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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

5 Years Ago and 5 Weeks Later (AZTIFC) – The 4th Annual Building Resilient Church Conference

Pure Heart Church, Glendale, Arizona

5 Years Ago and 5 Weeks Later (AZTIFC) –  The 4th Annual Building Resilient Church Conference

As the founder of The Faithful City, I also founded Arizona Trauma Informed Faith Community (AZTIFC) five years ago. It was out of my life with a traumatic season and powerful healing journey with trauma informed care (TIC) that includes my faith tradition and practice. AZTIFC has been in an exponential growth as a grassroots movement, collaborating with all other social sectors to build a trauma informed community in the State of Arizona. The movement was reported and blogged many times including the PACEs Connection article two years ago.

The global community has been tremendously suffering from the collective trauma with the covid virus pandemic. In the States, we also went through a national crisis and socio-political unrest with racial and historical trauma. I blogged with the statement on behalf of AZTIFC, facing deep sorrow and traumatic reactions from the community.

Despite all the challenges and struggles, AZTIFC and the movement advanced every day. I am so grateful for God’s unconditional love and his divine presence. Words are not enough to express my appreciation for the mentors and colleagues with their sacrificial collaboration and exceptional expertise in the movement.

Thousands of people were influenced. Hundreds of trainings and presentations were provided. Numerous organizations have been on the journey with trauma informed cultural change and leadership development. I am launching a faith committee with several national leaders at Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) this month.

Five weeks later, The 4th Annual Building Resilient Church Conference will be held on Friday, February 11 at Pure Heart Church in Glendale, Arizona. Dan Steffen (Senior Pastor, Pure Heart), Brenda Cochran (Director of Counseling, Pure Heart), and I, as co-founders of the conference, invite you all to this impactful hybrid conference with local and national leaders. Please join us and be a co-journeyer in the movement.

Rev. Sanghoon Yoo, MSW, MDiv.

The 4th Annual Building Resilient Church Conference

Date:          Friday, February 11, 2022

Time:          830 am – 430 pm (in-person), 830 am – 12 pm (virtual)

Place:         Pure Heart Church (14240 N. 43rd Ave. Glendale, AZ. 85306)

Register:   Participant


=Morning Session (830 am – 12 pm)

Dan Steffen, Brenda Cochran, Sanghoon Yoo – Welcome & Invocation

Kavita Bernstein (Chair, Arizona ACEs Consortium) – Intro to ACEs

Dan Steffen & Tyler Johnson (Lead Pastor, Redemption Church) – Trauma Informed Church

Dr. Robert Rhoton (CEO, Arizona Trauma Institute) – Biology of Trauma

Rick Griffin (Director, Community Resilience Initiative) – Racial Reconciliation with TIC Lens

Jesse Kohler (Executive Director, CTIPP) – Trauma Informed Advocacy & Policy Making

Laura Howe (Founder, Church Mental Health Summit) – Care Ministry & Resilience

Brenda Cochran & Sanghoon Yoo – AZTIFC Movement and Future Journey

=Afternoon Breakout Session (130 pm - 3 pm)

-ACEs 101 & Resilience: Rick Griffin & Marcia Stanton (Founder, Arizona ACEs Consortium)

-Trauma Informed Policy & Advocacy: Jesse Kohler & Nancy Barto (State Senator)

-Substance Use & Faith-Based Training: Sanghoon Yoo & Tracy Cruickshank (Maricopa County Dept of Public Health)

-The Whole Person Intervention & Compassion Fatigue: Brenda Cochran & Laura Howe

-Pastoral Care & Volunteer Development: Brian Carson (Pastoral Care, Pure Heart Church)

-Trauma Informed School & Family Involvement: Laura Wiggins (Regional Director, The Menta Group) & Robin Blumenthal (Author, AZTIFC Tucson Regional Director)

=AZTIFC Tracks Meet Up & Networking (3 pm - 430 pm)

AZTIFC Track Leaders and Interest Group Networking

-ACE 101 and Trauma Informed Community Building

-Addiction and Recovery

-Children and Family

-Clinical Service and Whole Person Healing

-Historical Trauma and Cultural Humility

-Court System and First Responders

-Human Trafficking and Abuse

-Mental Illness - Peer and Family Support

-Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy

-Refugees and Migration

-Spiritual Formation and Mindfulness

-Veterans and Moral Injury

-Seriously Mentally Ill and Advocacy

-Grief and Loss


14240 N. 43rd Ave. Glendale, AZ. 85306

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