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Tagged With "Resilient Beginnings Collaborative"

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2018 October Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Kim Dangerfield, ·
Agenda and meeting minutes from the October 2018 Dutchess County ACES Task Force.
Blog Post

2019 January Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Kim Dangerfield, ·
Agenda, meeting minutes and attachments for the January 2019 Dutchess County ACES Task Force meeting.
Blog Post

Screening for Childhood Trauma

Stefanie Demong ·
Dr. Ken Epstein has been in the social services sector for nearly four decades and has witnessed firsthand the long-term effects of trauma. As both the son and father of fellow social workers, the work runs in his blood. Now, he’s helping Bay Area health clinics screen for and address childhood trauma through the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative (RBC), led by Center for Care Innovations (CCI) and made possible by Genentech.
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The Healing Place Podcast - Lara Kain - Creating and Supporting Resilient and Trauma-Informed Schools and Communities

Teri Wellbrock ·
As the Southern California community facilitator for ACEs Connection and independent consultant, Lara brings her deep understanding of the importance of schools as community drivers for change. Lara is an experienced educator and consultant who speaks nationally on implementing trauma-informed practices in schools and building holistic, trauma-responsive systems.
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What We Can Do About Toxic Stress []

Marianne Avari ·
By the Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. As adults, experiencing toxic stress that just doesn’t let up—caused by things like violence or poverty, not being able to find a job, or not having enough to eat or a place to live—can feel overwhelming, like a heavy burden. Much like a truck that’s been loaded down with too much weight so it can’t move forward, these difficult circumstances can make it challenging to get through life. It can make you feel like you can only plan one...
Blog Post

Whole People Series & Study Guide (

Christine Cissy White ·
There's a fantastic five-part series, Whole People , done by PBS, " spotlighting the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) through personal and community stories. It explores the long-term costs to personal well-being and our society. While much work needs to be done, there are many innovative developments to prevent and treat ACES. We all play a role in becoming a whole people." It's amazing. The five topics covered are as follows: Childhood Trauma Healing Communities A New...
Blog Post

Why We Need to Talk About the Serious Health Implications of Childhood Trauma []

By Mary Wilde, Yahoo Lifestyle, March 18, 2020 Despite four years of medical school, three years of residency and over a decade in practice, I was never taught the profound connection between high childhood stress and increased risk of chronic disease. It was at a community event sponsored by our local school district that I first learned it, as I watched the documentary entitled, “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.” Suddenly, the medical education I had been...
Blog Post

Confronting Racism, Overcoming COVID-19, & Advancing Health Equity []

Mai Le ·
February 2021 · By Adriana Ramos-Yamamoto and Monica Davalos The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the depths and reach of racism on the health of children, families, and individuals, with communities of color in California experiencing higher rates of illness, death, and overall hardship due to the virus. This devastation must be the catalyst for California policymakers to acknowledge that racism has caused lasting and negative impacts on communities of color. While some local policymakers...
Blog Post

Peer-to-Peer-Resilient Parenting: Tools and Strategies that Work

Lorry Leigh Belhumeur ·
Peer-to-Peer - Resilient Parenting: Tools and Strategies that Work. A two-hour discussion of tools and strategies that providers can use with parents to buffer toxic stress and build resiliency in their children. Learn how to talk to parents about ACEs, support the process of parental coregulation, and promote buffering through healthy coping. Join us on Wednesday 3.03.21. ⁠
Blog Post

'No one is sure what to expect': Schools, colleges add more counseling services to address student mental health []

By Carolyn Jones, EdSource, March 16, 2021 As students begin returning to the classroom as the pandemic eases, schools are bracing for an onslaught of serious mental health conditions that, for some students, may take years to overcome. In the year that campuses were closed due to Covid-19, students experienced waves of loneliness, fear, upheaval and grief. Some lost loved ones, others saw their parents lose their jobs and their families sink into poverty. Nearly all experienced a degree of...
Blog Post

Childhood friendship and problems of communication with friends

Former Member ·
Being a parent is hard work that moms and dads do, often without special skills and training. And if you successfully manage to cope with the problems of small children that arise in the family circle, then keep your sanity and respond correctly to the child's experiences, for example, due to the lack of friends in kindergarten, on the street, or at school, sometimes might be challenging. So, for most parents, the life of their child seems successful and happy when a son or daughter is in a...
Blog Post

Parent-Child Conflicts: Resolution Options

Lauren Adley ·
What creates a conflict situation and leads to the "heat of passions"? Obviously, the point is a clash of interests between the parent and the child, which gives rise to a conflict.
Blog Post

A Strengths-Based Approach Brings HOPE to ACEs

Kerry. Jamieson ·
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released its first in a series of reports called “Snapshots” after polling 3,000+ parents about their experiences during the pandemic. Surprisingly, while many of the findings were concerning, most people reported a deepening relationship with their children despite the stress and tension they were experiencing.
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How We Heal from Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
It’s not time, but an integrated recovery plan that heals.
Blog Post

How to heal our national exhaustion (

Kim Dangerfield, ·
By Anna North Jan 27, 2022, 8:00am EST What comes after burnout? That’s the question facing a lot of Americans as we stagger into 2022 still carrying the burden of a pandemic on our shoulders, plus some other burdens including but not limited to the increasingly devastating effects of climate change, the real and disturbing threats to democracy , and the seeming inability of the highest levels of the US government to address these dangers . It’s even boring to talk about how much any of us —...
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The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration

PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.
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