Tagged With "residential services"
Blog Post
Drawing connections, building empathy and resilience in traumatized children
At Intermountain's residential services, we have spent a lot of time this past month focusing on thankfulness, gratitude, and recognizing how richly we have been blessed. This has allowed me, as their chaplain, to encourage empathetic responses to the needs of others while also building a positive self-image as each child recognizes that they have something to give others. Woven into this narrative was a recognition of our interdependence and that it is not a sign of weakness to acknowledge...
Re: Drawing connections, building empathy and resilience in traumatized children
Thanks for sharing these ideas to create a space for God in trauma-informed care. I am also working on creative thoughts and ideals for faith-based TIC.
Blog Post
Helpful resource... a "checklist" for trauma-sensitive worshipping communities
I am a practical person... and in ministry I am one of those that asks questions like, "Can you give me some examples?" and "How would that look in MY ministry setting?" While theoretical knowledge is helpful, and ACEs science is amazing and interesting in its own right, trauma-informed/trauma-sensitive ministry must actually APPLY that knowledge in order to help anyone. So, as my colleague Rev. Sami Pack-Toner (chaplain, Intermountain Residential ) and I prepared for the Mountain Sky...
Re: Helpful resource... a "checklist" for trauma-sensitive worshipping communities
Thank you for sharing this valuable resource. So on point and applicable. Blessings.