Tagged With "Study"
Blog Post
Author of "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks" study connects with the Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Community
I was pleased to be able to connect with my friend and colleague in trauma-informed ministry, Sanghoon Yoo (@thefaithfulcity), a few weeks ago to present insights into how trauma-informed care connects with the heart of the Christian gospel. God is continuing to work through the amazing churches, pastors, ministry leaders, and participants in the Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Initiative, and it was encouraging to see how many were able to turn out, even on a busy Monday afternoon. We...
Blog Post
Covenant Pastors Collaborate to address Mental Health, ACEs
I couldn't be prouder of my home church, Headwaters Covenant Church in Helena, MT. Throughout the fall, we have been purposefully and carefully addressing subjects that the church often avoids. Among these topics are the family dysfunction that results from generational trauma, the prevalence of adversity in childhood within families in Montana, training in suicide awareness and prevention, and moral injury (especially among our veterans and service men and women). Just this last Sunday we...
Blog Post
Elevate Montana - Helena Affiliate and "trial run" of new trauma-informed curriculum for churches
To date, over 80 copies of the curriculum Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks: a six week study of trauma-informed ministry and compassionate care for children from hard places and situations have gone out around the country. Released this past spring, most have ordered it to preview the materials prior to utilization this coming fall. So, while feedback has been positive, there have been few users with specific comments related to how their teaching experience has gone (because, well... they...
Blog Post
Ground-breaking Bible study on trauma-informed ministry/ACEs now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble
I've been busy trying to make the study as accessible and available to those interested in sharing trauma-informed principles within their churches and fellowships, and I am pleased to announce a few new developments: First, the study is available as an e-book on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. In fact, to celebrate the release of the book on Barnes and Noble, you can get the study for half price through June 15. Just use the code BNPCHRIS50) at check out! Click HERE to go directly to the...
Blog Post
New and improved 2nd edition of the "Bruised Reeds & Smoldering Wicks" trauma-informed curriculum for churches now available!
I am pleased to announce that a NEW, 8-week version of the study, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," is now available. This 2nd edition includes input I received from the ACEsConnection community and others which resulted in two additional weeks of material. You still get the movie, "Paper Tigers," and the licensing to show it to up to 250 in an educational or religious setting, but there is much more... And, while a number of edits have gone into this second edition of the curriculum, my...
Blog Post
Six-week adult Sunday school curriculum on trauma-informed ministry coming soon!
Within the next month, I will be making available a draft version of an adult Sunday School curriculum that will introduce the concept of trauma-informed ministry to churches. If there are members of ACEsConnection that would like to "test run" the curriculum, I'd be honored if you'd reach out to me in the comments section or via a direct message. Email works, too! Just send to chrish@intermountain.org. The curriculum just takes a look at the "slice" of trauma-informed ministry that I am...
Blog Post
Trauma-Informed Ministry study, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks" now an Amazon ebook!
Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks is a study on the intersections between the science of adversity in childhood (ACEs), trauma, and ministry. Suitable for individuals exploring how their faith and the science of brain development, toxic stress, and spiritual formation are connected, this study is best explored by small groups that want to being trauma-informed ministry interventions and outreach within their faith communities. This e-book version doesn't have the videos that are part of the...
Re: Elevate Montana - Helena Affiliate and "trial run" of new trauma-informed curriculum for churches
Chaplain Chris - Thank you for your work in this area. I am connected with the faith based community in the Walla Walla area. We have been living the Paper Tigers story for several years. I applaud your connection between the science and Christian principles. Keep up the good work and keep the faith. Blessing
Re: Author of "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks" study connects with the Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Community
It was a great day of connection, teaching & learning and lovely fellowship in this movement. Thank you, Chris, for coming and sharing your message with us!!
Re: Six-week adult Sunday school curriculum on trauma-informed ministry coming soon!
Hi Chris, Yes, I'd like to "test run" with you. James.Christy@aocLife.org How will you deliver the courses? Video? LMS? PDF?
Re: Six-week adult Sunday school curriculum on trauma-informed ministry coming soon!
Hi, Chris, I'm interested in seeing what you have created. I've led/ invited a variety of presentations in my congregation, but we haven't had a coherent program of any sort specific to trauma. Please share. Peace, Jaime
Re: Six-week adult Sunday school curriculum on trauma-informed ministry coming soon!
This is great! I would love to share this with my clergy network.
Re: Six-week adult Sunday school curriculum on trauma-informed ministry coming soon!
Christina, Jaime, and James-- Thank you for your interest! I am building a list of those that are interested in testing out the curriculum, and the best way for me to get your information would be via email. Could you send me your contact information to chrish@intermountain.org if you haven't already? Thank you! Chris
Blog Post
Perhaps now is the time for your church to become trauma-informed?
Wondering what your church can do in response to the unrest, riots, and disharmony we see? Perhaps this is the time to invest in becoming trauma-informed using "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," a study where sound biblical principles intersect with the science of adversity and trauma. Order on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/ Bruised-Reeds-Smoldering-Wi cks-trauma-informed/dp/ 1733812318 Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks is a study on the intersections between the science of adversity...
Blog Post
Register now! Dr. Bruce Perry to discuss historical trauma and help launch new "Connecting Communities One Book at a Time" book study with his best-seller, "What Happened to You?"
Please join us on June 28 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET for a virtual conversation with best-selling author Bruce Perry. Ingrid Cockhren , CEO of PACEs Connection; Mathew Portell , PACEs Connections’ director of communities, and Perry, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist, will engage in a conversation concerning historical trauma and Perry’s best-selling book " What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience and Healing, " which he co-authored with Oprah Winfrey. Please share this blog...
Blog Post
Register now to lead a "What Happened to You?" book study and attend leader training on July 27!
Register NOW to learn how to lead a book study of What Happened to You? by Bruce D. Perry, MD PhD, and Oprah Winfrey in your community! Learn how you can bring a book club on to your community and help inspire a desire to work together to create a more equitable society. Come hear lessons learned and tips about how you can use the Alliance’s book club guide in working with your community. Children’s Trust Fund Alliance (CFTA) will conduct this training on Wednesday, July 27, 3-5 p.m. ET.
Blog Post
Trauma-Informed Ministry preaching series--Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks, Week 1, Jesus and the children (Luke 18:15-17)
In 2016, on the "old" ACEsConnection site, I posed the question: Was Jesus' Ministry Trauma-Informed? What resulted was a definition for a trauma-informed ministry that has been used and cited by others (based on the SAMHSA guidelines for a trauma-informed organization), a post that has been viewed over 4,000 times ( LINK ) and a curriculum that I wrote as part of my doctoral program at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon: Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks . It is an eight-week...
Blog Post
Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks, week 2: "Where comfort comes from and advocacy begins" (2 Cor. 1:3-6) - Pastor Chris Haughee
In 2016, on the "old" ACEsConnection site, I posed the question: Was Jesus' Ministry Trauma-Informed? What resulted was a definition for a trauma-informed ministry that has been used and cited by others (based on the SAMHSA guidelines for a trauma-informed organization), a post that has been viewed over 4,000 times ( LINK ) and a curriculum that I wrote as part of my doctoral program at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon: Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks . It is an eight-week...
Re: Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks, week 2: "Where comfort comes from and advocacy begins" (2 Cor. 1:3-6) - Pastor Chris Haughee
Highly recommend Pastor Haughee's "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks!"