford
Angela V. Parker-Quarles
Blog Post
Declaration of Unity and Cultural Competency
Dauphin County Trauma-Informed Collaborative Declaration of Unity & Cultural Competency The Dauphin County Trauma-Informed Collaborative Community aims to raise trauma-informed awareness as it relates to increasing the presence of cultural humility and cultural competency in the County and State. We propose a set of recommendations to business and government institutions, community organizations, and individuals to achieve this goal. Business and Government Institutions We ask all...