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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

A program to Teach ACEs concepts/Importance of Avoiding Toxic Stress to Parents at our Local Lutheran Church. Ideas?

Hi everyone. I wanted to get some input. Our Lutheran Church has asked if I might be interested in working with mothers at risk due to ACEs in their own childhood's for negative outcomes in their children and to work with the church to develop a program to work with parents who want to learn about these important concepts.  


1. I am not religious but I don't think I have to be to do this but 

2. I am a doctor - so though I ask parents about ACEs when they bring kids in for behavioral problems, I haven't spoken to a group of parents with the targeted goal to help them understand ACEs on their child's development and attachment. 


I could probably put something together on my own. But I am always looking not to re-invent the wheel.  Do any of you do this work with your local church? Are there outlines of programs that I could review and possibly utilize after discussion with our church?  Thanks Tina


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So sorry for the slow response. I'm about ready to go to print with a 12 lesson Biblical/Scientific Principles ACE Overcomers book and a 12 lesson Scientific Principles ACE Overcomers book. Either would be appropriate for church. Additionally, I have a 12 lesson DVD that would be appropriate for bible study classes. It will take me a few weeks to get the books finished, but the DVDs are ready. You can find the DVDs at

Take care.

Hi - I have done exactly this for both faith-based communities as well as schools (teachers and kids).  I have a presentation all set - where are you located?  Perhaps we could do something together that you could then carry forward?  I have presented to Episcopal churches in Philadelphia; and I live in Elkins Park, just north of N. Philly.  Feel free to contact me directly:  Oh - I see you are in Michigan. That'd be a tough one to coordinate.  Happy to share info, though --



Last edited by Krys Cooper
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